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[–]MiyegomboBayartsogtSupporter [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

Every time President "O is for 'Obscurantism'" opens his mealy mouth to lecture bad Americans about their serious lack of gun control, he sells citizens a million more AR-15's. We elected this gay son-of-two-Moslem-men because we felt sorry he couldn't find a decent job and wanted, as compassionate Americans always do, to try and placate his mean spirited, moody, transgender passing as the "wife." Sadly, the arrangement has left poor old Barack as disaffected as ever and his wife relationship has only gotten worse.

Obama would give his two-week notice if he could. The job never appealed to him. The hours too long, the naps too short. The cigarettes had to be sneaked and the binge drinking mitigated, the long lines of coke put off for a future date. To his great misfortune, Obama was one foreigner who never quite cottoned to America. Now, it takes all his effort to hide his incredible loathing for the great mass of unwashed taxpayers.

There was a time when Obama once wanted to be president. He just dreamed of being a president of a more deserving nation, one that listened and obeyed and worshiped him for the genius he could be. But the reality is no one listened to the prattling potentate's potential, and no one's listening still. Not even the emasculated Europeans. Well, a generation more importing millions of military aged Moslem migrants into Euroarabia will change all that. Sadly, by then it will be too late for Mullah Obama.

[–]artyfoul [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

We elected this gay son-of-two-Moselm-men

I don't like him either, but don't you think that's taking it a little too far?

placate his mean spirited, moody, transgender passing as the "wife".

Well that's just rude.

[–]Flobby17 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I bet you'd get a lot farther criticising him if you actually, you know, criticised him. Unbased personal attacks won't bring anyone to your side, you have to fight with logic and reason.