全 2 件のコメント

[–]gildredge 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Makes perfect sense to me. I'm inclined to agree with your assessment of them from what you've written here. People have to prove themselves as worthy of being followed before they are going to be followed, you can't simply skip straight to the unquestioned supreme leader position.

[–]cruelironage 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Nemester is atavisionary? Lol. Love your blog man and thank you for creating this place. It is where I found my real truth after taking the red pill. I don't need nor do I want a secret society to lead anything. I'll follow passivism and build from the ground up. Starting at the lowest level. By doing my best to create an amazing and aware family, with complete and utter transparency. Truth is what we are about. Hard truth. Truth that makes you feel sick at times. That may even make you vomit and nearly go mad. But the truth is always beautiful simply because it is true.

Truth over everything. My one God. The truth.

I do not need any group to tell me what to do. I just need the truth.