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all 83 comments
[–]theskyismine -15 points-16 points-17 points  (1 child)
I can't wait for the Feminist Hordes to be the next Total War: Warhammer DLC!
[–]MobiusSonOfTrobius -1 point-2 points-3 points  (0 children)
break out the Multiple Wollstonecraft Launch System
[–]VoteRonaldRayGunEsq. Dilderbrd Group -44 points-45 points-46 points  (1 child)
Notch got gilded for pretty much saying.
"go fuck yourselves I'm rich and could buy all of you"
There's a /r/LateStageCapitalism in this somewhere.
[–]MobiusSonOfTrobius -9 points-10 points-11 points  (0 children)
there's something simultaneously funny and sad about some dude giving a two dollar gift to a billionaire
[–]danthI'm your cuckleberry -26 points-27 points-28 points  (5 children)
Mansplaining is a word that so strongly resonated with people's experience that it went viral.
C*ntfused does not share that distinction. It's just a word made up in a failed attempt to make a point.
Maybe if women were a privileged class who were constantly confused in an obnoxious and condescending way, "c*ntfused" would make sense. But since that's not the case, people who try to use it to make a point instead reveal that they don't understand context.
Men are just angry that "mansplaining" so accurately and hilariously lampoons their completely un-self aware and privileged behavior.
[–]KittyWithASnapback -5 points-6 points-7 points  (3 children)
I think they're annoyed by the childishness of the word, like the fact that it's just two words crammed into each other and sounds really immature, if instead of using the word "mansplaining" you used the definition of the word people probably wouldn't have as big of an adverse reaction to it.
[–]laiki -1 point-2 points-3 points  (0 children)
Honestly I don't like the word because it gives off a bad southern accent vibe. I never understood why it caught on when there must be better names for the whole concept of men feigning superior knowledge.
[–]danthI'm your cuckleberry --4 points--3 points--2 points  (1 child)
I'll admit it's not as witty as "mantrum" since it doesn't rhyme. But you can't argue with success. The word has caught on for a reason.
[–]starshiprarity -10 points-11 points-12 points  (0 children)
"I'm not mansplaining, I'm just proceeds to talk over you and claim all your experiences are invalid"
Always brings me to tears, laughing and crying
[–]honeyinyoureyes -32 points-33 points-34 points  (0 children)
Oh, yes. We live in a world in which women are in power (just look at how SRS totally controls reddit!). Women's opinions are taken way more seriously, and we try to stop men from exercising their FREE SPEECH by using sexist words like mansplaining.
Bahaha. If only. :)
[–]ameoba -49 points-50 points-51 points  (20 children)
Reddit's sure got a thing for misogynist billionaire assholes on Twitter.
[–]mas9055IL NE FAUT PLUS QU'ON PURSUIVE LE BONHEUR -33 points-34 points-35 points  (19 children)
Wonder how big notch's hands are...
[–]ghoststory -16 points-17 points-18 points  (18 children)
this isn't necessarily the space to have a discussion but isn't going after trump's hands kind of like patriachal, like saying "look how puny his hands are, he's not a real man?" even with the fact that trump tries to like play into patriarchy and talk big about world issues, it still seems low. like we don't have enough to dismiss him simply by what he says you know? #OffMyChest
[–]Occupier_9000Rationalogical Empiricable Scientifical Biotruths -40 points-41 points-42 points  (6 children)
I think they are more ridiculing the whole absurdity of the hand/penis size question actually being discussed at national level political debate---as an example of these types obsession with toxic masculinity.
[–]Deecksy -12 points-13 points-14 points  (2 children)
The whole election just reeks of unprofessionalism to me. Why are the future leaders of the country trading insults like spiteful children, why are they allowed to say patently false and awful things about large groups of people and get away with it?
[–]DakotaJ6 -4 points-5 points-6 points  (0 children)
Because capitalism thrives on breaking solidarity.
[–]KappaHelpBot -2 points-3 points-4 points  (0 children)
Since (IIRC VERY late 90's early 00's) when news organizations rushed and abused their relabeling from being a 'news focused business' to an 'entertainment based business'. Largely a part of how terrible the DMCA is written and was upheld in the early 2000's.
Modern American politics is heavily all about the drama now. Because of 'how fast' world news go many news companies are afraid if they wait on a story for details the other stations could cover it, get views, and already be on the 'next story' by the time a well written report is done.
Mix in twitter and facebook (to an extent) is FUELING this fire for politics and such to become more drama filled with 'twitter fights' only make things worse. This is why many have put Trump is the 'modern candidate (sadly any way you look at it)' because of how much he backs twitter for metadata and how many connections he has in the media to pull favors and screen time.
The complexity of this issue really comes up with just how 'hard' it is to actually make solid money in the industry to build up and sustain a company. Cultivated short lived drama is MUCH more profitable and gets more clicks than long thought out articles/reports that have thought and time put into it.
[–]kapparothAsa Whiteman -2 points-3 points-4 points  (1 child)
It's not that Trump is innocent of promoting that kind of bullshit, so it's kind of fair if he gets judged by standards he had part in upholding and gets ridiculed.
[–]ghoststory -2 points-3 points-4 points  (0 children)
maybe, it's a tough call. it almost seems to be playing into his hands (no pun intended)
[–]sevgonlernassauSJW of NASA -3 points-4 points-5 points  (0 children)
Trump's tiny hands is people trying to invoke the Streisand effect. Trump attempts to sue people that criticized him, thus tiny hands.
[–]agentbueller -10 points-11 points-12 points  (1 child)
I have really mixed feelings on this. I don't like to contribute to things like that, but at the same time (this is an example I've done) calling gamer gaters virgins sends them into an absolute frenzy. Now obviously attributing virginity to being a bad thing (especially because that's only really in men) is a shitty thing to do, but they just use thought terminating cliches to attack you and you're not going to change their mind. When is it okay to stoop to another person's level is I think what the question should be, and I've never believed the answer is "never."
[–]ghoststory -2 points-3 points-4 points  (0 children)
sure, fair enough, thanks for expounding a bit : )
[–]Iowa_Viking -5 points-6 points-7 points  (0 children)
It's mostly the fact that Trump himself first made such a big issue about it. To this day he sends pictures of his hands to the magazine that called him a "short fingered vulgarian." I doubt anyone would care if Trump wasn't such a fucking baby about it.
[–]kgbertonchucklecuck -3 points-4 points-5 points  (3 children)
I was so annoyed that Marco Rubio even brought it up in the first place, even more annoyed (albeit not surprised) that Trump dignified it by addressing it, and the most annoyed that people are still fucking talking about it.
I know it's just a meme and not worth my energy to be annoyed at. But by wasting our breath on that, we're diverting attention from actual dangerous things like his not-veiled-at-all incitement of racial violence to inconsequential, unsubstantive frivolities.
[–]The_RocktopusI read my Torah. Needed an editor. -2 points-3 points-4 points  (0 children)
It was not surprising. Rubio was the laziest of all the candidates. He did nor know what he was doing and did not care to learn.
[–]ghoststory -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
also fair !
[–]laiki -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
I don't think it diverts from more serious issues. Trump's rise to power is a serious issue and by ridiculing him you also lessen some of the sting of his bigotry. More people respond to stupid hand jokes than to serious discussions anyhow, so it's effective.
[–]mas9055IL NE FAUT PLUS QU'ON PURSUIVE LE BONHEUR -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
Speaking only for myself, I'm poking fun at how self-conscious he is about them. More mocking the toxic masculinity that leads a person to worry about that sort of thing in the first place.
ps: do agree with the rest, will bear this in mind going forward.
[–]danthI'm your cuckleberry -0 points-1 point-2 points  (1 child)
It's a joke that punches up. So far up that the butt of the joke is a rich white man who could possibly be our next president.
I think your concern is misplaced here.
[–]ghoststory -1 point-2 points-3 points  (0 children)
whether it's misplaced or not, I wanted to bring it up, and I'm glad i did!
[–]Ais3 -30 points-31 points-32 points  (10 children)
Notch is the ultimate neckbeard incarnate. Usually when good people have "fuck-you money", they try to help other people, not start petty twitter shit. Congrats on being a douchebag with millions.
But I also kind of don't care what people think I feel or what people think I think, as that has no actual impact on my reality.
Yyeeaah... you just wrote a 4 paragraph reply to reddit.
I'm sharing this with you because maybe I can get some of that sweet reddit karma, and also because I still care a little bit.
Yeah, you care.
[–]True_Eaglelibrarian -21 points-22 points-23 points  (8 children)
Anytime someone has to say, "I'm not (a bigot, racist, sexist, etc. etc.)," they 100% definitely are.
[–]MapleDialgaPowered by incel™ -1 point-2 points-3 points  (1 child)
I've found that saying "call me racist" usually works better than "I'm not racist" for me, because then I do a double take and reconsider what I'm about to say.
[–]True_Eaglelibrarian -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
I just don't say racist things. Except white people are the worst and white culture is a disease. That's real racism according to reddit.
[–][deleted]  (2 children)
    [–]Arcisat -5 points-6 points-7 points  (0 children)
    cry more
    [–]True_Eaglelibrarian -5 points-6 points-7 points  (0 children)
    Lol fuck off, manchild.
    I see we've drawn the attention of the angry cracker nerd herd.
    [–][deleted]  (1 child)
      [–]True_Eaglelibrarian -1 point-2 points-3 points  (0 children)
      "Are you a bigot?"
      [doesn't matter if yes or no]
      "that confirms you are "
      You can always count on a redditor to be annoyingly pedantic. Always quick to be the devil's avocado.
      Sure, let me be as specific as possible, whenever someone feels compelled to boldly preemptively proclaim that they're not this awful thing... They are, 100% percent of the time, that awful thing.
      Now, with that said, go fuck yourself.
      [–]Iowa_Viking -10 points-11 points-12 points  (0 children)
      I'm always disappointed when people who make things I like end up being shitty. Minecraft is a pretty fun game IMO, it just suck knowing Notch is kind of a dick.
      [–]Minn-ee-sottaaMarx, Lenin and revolution, real girls' talk. -31 points-32 points-33 points  (10 children)
      Well yeah, Notch is a privileged bourg fuck
      I wonder how these people would react if a woman tried to tell them gamers aren't dead and they're just overreacting
      [–]thiscommentisboringSocial Justice Waluigi -17 points-18 points-19 points  (1 child)
      I can't help but read bourg as borg and now I'm thinking about rich robots.
      [–]UnknownUser404CUCK-tor Strange SJW-cerer Supreme -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
      With the voice of a million Thurston Howell IIIs.
      [–]LauraHolt -20 points-21 points-22 points  (7 children)
      But he started poor and then earned all that money all by himself, so that means he can't be privileged now!
      It's ridiculous. In his self-aggrandizing defense at the top of that chain, he talks about realizing that his "fuck-you money" means that he can speak out about stuff without worrying about his public image.
      That's a wonderful example of extreme privilege. He's totally not privileged, though.
      [–]cakevodka -3 points-4 points-5 points  (1 child)
      And according to his bio his his parents bought land and built a house when he was very young, had the means to buy a brand new Commodore 128 when it came out, and his mother was well off enough that she was able to support him for years after he graduated high school because he refused to get a job.
      Doesn't sound like someone who grew up poor, even though he claims so in a tweet.
      [–]DankWeedHackerSJW Illuminati Officer -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
      Behind every success story is successful parents.
      [–][deleted]  (4 children)
        [–]Minn-ee-sottaaMarx, Lenin and revolution, real girls' talk. -19 points-20 points-21 points  (1 child)
        Except it's not satire I want to round up white men and have fully automated luxury gay space communism anarchy
        [–]grammatikermy male sexuality is the healthiest -12 points-13 points-14 points  (0 children)
        You can white male genocide me if it brings about so glorious a future.
        [–]DoogieHueserMD -9 points-10 points-11 points  (1 child)
        Wealth gives him the ability to speak his mind when other people can't. Wealth is his privilege not whatever meme you're trying to spout.
        [–]MobiusSonOfTrobius -30 points-31 points-32 points  (14 children)
        wow, notch sounds like a huge piece of shit
        kind of ashamed at handing him my money now even though it was way back in 2011
        [–]HappyDecoy -14 points-15 points-16 points  (9 children)
        Luckily you will never get another chance to give that asshole money because Minecraft was his one good idea.
        [–]MobiusSonOfTrobius -5 points-6 points-7 points  (7 children)
        what? you didn't like his totally awesome trading card game?
        [–]HappyDecoy -3 points-4 points-5 points  (4 children)
        I like my card games how I like my higher education, incomplete.
        [–]MobiusSonOfTrobius -1 point-2 points-3 points  (0 children)
        can't argue with that logic
        [–][deleted]  (2 children)
          [–]HappyDecoy -1 point-2 points-3 points  (1 child)
          Sick burn, yo. If you need me, I'll be in my place.
          [–]EHP42 -0 points-1 point-2 points  (1 child)
          Hasn't that been abandoned?
          [–]MobiusSonOfTrobius -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
          I never paid it much mind beyond seeing a press release. I think a lot of the appeal of trading card games comes more from the fact that it takes time, effort, and (let's not forget) money to acquire a competitive deck rather than the game mechanics of any given thing. This gives it a sense of tangible value, and if you take all that out of the equation it just becomes a mediocre strategy game with anime monsters or whatever.
          I can't say too much though because my own interest in trading card games pretty much dried up when I was 12. Some friends in college (weird how this shit resurges in people's early twenties) got me to buy a ten dollar Yugi-Oh starter deck to play with them, but I played a handful of games before giving them away. Just never really saw the appeal.
          [–]gnodez/r/HateSubsInAction -8 points-9 points-10 points  (0 children)
          He didn't even do it well. The game is full of shit code. Ever since Notch left the devs have committed themselves to fixing his spaghetti.
          [–]so_srs -12 points-13 points-14 points  (3 children)
          Money made him a misanthrope. Seriously, he was not like this (at least in public) prior to Minecraft fatigue.
          [–]MobiusSonOfTrobius -6 points-7 points-8 points  (2 children)
          it's over for him now, though, he sold the IP to Microsoft a while ago and has a bunch of money and the freedom to do whatever? maybe he should get over himself
          [–]so_srs -15 points-16 points-17 points  (1 child)
          he has a bunch of money and the freedom to do whatever?
          That's pretty much the problem. Minecraft's success seems to have broken him, he apparently can't arse himself to do anything but sit in his mansion and call women names on the internet.
          [–]MobiusSonOfTrobius -4 points-5 points-6 points  (0 children)
          dude should put some kicks on and go for a walk instead of playing video games
          then again, who am i tell him that
          [–]mas9055IL NE FAUT PLUS QU'ON PURSUIVE LE BONHEUR -20 points-21 points-22 points  (1 child)
          Didn't he respond like a fourteen year old the_donald poster with something about "cuntsplaining"? No wonder redditors love him.
          [–]VorpalEskimoSummum bonum in mundo exterminium "albus populo". -18 points-19 points-20 points  (0 children)
          Ackshually it was "cuntfusing" thank you very much. /s
          Seriously I felt dirty just typing that.
          [–]kapparothAsa Whiteman -3 points-4 points-5 points  (0 children)
          Because everyone knows that a successful game designer is bound to be infallible in everything he says - that is, unless it's something favorable to
          [–]SRScreenshot ~Automated Poopologist v0.1~wow -2 points-3 points-4 points  (1 child)
          "Someone explained what "mansplaining" was and how they believed it brought women down and Notch said that it was a sexist word used to belittle men. This brought the feminist horde upon him as you'd probably expect." [+83]

          In reply to FuckedByCrap on "What's up with Notch on twitter?":
          He never once said what he wrote that pissed them off.
          At 2016-06-22 06:02:28 UTC, TheMightySloth wrote [+83 points: +83, -0]:
          If it's what I'm thinking of, someone explained what "mansplaining" was and how they believed it brought women down and Notch said that it was a sexist word used to belittle men.
          This brought the feminist horde upon him as you'd probably expect.
           This comment posted by a bot | Report an error | FAQ
          [–]Blazenburner -3 points-4 points-5 points  (1 child)
          I think snokus summed up pretty well how notch in bigoted in this
          Ofcourse its downvoted to hell atm
          [–]True_Eaglelibrarian -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
          Great post. Thoughtful, respectful, researched, constructive.
          It's at -5. Lol so Reddit it fucking hurts.
          [–]SeptaScoleraConfess. -1 point-2 points-3 points  (0 children)
          Dunno what I expected out of a dude who used 4chan to get help and feedback developing his game
          [–]Kerguelen1917Social Justice Cormorant -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
          LOK'TAR OGAR!
          [–]SRS-lyWitty remark here! -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
          I guess I'm even more out of the loop.
          Who is Notch and should I care?
          [–]LinnaYamazaki -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
          Ah yes, the feminist horde descended upon him and bullied the poor guy into silence.
          Of course, when the gators have any interaction with someone of an opposing ideology, they're heroes of free speech simply exercising their rights who do no wrong and it's those silly feminists and their fragile fee-fees that are just playing the crybully victim.
          [–][deleted]  (2 children)
            [–][deleted]  (1 child)
              [–]Budlight_year -4 points-5 points-6 points  (0 children)
              Nah pretty sure that notch is just a misognystic asshole
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