Donald Trump Can’t Even Fire His Campaign Manager Without Screwing It Up

In a sign that Trump knows he is losing badly, the presumptive Republican nominee fired his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. The problem is that Trump didn't tell the Republican Party, his donors, or anyone else on the campaign staff about the firing.

Donald Trump Can’t Even Fire His Campaign Manager Without Screwing It Up

In a sign that Trump knows he is losing badly, the presumptive Republican nominee fired his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. The problem is that Trump didn’t tell the Republican Party, his donors, or anyone else on the campaign staff about the firing.

The Trump campaign announced Lewandowski’s firing via a statement, “The Donald J. Trump Campaign for President, which has set a historic record in the Republican primary having received almost 14 million votes, has today announced that Corey Lewandowski will no longer be working with the campaign. The campaign is grateful to Corey for his hard work and dedication and we wish him the best in the future.”

Trump fired the person who was supposed to be running the campaign without telling the rest of the campaign:

It isn’t a coincidence that Trump fired Lewandowski the day after the NRA rebuked his plan to allow guns into bars and nightclubs. Trump fired his campaign manager to distract and change the subject. The problem is that Donald Trump can’t even fire his campaign manager without bungling it.

Donald Trump can’t fix his presidential campaign by firing anyone because the problem is the candidate. By not letting anyone in on the decision to fire Lewandowski, Trump confirmed that his campaign was a one man band. He is making all the decisions. He is running the show, but instead of taking responsibility for his terribly self-run campaign, Trump blames and fires other people for his incompetence.

Trump can’t even make a simple staff change without causing chaos and drama. His handling of the Lewandowski firing is evidence of how he would run the country. Trump makes decisions based on personal whims, and an entitled paranoid tyrant will not make a good president.

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