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[–]g0atmeal4790k, 980Ti, 16GB, Cup Holder 8ポイント9ポイント  (8子コメント)

Very true. Circle-jerking aside, I think we can all agree that PC is objectively the best way to go. But you're going to spend a few hours planning, shopping, and comparing before the build, and 1-3 hours actually doing the assembling (especially for a first time). I don't blame most people for just buying a box and calling it a day.

What I don't understand is "dedicated" gamers that spend hours a day playing, and being a huge part of the culture and ecosystem, yet still prefer consoles. Really, it's just brand loyalty at that point.

[–]kad4724 10ポイント11ポイント  (5子コメント)

I might be able to offer a different perspective. I game a lot and have always done it on console my whole life. I've recently started looking at moving more to PC, but I think the part you're missing is where you say "a few hours planning, shopping and comparing before the build". You probably have at least a decent amount of tech knowledge, so a few hours might be all you need. I'm a total noob when it comes to building a PC, so I've started out with almost no knowledge of how to build whatsoever. I've been researching on and off (mostly on) for probably about a month now, and I'm still not 100% confident in my ability to build what I want and have it turn on the first time I press the power button. Now, I'm pretty obsessive about little details, so maybe I'm overdoing my research phase, but the intimidation factor definitely turns people like me off from doing their own builds. It's more than brand loyalty. I feel absolutely 0 obligation to be brand loyal to either Microsoft or Sony. It's more like inertia. It's just easier to keep doing what I've always done and play on console.

I can also guarantee that it will take me longer than 3 hours when I do get around to doing my build. Probably much longer, lol.

[–]FuujinSama 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

You're overthinking it, and it probably won't take longer than 3 hours. It's honestly rather straight forward.

If you haven't, you should just go to /r/buildapc and tell them your build and what you want to do, and they'll be really helpful.
I don't own a tower, but it's mostly because I don't really enjoy sitting on a pc, and prefer just laying with my laptop (It's not really laziness, I just spend way too much time sitting during the day and really don't want to keep doing it after I get home). It sucks that building your own laptop is not really viable yet.

[–]ThatActuallyGuyhttp://steamcommunity.com/id/SamuelLChang/ 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well, see 90% of your problem is purely intimidation and fear, and I think that's the case for most people on their first build. Ask anyone who's done it before and it's literally legos to us, plug shit where it fits then turn the thing on, and you'll feel the same way after your first build, but there's a lot of emotions wrapped up in the first time.

This is why I try to make it clear early and often that I'm excited to help people with their first computer build, not merely willing. it's SO comforting to have someone around who knows what they're doing and is just generally more laid back than you can be in that situation. Just did this for a friend recently, he tried building it on his own and when things wouldn't work he was super bummed [it does happen], but I was able to keep his spirits up and we eventually got the computer working [he had bent the pins of his AMD processor when installing it, I just carefully bent them back and it worked flawlessly].

if you have a friend who's built their own computer, rope them in now, they'll be immensely helpful both technically and emotionally. Just be willing to pay it forward if/when one of your friends goes down the same path.

[–]ericwdhsFX 8150, R9 290X 8GB, HTC Vive 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I was pretty lucky to have a parent who was building custom PCs as far back as '95 or so. In retrospect, I think that sparked much of my enthusiasm for technology and I could have ended up as just another console gamer had that not been the case.

Honestly, I don't really envy anyone who's trying to build their first custom PC and doesn't have anyone giving them personal guidance, especially if they don't have much of a tech background. In that case, I'd recommend skipping the stress of worrying about compatible parts and just copy a full build listed somewhere where all parts are guaranteed to work together. Logical Increments is my very favorite site to recommend for this purpose since it's so ridiculously straightforward and still gives you the ability to aim for a certain budget and level of performance. After you've gotten familiar with the setup process and quirks of your first build, you've got a pretty good foundation to start doing things that are more elaborate.

[–]albertowtfGlorious Debian Testing 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I can pickup and assemble the pc myself... but my last pc i just copied the build parts of a forum and paid 45 for the store to assemble it themselves...

Maybe newbies are afraid that PCMR is going to mock them or something... Im confident I did my best and only spent maybe a little more... i would never go the console route...

[–]USSRJew 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I used Newegg how to Build videos as I was assembling and everything went great.

[–]ralgradoi5-6500, 16GB DDR4, 500GB SSD 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

But you're going to spend a few hours planning, shopping, and comparing before the build

That's if you already have a bit of a clue about current hardware. I was reading /r/buildapc and /r/pcmasterrace for a month before I decided what I want to go with. I'm not even sure how I managed to workout my two previous builds but I guess if I would've done the same research back than, that I did now I would've build them different.

If you really have no clues about PCs I guess you would need 1-2 weeks of research to find something decent and be able to build it yourself. It's also the reason I don't like people saying pre-builds are bad in general when people ask about a specific one on /new. If it's a decent build, tell them how much they have to pay extra for not building it themselves and be done with it or tell them it's a shitty build for certain reasons.

[–]YouGotCalledAFaggot -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

I have a gaming PC. But I prefer to play on my console. Why? Well, because I just like using a controller. Which is basically the only reason I picked Xbox over PS4 because I like Xbox controllers. But most people will say, oh but you can use a controller on PC! Yeah, but I also like online multiplayer on shooters. And if I use a controller against a keyboard and mouse I'm gonna get smacked around all day. I still use my PC for gaming but just for single player mostly.