Someone once said "every girl is single", in the sense that if you only act 'alpha' enough, or have more money and social status than her current boyfriend, that she will leave him for you. Therefore don't worry that she has a boyfriend. Just show your dominance and steal her.
It's funny how they never take it to the next step though. So you've now seduced her and 'proven' you're better, yet it doesn't cross your mind she'll do the same damn thing to YOU? Leave you when someone better comes around?
Or did you really think there can be no 'better' man than you? Yeah ok, bro.
Sure, the 'every girl is single' logic works great for pumping and dumping, but don't tell me you expect to find any sort of LTR material with this method. If she leaves him for you; she'll leave you for another him!!!
This is no world for the open-hearted. Love, or what we call love, does not tangibly exist.
"Every girl is single" = every girl is a fucking whore.
[–]Eyes_Of_The_Dragon 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)