The second part of my analysis of the HBD dictionary. Part one in the dictionary can be found here and part one in the series can be found here,
This pretty much follows the same patterns as the first half of the dictionary. Afe inconsistencies appear. More weird presentism, selective use of non-English words, and politically charged definitions.
What some of these observations imply:
The HBD is a hugely biased source. Not only are definitions often filled with politicised propositions there is a heavy reliance on a limited group; the French right, to source some of these claims.
Traditionalism abounds, and its used with these half stated arguments from induction:
Traditionally societies have done X
X is, therefore, a beneficial thing for society
Modern society does not do x
Therefore modern society could be better by doing x
They never state the conclusions, but it is highly implied, and this is a strange thing for a dictionary to be doing. Compounding the politicisation of the text and moulding it to fit an agenda. The same phrases could have been added without the politicisation and it would seem a much more reputable source.
Dictionary Part 2
Gentillesse: Medieval eugenics concept. Refinement and courtesy resulting from good breeding.
Good manners, or refinement, or social graces, or courtesy from good breeding seems to be the sorts of thing gentillesse refers to. Relating it to eugenics is problematic, however, eugenics distinctly refers to the alteration of genes. This is a pre-Mendel term so genetics is not even conceptualised. It’s very presentist.
Germen: Popularized by Guillaume Faye. A people’s or civilization’s biological root. In Latin, germen means ‘germ’, ‘seed.’ If a culture is lost, recovery is possible. When the biological germen is destroyed, nothing is possible.
Again with the French right. There have been other right wing movements. Germen also refers to an ethnic group, and to mean “people from Germany” and a surname, so really, fuck Googling this. Another one of their technical terms happily accepted. That being said, just because I accept that germen can be used to mean a civilization’s biological root does not mean I think such a thing exist. I accept unicorn refers to a horned equine with supposedly ‘magical’ abilities to fly and heal even the most grevious of injuries, I don’t think unicorns exist.
Green Beard Effect: A term coined by Dawkins for the situation in which a gene has two effects (pleiotropy), one of which produces a recognizable phenotypic trait (the hypothetical Green Beard) and the other produces the tendency to manifest altruistic behavior toward others who also manifest that trait. It occurs when a gene, or linked genes, produce three phenotypic effects: (1) a perceptible trait — the hypothetical "green beard";
(2) recognition of this trait in others; and (3) preferential treatment to those recognized.
This is an accurate description of the green beard effect. It is notable that this theory is not universally accepted.
Group Selection: The theory that natural selection also operates at the level of the group and not just the individual organism.
Agreed, another accurately defined basic scientific term.
Hamilton's Rule: From the gene's point of view, evolutionary success ultimately depends on leaving behind the maximum number of copies of itself in the population. W. D. Hamilton proved mathematically that, because close relatives of an organism share some identical genes, a gene can also increase its evolutionary success by promoting the reproduction and survival of these related or otherwise similar individuals. Hamilton claimed that this leads natural selection to favor organisms that would behave in ways that maximize their inclusive fitness.
A weird way to express a rule which can be expressed much more succinctly as:
r x B > C
r = genetic relatedness of recipient to the actor
B = reproductive benefit of altruistic act
C = reproductive cost to performing the act.
Is difficult to demonstrate, as B and C are difficult to quantify. Was verified in 2010, showing squirrels adopt related orphans, but not non-related orphans.1
HBD: Human Bio-Diversity.
I have already been liberally using this acronym, with this meaning through my posts.
Hereditarian: The view, contra culturalism, that many (although not all) human behaviors are hereditary. This view is ancient (present among the Greeks, Romans, ancient Germans, Chinese, Japanese, etc.) and was the dominant view until the rise of culturalism/Boasianism/Cultural Marxism in the early 20th century.
Weaker claim than race-realism. Happy to accept this as a technical term, but I want to know how that many in the first sentence is defined. Another example of the acceptance of an idea by past cultures as justification.
Identity: Etymologically, ‘that which makes singular’. A people’s identity is what makes it incomparable and irreplaceable.
As far as I remember this the first use of etymology in this dictionary. Weird place to use it. Only discusses identity on the context of a group of people, ignoring any discussion of personal identity. Perhaps it will come up later. I would probably go for “The fact of thing being what that thing is” if I was just going for a quick definition, it allows for a wider scope than the definition presented in this resource.
Ignatiev Fallacy: The fallacious claim made by Cultural Marxists, trying to deflate the concept of race, that the Irish were once thought of as non-white, which is nonsensical when one considers peroid literature (e.g. Phineas Finn) or considers that there were never anti-miscegenation laws directed against the Irish (but there were anti-miscegenation laws directed against blacks and other non-Europeans). Regarding modern population genetics, Cavalli-Sforza's genetic distance charts show that all Europeans are closely related. For instance, in terms of genetic distances, the English are over 100x more closely related to the Irish than to blacks. Bryan Sykes has foundthat the British Isles to be quite homogenous.
This seems to be named after Noel Ignatiev, who wrote How the Irish Became White. I haven’t read the book. I will just accept that they disagree with its conclusions, and accept this name as the summary of their dissent. Hopefully one of them reviews the book at some point in the resource.
Implicit Processing: Involves most of the activities going in our brains in our daily life. It is unconscious, automatic, effortless, relatively fast, and involves parallel processing of large amounts of information.
The inverse of explicit processing I discussed in my last post. Perhaps related to the Surrealist concept of automatic art.
*Implicit whiteness: Tendency of white people to associate with other white people (e.g. at environmentalist clubs, conservative clubs, book clubs, classical music events, etc.) while often simultaneously denouncing "racism."
Implicit bourgeois: Tendency of bourgeois people to associate with other bourgeois people (e.g. at environmentalist clubs, conservative clubs, book clubs, classical music events, etc.) while often simultaneously denouncing "inequality."
Sorry, that was bad. I just couldn’t help it. I would suggest that most of the things they mentioned are quite middle/upper class though.
Impulse control: Lack of human impulse control may be adaptive in hunter-gatherer societies, as most daring males seem to sire the most offspring. However, in agricultural or post-agricultural societies (e.g. Europe or North Asia) impulse control seems to be adaptive. It has been surmised that Sub-Sahara blacks have a genetic disposition making them lack impulse control.
So, because they don’t provide any sources I can be sloppy with mine. From Wikipedia: “It is likely that there is a strong genetic component to deferred gratification, though no direct link has been established. Since many complex genetic interactions are necessary for neurons to perform the simplest tasks, it is hard to isolate one gene to study this behaviour”.
Also, this isn’t a definition of “Impulse control.” It is a hypothesis on the cause of variation in impulse control between groups of humans.
Inclusive Fitness: An evolutionary theory, according to which an organism can improve its overall genetic succes by cooperative, social behavior. The theory holds that the total fitness of an organism is influenced both by its classical fitness (how many of its own offspring it produces and supports) but also by the number of equivalents of its own offspring it can add to the population by supporting others similar to itself (kin or co-ethnics).
This is a legitimate theory.2 It is not universally accepted, however. This, along with Hamilton’s Rule, is part of the theory of kin selection.
Involution: According to Guillaume Faye, the regression of a civilization or species to maladaptive forms that lead to the diminishing of its vital forces. Cultural involution has been stimulated by the decline of education, the regression of knowledge, the collapse of social norms, the immersion of youth in a world of audio/visual play [and] the Africanization of European culture.
Again with the French right. I’d love to see this data on the so called ‘cultural involution.’
Kin Selection: The selection of genes so as to cause individuals to favor their close genetic relatives (or others of the same race) as they are statistically likely to share genes in common. Often invoked to provide a neo-Darwinian explanation of behaviors such as altruism.
An article on the idea notes the value of Hamilton’s kin theory, several theoretical claims including “Hamilton’s Rule” which relate to altruistic behaviour and genetics, but also acknowledges empirical variation has been difficult to find.3 A more recent article, from 2011, however, claims kin selection has come under fire recently, however, it claims that these attacks do not succeed.4 I am sure I will encounter more on this later, and will do more in depth research then.
Leukophobia: The fear of white people organizing racially.
I couldn’t find any fantastic sources on it. Three claim it is the fear of the colour white. 5, 6, 7. One claims it is the fear of the colour, of white people. 8
Lewontin’s Fallacy: The fallacious (misleading, and irrelevant) claim that there is more genetic diversity within a population than between populations. Popularized by Marxist Richard Lewontin. See here and here.
Another sourced claim, cool. Wikipedia has quite a large article on one of the sources, which actually seems to have stirred a deal of controversy.. The prevailing opinion seems to be that, while a percentage of difference between geographic groups of humans may be explained by genetic difference this does not invalidate the claim that race as typically used is a social construct, nor do we know the extent of these differences.
Liberal Creationists: Those who profess to believe in Darwinism buy deny biological reality of race and seem to think that human evolution for past 50k years has occurred only from the neck down. In other words, they believe in miracles.
Call your opponents after a pseudo-science (not to mention the connotations Liberal has in some circles) and you suddenly look much better.
Low Mate Value: When a person lacks fitness indicators or has negative indicators (e.g. is overweight, asymmetrical, conventionally unattractive, unintelligent, etc.). For example, it has been observed that many white women who date black men have low mate value.
The source doesn’t source it’s claims, well, it presents one source, but that required a log in for me. I’m assuming this ties into some of the earlier stuff about HBD being about both gender and race.
MAMBs: Non-white Hispanics. An acronym for "Mestizos, Amerindians, Mulattos, and Blacks" from Latin America. MAMBs consitute 90%+ of the population of Mexico.
The need to adapt the geographical terms of races after the effects of colonialism.
Mangani: Term coined by Gregory Cochran to name the non-homosapien hominin that interbred with Sub-Sahara Africans (but not with Euroepans or Asians). (Cf. Neanderthals, Denisovans)
So Gregory Cochran is the guy who wrote 10,000 year explosion a book I talk about in part one. I thought I recognised the term Mangani, and I had. It’s the name of the great apes in Tarzan. Cochran was born 20 or 30 years after these books were published.
Meme(s): A term coined by Dawkins for units of cultural inheritance, analogous to genes (the units of genetic transmission), which are acted upon by natural selection.
This theory is controversial, and has been referred to as a pseudoscience, with severe practical and theoretical limitations. This is an accurate description of the theory.
Mental AIDS: A controversial term coined by Louis Pauwels signifying the collapse of a people’s immune system in the face of its decadence and its enemies. Guillaume Faye adds: With biological AIDS, T4 lymphocytes, which are supposed to defend the organism, fail to react to the HIV virus as a threat, and instead treat it as a ‘friend’, helping it to reproduce. European societies today are [similarly] menaced by the collapse of their immunological defenses. As civil violence, delinquency and insecurity explode everywhere, police and judicial measures that might curb them are being undermined. The more Third World colonization damages European peoples, the more measures are taken to continue it. Just as Europe is threatened with demographic collapse, policies which might increase the birth rate are denounced and homosexuality idealized. Catholic prelates argue with great conviction that ‘Islam is an enrichment’, even as it clearly threatens to destroy them.
Just a white nationalist buzzword. That’s fine. Now I know what this means when I encounter it in the literature.
Mestizo: A mixed-race person from Latin America. The CIA World Fact Book estimates that 60% of Mexicans are mestizos (and another 30% Amerindian). Looking at lower-income mestizos in Mexico City, Lisker (1995) found that the average mestizo admixture to be 59% Amerindian, 34% European (oft. Spaniard), and 6% Black.
I didn’t check the source, but I guess this is ok? I dunno, not American so Mestizo isn’t really part of my vocab.
Mitochondria: The cell organelles that are the site of energy-releasing biochemical reactions. Mitochondria have their own DNA, which is passed through the female line only and thus is often used in tracing genetic lineages.
This seems like an ok, if brief and incomplete definition of the ‘powerhouse of the cell’
Mulatto: A person born of one white and one black parent. Since white looks are recessive, mulattoes almost always appear and identify as black. Philosopher Nick Land has written, "White + Color = Color." Mulattoes also seem to suffer from more healthproblems than single-race individuals.
So this claim has two sources, the one from the Harvard Department of Economics is dead, however. The second, from the American Journal of Health claims:
“Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race. Nevertheless, most mixed-race adolescents are at low risk. Most of the risk items we assessed may be interpreted as related to stress, so we may therefore choose to interpret mixed race as a source of stress.”
So the article does not link this difference to genetics. Yes, being mixed race causes some health problems, but these tend to be stress related, not genetic.
Multilevel Selection Theory (MLS): A means to to evaluate the balance between group selection and individual selection. MLS compares the many layers of competition and evolution to the “Russian Matryoska Dolls” within one another. The lowest level is the genes, next come the cells, and then the organism level and finally the groups. The different levels function cohesively to maximize fitness, or reproductive success. Regarding the possibility of group selectio, MLS states that selection for the group level, which is competition between groups, must outweigh the individual level, which is individuals competing within a group, for a group-beneficiating trait to spread.
Sober, E., & Wilson, D.S. (1998). Unto Others: The Evolution and Psychology of Unselfish Behavior. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Source of the theory. What is interesting is that this theory directly contradicts (Sober and Wilson have both criticised) the gene-centred view of evolution, a theory which this dictionary seemed to endorse with earlier definitions of things like the Green Beard Effect.
NAM: Lit., "non-Asian minority." Common criticism: large difference between North Asians (e.g. average Chinese IQ, 100) and South Asians (e.g. average Indian IQ, 81), which has led some to propose:
NNAM: Lit., "Non-North-Asian Minority."
I mean, I guess. I don’t know why you need to split Asians and non-Asian minorities (although I could hazard a guess as to why these people want to). Seems a bit strange to only factor in IQ when differentiating between these ethnicities. I mean, in Malaysia Malays and Chinese have been differentiating between each other for a day or two now. Don’t see why we need a genetic explanation though, what with whole geographic isolation and unique cultural practices having enough explanatory power. Would love to see a source on the IQ claim.
Nation: In the traditional sense (from the Latin nasci), a tribe or group of people linked by common blood / ancestry.
This isn’t what nation means. As a white New Zealander this comment deeply offends me. It either excludes me from my national identity, or creates a bizarre definition of New Zealand identity that doesn’t include Maori identity. As a white man who has done kapa haka, and slept in Marae, and been welcomed with Powhiri this is demonstrably false. To use a traditional definition is patently ludicrous in a world shaped by colonialism and globalism.
This reveals one of the flaws of the sort of one nation, one culture, one race mentality. No one who endorses it assumes they are going to be the ones forcibly relocated due to their non-matching DNA. For someone who lives in a Commonwealth country, however, the realism is endorsing this view is endorsing your own deportation to a more densely populated, culturally different nation and losing your own national identity in the process.
Neanderthal DNA: Modern non-African homo sapiens possess Neanderthal DNA, around 4% in Europeans and 2% in North Asians, which might have proven adaptive in immunity and colder climate.
I’ve heard this in numerous places, at least that modern humans have Neanderthal DNA, and this is more pronounced than in Europeans. Never seen a proper source for it. I’m sure one will come up later.
North Asian (or Northeast Asian): Person from or with ancestry from China, Japan or Korea.
Plays into the non-Asian definitions from earlier.
Omegas: Omega males, the lowest of the low.
They had alphas and betas before. With the edition of that heartiste or whatever I’m guessing this plays into some RedPill theories espoused later on.
*Pariah Dogs: Multiple-generation mutts that, perhaps due to reduced selection pressure, lose traits of domestication and become more "pariah like" (i.e. more wild, closer to wolves). (For example of selection pressure and domestication, see this.)
So the article sighted says that there are certain genetic factors which code for domestication. It doesn’t say anything about losing traits of domestication due to reduced selection pressure. I’m not really sure where they are going with this.
Pathological Altruism: A concept popularized by a recent book (review here) that demonstrates a maladaptive tendency in certain people to help others at the cost of harming themselves. For instance, one might sacrifice his own inclusive fitness to redirect resources to strangers (who are not kin or co-ethnics); e.g. foreign aid, or celebrities and religious fundamentalists adopting babies from around the globe at the expense of their own genetic continuity.
This is a theory, although it hasn’t been phrased quite correctly. It is the theory that many negative behaviours are best explained by excessive altruism. It isn’t a maladaptive tendency, so much it is an excess, or a misapplication, of an adaptive tendency. The review is from a website called American Renaissance which adds a whole bunch of racial/political factors which other reviews don’t attach. Similarly this definition uses strange examples of the behaviour which I hadn’t seen elsewhere.
Phenotype: The observed trait, morphological or behavioral, manifested by an organism. It is the product of the organism’s genotype and the environment in which the organism has developed.
Seems ok
Pleiotropy: The condition in which one gene produces two (or more) different phenotypic traits.
One gene produces influences two (or more)
Pluriversalism: The idea that each that each ethnic / racial group has the right to its own lands over which it can exercise complete sovereignty. This view envisions the world as a mosaic with a multiplicity of diverse races clearly delimited and with strict boundaries between them.
I thought they already mentioned this by a different name earlier in the dictionary? Can’t remember the word though. We can call this view this if they like.
Political Correctness: An outgrowth of Cultural Marxism that seeks to stifle academic and scientific research and prohibit free speech in areas deemed contrary to values of Cultural Marxism (e.g. topics on racial differences). Political Correctness often seeks to silence truth in favor of the political dictates of Cultural Marxism / Boasian anthropology.
Completely ignores the influence of structuralism on political correctness. It also misrepresents the view, the point is try to use non-politicised language when you talk about things. I’m sure someone can give a better analysis of this one than me, but suffice to say I don’t think it really grapples with political correctness in any meaningful way. Should probably mention like Claude Levi-Strauss instead of Boas.
Prole: Working-class.
From proletariat I guess? No name for middle class though, or for capitalist class. Just a strange edition.
Proposition Nation: A concept from Cultural Marxism that maintains that a nation is merely a collection of ideas, as opposed to the traditional understanding of a nation rooted in blood and common ancestry (vide the Latin root nasci). (Propositional Nation, Creedal Nation, et al)
This is a weird argument. Essentially ignoring that definitions of things change as time progresses. Our definition of nation hasn’t changed due to some ‘Cultural Marxist’ conspiracy, its changed because the social factors of our society are different, globalism and colonialism, and capitalism, and democracy, and two world wars, have all completely changed the nation, and so the definition of nation needs to be changed to suit the modern world. This view doesn’t stem from cultural Marxism, it stems from understanding history.
Race: A larger group of biologically related people, such as those grouped along the continental level (e.g. Europeans / Whites, Sub-Sahara Africans, Amerindians, Northeast Asians, etc.). Races can be thought of constituting a geographic subdivision of the species homo sapiens. Logical fallacies of race deniers: First, just because accounts of number of races vary, it doesn’t follow race doesn’t exist. Accounts of number of planets in our solar system and even shapes also vary, but planets and shapes are real. Second, just because race is clinial in some areas of world (but not in all: mountain ranges, oceans, etc), it doesn’t mean individual races don’t exist. Races are not to be confused with ethnicities, which are sociobiological subdivisions of races. (See also: Lewontin’s Fallacy)
In this definition of ‘race’ lots of the confusions of race-realists are revealed. For instance, when they call people “race deniers” and say “it doesn’t follow race doesn’t exist.” This isn’t the claim made against race-realists. The claim being made is that while there may be genetic differences between geographically isolated populations, these differences do not adequately explain the differences between the commonly defined ‘racial groups’ in post-colonial, globalised societies. Their ‘logical fallacies of race deniers’ are complete strawmen.
Essentially I disagree that race is biological. The point of this takedown is largely to dismiss this claim, so when they start to present their evidence I will begin to debate.
Racism & Racist: A racist is someone who values truth more than political correctness. Martin Sewell: "So-called racism is a perfectly natural in-group bias which has been stigmatized by the politically correct West.” Peter Brimelow: "The modern definition of 'racist' is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal."
Martin Sewell is an economist, who cares what he has to say about race? The second quote, while I admit it is a decent soundbite (if you agree with it) doesn’t really have much substance. I’d like to know which ‘truths’ they value more than political correctness though,
Rasse: German for race.
Because we’re unabashedly Nazis. We’ll cite a guy who has gone on supports David Irving, and then we’ll use the German definition of race. Correct, but weird to include. Also weird to include stuff like this but not praise the Nazis in their eugenics post. Do these guys want to distance themselves, from, or show support of, Nazis, who knows?!
SWPL: Lit., "stuff white people like," which implies a white college-educated politically-correct liberal.
A reference to a blog which parodies the American, middle-class, urban, white left.
Universalism (& Liberal Creationism): Terms used to capture dominant zeitgeist in the Western World where most people seem to believe on blind faith that there are no meaningful differences between racial groups. This creed seems to be be based more in a (secular?) religious desire rather than in reality; Nick Land writes that this view is "entirely lacking in critical self-reflection, is asserted not as a credible social-scientific thesis, or even as a spontaneous popular aspiration, but rather as a religious creed...." Gregory Cochran and others have quipped that many people today seem to think that evolutionary differences between racial groups only occurred from the neck down.
One: it is really easy to call people you are arguing with religious when you refuse to reference them.
Two: The denial of biological foundations of behavioural differences between race is supported by a lack of experimental evidence for the hypothesis (as I outlined in part 1), and the existence of different theories with equal explanatory power.
Vitalist Constructivism (Religion): A philosophical / religious movement in Europe (and among Diaspora Europeans) that seeks to combine elements from European paganism, Christianity and HBD to create a new pro-Western religion.
A search for this term found an article on architecture, and a review from one of our friends from the French Right. Defined in the review as:
a quasi-feudal, national but not jingoistic, united Europe that applies the traditional spirit and learning to a future in which technology plays a central role. His unstated point is that the tool must again serve the man, after centuries of the reverse; he appeals to a sense of both the pragmatic in finding historically valid solutions through tradition, and the spirit of tradition, which is one of a constructive, upward society.”9
So this definition seems to be brief, but acceptable.
Westerner: A white person or, more specifically, an Ethnic European or Diaspora European.
I would include more people than that in Westerners, there are certainly (and I hate myself for using this terminology) ‘westernised Chinese’ in many first world/anglosphere/ex-commonwealth countries.
White Hispanic: A non-mestizo, non-Amerindian Hispanic of purely or mostly Spanish ancestry. (Cf. MAMBs, Mestizo)
I guess these are the good hispanics in their views? I dunno. I wonder if they think we can determine these differences through phenotypic traits. I bet they think we can.
Holy shit, it’s the end of the dictionary. I made it!
1: Gorrell J.C., McAdam A.G., Coltman D.W., Humphries M.M., Boutin S., Jamieson C.; McAdam, Andrew G.; Coltman, David W.; Humphries, Murray M.; Boutin, Stan (June 2010). "Adopting kin enhances inclusive fitness in asocial red squirrels". Nature Communications 1 (22):
2: Scott Creel,How to Measure Inclusive Fitness, In Proceedings: Biological Sciences, Vol. 241, No. 1302 (Sep. 22, 1990), pp. 229-231
3: Madan K. Oli,Hamilton Goes Empirical: Estimation of Inclusive Fitness from Life-History Data, in Proceedings: Biological Science,
Vol. 270, No. 1512 (Feb. 7, 2003), pp. 307-311
4: Andrew F. G. Bourke, The validity and value of inclusive fitness theory Proceedings: Biological Sciences, Vol. 278, No. 1723 (22 November 2011), pp. 3313-3320
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