Since (IIRC VERY late 90's early 00's) when news organizations rushed and abused their relabeling from being a 'news focused business' to an 'entertainment based business'. Largely a part of how terrible the DMCA is written and was upheld in the early 2000's.
Modern American politics is heavily all about the drama now. Because of 'how fast' world news go many news companies are afraid if they wait on a story for details the other stations could cover it, get views, and already be on the 'next story' by the time a well written report is done.
Mix in twitter and facebook (to an extent) is FUELING this fire for politics and such to become more drama filled with 'twitter fights' only make things worse. This is why many have put Trump is the 'modern candidate (sadly any way you look at it)' because of how much he backs twitter for metadata and how many connections he has in the media to pull favors and screen time.
The complexity of this issue really comes up with just how 'hard' it is to actually make solid money in the industry to build up and sustain a company. Cultivated short lived drama is MUCH more profitable and gets more clicks than long thought out articles/reports that have thought and time put into it.