@PolitiFact Everything.
@PolitiFact all of it. -
@PolitiFact Facts are too much to handle for the Clinton propaganda agency!pic.twitter.com/sgV1SLfDC6 -
@PolitiFact You're going to be busy, better order lunch in today. -
@PolitiFact His claims that he's a supporter of LGBT rights. -
@PolitiFact I used to laugh when he gave these speeches, now I am incensed and terrified he might get elected. -
@PolitiFact That other countries are apparently taxing less than the US but can manage to provide free healthcare and college. -
@PolitiFact Shoutout to all the Politifact staffers who had plans for the rest of the day and thought they may leave on time tonight. Thanks -
@PolitiFact the whole thing had me shaking my head at the audacity of his ignorance and his arrogant lying with every heavy breath -
@PolitiFact Audible sniffing sounds, weird, low energy. Fact Check if he is ill -
@PolitiFact can I just say everything? - さらに表示
@PolitiFact Labored nasal inhaling. - さらに表示
@PolitiFact it was hard to actually hear him over all 12 people in the audience clapping - さらに表示
@PolitiFact Everything. -
@PolitiFact HRC "pledged" granting mass amnesty & ending immigration enforcement in 1st 100 days? -
When an org with a name like "
@PolitiFact", which you thought was meant literally, posts a bitchy partisan question.pic.twitter.com/cUWnipOpSq