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/hebe/ - The place for little girls

We are back! Basically same rules, this is a board for MAP


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RULES Let's take it easy. IRC LOG


File: 1464872148766-0.jpg (1.19 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, AlissaP09_008.jpg)

File: 1464872148766-1.jpg (1.25 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, KatieM10_034.jpg)


Welcome back guys! As you can see we are in a new site and that brings a couple of changes. The first thing I should clarify is that I'm the owner of the board now, while Potion is the owner of the site. My intention is, at least in the start, to maintain this board in the same way that was before. BUT the possibility for some changes is present, we are in a new site after all.

So let's see how all is flowing, ok?

I only ask for patience with the new site.

And of course: ENJOY.


File: 1464874671160-0.jpg (1.25 MB, 1200x1800, 2:3, KatieM12_037.jpg)

File: 1464874671160-1.jpg (1.17 MB, 1200x1800, 2:3, AlissaP02_040.jpg)

Also two more pictures of Alissa and Katie. Why? 'cause they're cute…

and hot of course.


I was the first one to ask to hotwheels to let potion become the new owner of /hebe/ back in the day over irc.

I m glad you got choosen to be the new board owner, congratz :)


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could you make it just Anonymous?

I cringe hard everytime I read MAP


Oh, I was missing YOU guys!!!




Yay, the dancing banner is back! Always was my fave! Thanx guize


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Do not know, but if you mean this dancig banner. it is LauraB & ValensiyaS in CandyDoll Video ``Gyutto Shite´´







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Yay! The board owner trip works now. Also: you can make đź’— (is ": hebe :" without spaces). That's thanks to Claura.


Hebe? Why not pedo? Pedophile is the best. ;p



Tradition I guess


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Welcome back, friend…!!!…Congratulations…!!!…good luck…


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Hello guys, good to see you guys again, I missed :')

Well, I need your help, anyone here ever seen this set before?

This pic appears in sharechan, in Sevina thread after a flood of requests, the MOD deleted the pic and many posts. If anyone know something, please post here :D



thank you thank you for this place!




File: 1465530387751.jpg (337.57 KB, 960x1440, 2:3, ln-211-01.jpg)

hooray, I found a new /hebe/ board. i am complete again.


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Board owner, do you realize your mods have been deleting NN and legal N images and links? They removed my SassyCatt samples and link and also non-sexual LS set images and link. This is turning into another 8ch except much quicker.

You suggest we email under RULES you but you didn't mention your email. Please confirm you read this.

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who cares we'll all be dead and dust soon enough



No email. Make a thread or go to the IRC channel. But I will talk about this soon, either way.

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Ok, now I can answer this. We didn't had mods for this board. If something was deleted and it wasn't me then it was a global (we have a public LOG for this kind of situations). Sorry about that but from time to time something like that might occur again.

The good news is that now we have volunteers here. Please, be patient with them and don't freak out if they delete a post by mistake.



>The good news is that now we have volunteers here

That's not good news at all. Now we'll have to deal with censorship-happy global mods AND volunteers!



Global vols can be worse, and they wont be around as much



Worse or better, more vetoes means less chance for any single post to survive. I honestly don't see the point of hiring vols unless we're overrun with spam.


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Before someone ask:

I deleted the board drama because it was already old and I want the sticky available for discussion (and announcement) of the new volunteers. That was one of the last things left after the 8chan exodus. And btw that user named "KatieM" is just me with another account.


If you don't break the rules, then you should be fine.


We already have some guys posting CP. So this makes sense, actually.


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i wonder how lera is doing as an adult now, has she become ugly and decayed or does her perfect genes keep up?



She is still a minor, only 14 I believe. And she is hot as fuck. I'll leave it to others to post the pics.



She's not very good but still better than most


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I find it strange that if i use Https on this site SOME media like Gifs will not come up properly yet if i use regular Http it's fine ….What's up with that ??? Is Https security not allowed or supported or something??



obiously this page dont allow security because is owned by fbi.

anyhing that help in your security and make things difficult for the fbi wont be allowed and https makes tracking more difficult



this site use a system like anonimoxso if you try anonimox extension for firefox you will know,this site wont allow the use of that extension because it makes tracking more difficult.



Yea, as >>3487 and >>3486 said in your other thread, the site has HSTS ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_Strict_Transport_Security ). All traffic is forced through https. This is likely and opsec issue on your end.

See: https://securityheaders.io/?q=https%3A%2F%2Flibrechan.net


>>443, >>451, >>452, >>524

>But I fear for /hebe/ dying a slow death from lack of traffic and effectively falling victim to anti-paedo apartheid.

Posts – deleted. Followed by Deus vult.

So Librechan is another Nazi honeypot. So much for “libre”… Time to get the word out.

>>1592, >>1731, >>1877

>I deleted the board drama because it was already old.

Oh, I see. So who is the culprit, /hebe/ or Librechan?

And what drama are you talking about?

How were my posts “drama” and the rest of this thread isn’t?

I wonder what kind of replies I have missed.



what he calls drama is all the people that said librechan is owned by the fbi.

According to board owner that was drama what you miss was just proof that the site is indeed owned by fbi.

The board owner (fbi) will delete anything that proves the site is owned by fbi.



Interesting. Thanks.

While I acknowledge the harm of smear campaigns to innocent communities, censorship is probably a wrong way to build trust.



I dont think there was ever any actual proof, but just baseless accusations from shills like you. >>3511 It's very easy to spot your samefagging at this point


Putting the question of this board’s legitimacy temporarily aside,

what might FBI actually want from paedo boards?

This or any other.

Are they after actual child porn or do they intend to harass law-abiding paedophiles, KGB-style?

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