No matter how promising she may seem, no matter how flirtatious, seductive, attentive, respectful, reverential, needy, dependent, they all end up despising us over time. It may take a week, a month, a year, or a couple years. But in a relatively short amount of time the woman who can't spend enough time with you, can't talk to you enough, can't keep her hands off you, will grow to be physically nauseous in your presence, and, will avoid you like you are a contagious disease. She will recoil with revulsion if you touch her. If you ask her to do something together, she will become angry and pick a fight so you leave her alone. Once she has reached this point, there is no recovery. Gentlemen, when you see her attraction lowering and her repulsion growing, very quiety pull away and stay away. Your woman is turning to stone and vaginal secretions do not flow out of stones. It's not your fault, "all women are like that." It's their evolutionary programming.