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Theodore Shoebat Says Milo Yiannopoulos And Gavin McInnes Should Be Put To Death
Last week, in response to the deadly terrorist attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, gay right-wing commentator Milo Yiannopoulos organized an anti-Islam press conference, during which he kissed fellow anti-Islam activist and self-proclaimed "homophobe" Gavin McInnes as their way of saying "f**k you, Islam."
Needless to say, this display did not sit well with viciously anti-gay activist Theodore Shoebat, who released a video today calling for both men to be put to death.
"The only thing I can do is conclude that [McInnes] is a sodomite," Shoebat said, "Gavin McInnes is a sodomite plant, he is a deviant and he is worthy of death ... You are lower than the lowest bacteria. Pigs have more decency than you, Gavin McInnis. Swine has more decency, there are dogs that have more decency. What a sick, perverted individual you are! You are on the road straight to hell, Gavin McInnes. You are fooling them. You are full of demons. Your soul has been utterly possessed by the diabolical. You are worthy of execution! You are worthy of death. Bottom line."
"And that faggot that he kissed, Milo Yiannopoulos, is also worthy of death," Shoebat later declared. "If I had the power, I would string him up, put a noose around his neck, put him before a firing squad, any means necessary to annihilate these bastards. It's just so disgusting."
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