The_Donald 内の ZertoN_ によるリンク Black people twitter mod ENCOURAGES racism against white people

[–]dukbcaaj -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Trump would disavow white supremacists, with or without facts

The_Donald 内の ZertoN_ によるリンク Black people twitter mod ENCOURAGES racism against white people

[–]dukbcaaj[M] -5ポイント-4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yea, facts that belonged on coontown.

This is the_Donald. There's a difference

The_Donald 内の ZertoN_ によるリンク Black people twitter mod ENCOURAGES racism against white people

[–]dukbcaaj[M] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

We aren't coontown

Trump would disavow you


The_Donald 内の ZertoN_ によるリンク Black people twitter mod ENCOURAGES racism against white people

[–]dukbcaaj[M] [スコア非表示] stickied comment (0子コメント)


Coincidentally this mod also asked someone to kill themself.

This is /r/news 2.0


Drama 内の bass- によるリンク Univision exclusive on Omar Mateen’s secret gay life comes under fire

[–]dukbcaaj 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)

In seeking to verify the reports, federal agents have culled Mateen’s electronic devices, including a laptop computer and cellphone, as well as electronic communications of those who made the claims, law enforcement officials said.

So far, they have found no photographs, no text messages, no smartphone apps, no gay pornography and no cell-tower location data to suggest that Mateen — who was twice married to women and had a young son — conducted a secret gay life, the officials said.

They sure did go through a lot to look for signs of homosexuality

The_Donald 内の dukbcaaj によるリンク Exposing /r/shitredditsays 4.0

[–]dukbcaaj[S] 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

to know the double standards we're held down to in comparison to these SJW subs.

TheBluePill 内の CrazyTom54 によるリンク I Have A Question....

[–]dukbcaaj 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

You're everywhere on reddit!