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[–]Nonidatheist 0ポイント1ポイント  (7子コメント)

I picture it like this :


The tribe is like WTF ?? what is that ?

Most of them "I don't know ! It's weird !"

One guy, the one who always has something to say about everything is like "Seems obvious, it's the great mind of the powerful KAWAKAWA.

Everybody look at him...they're like : "What are you talking about again weirdo !"

Smart ass is happy by all the attention ! He start to tell a weird story about an invisible and powerful guy named KAWAKAWA. In the end he just says : KAWAKAWA is not happy with us and wants us to kneel before him.

All the others are like : "KAWAKAWA ? Come on, you're making that stuff up ! It's stupid !"

The smart ass is like : "Do you have a better explanation ? I know what I'm talking about, he spoke to me in my dreams. Listen everybody, you want to survive ? You want to live and make KAWAKAWA happy ? You need to do as I say ! He told me what he wants"

Smart ass sees the opportunity to bang the best girl of the village ! He keeps telling stuff about KAWAKAWA to sound legit.

Everybody is confused... People look at each other and the most scared by the thunder starts to follow the smart ass.

A bunch of guys are like "No, that's dumb, I won't believe this crap ! KAWAKAWA doesn't exist ! It's just noise and rain, stop your bullshit"

The smart ass says to his followers : "If they don't follow us, they'll make all of us killed !! Listen the scream of KAWAKAWA ! He will destroy us if we don't follow his orders !"

The crowd trys to convince the non believers. Of course they end up arguing and fighting. By the end of the day, all non believers are dead in the name of KAWAKAWA. The smart ass become the great preacher, bang the sexy chicks as part of the ritual for the god and everybody start to build him the best house you can imagine. The house is called "the great temple"

This is how the KAWAKAWA religion started. It lasted a hundred years...until a guy come and talk about the celestial Rabbit who sculpted the world in the great carrot of life....

But it's just what my imagination tells me ;p

I can't prove it !

[–]sericatusnoncognitivist/lazy Taoist. 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

You're leaving out half the story.

Why weren't the tribes that wasted their time appeasing kawakawa promptly overrun by tribes that didn't? There are not that many dumb asses in the world, yet religion has flourished for most of human existence.

[–]Nonidatheist 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well, there is probably much more to tell about my fantasy theory of the beginning of religion but we should never underestimate the power of a gifted speaker / authority over a scared or angry crowd.

I mean, people in extreme situations can be compelled to do insane stuff ! Stuff that they would never have done on their own. There were scientist who pushed ordinary people to give supposedly deadly electrical shocks to complete stranger (just an experiment, nobody really died), some preachers convincing people that throwing a suspicious guy in the water with a rock tied to his feet can be a good plan to see if he's innocent (if he drown, he's guilty, if he don't, he's innocent...I let you imagine what happened most of the time...) and of course, a man in Europe, who convinced people to organize an industrial genocide (you know who). We got plenty examples of how perfectly normal people can be pushed to an insane behaviour.

You don't need lot's of dumd asses...just a compelling speach, a lot of fear, a little bit of authority, an angry crowd and voilà !

[–]GeoCosmos 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

except most of god-names have a concrete meaning. Ra is Sun and Zeus is Sky...And Yehaweh means Creator (Causative of Being)...And it is not complete bullshit to point at some Higher-than us Power...Obviously there exist powers higher than us - and many of them are unknown...hence even an unintelligible name like kawakawa would express this factor well.

[–]Nonidatheist 2ポイント3ポイント  (3子コメント)

Well true, but unfortunetly I don't speak the langage of this imaginary tribe and so I never knew the meaning of this name. Some of the finest imaginary archeologist said that it's the equivalent of the AZTEC god XOCHIQUETZAL, witch mean "flower feather" in Nahuatl....but I don't believe it to be accurate...I don't see any connexion with the thunder.

[–]GeoCosmos 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

my point was that the real mass accepted god names like yehaweh means something...namely exactly hinting at this "creative" process...and it is simpler to say a nonsense word like g-o-d...which has no meaning.

[–]Nonidatheist 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

Well, jokes aside, I see your point. Almost every deity in human culture has a meaningful name, express an idea, a character. The G-O-D word is mostly used in religions where the deity is supposed to be the unique and eternal higher power, escaping human understanding. It's a good way to express the gap between human life and the deity.

[–]GeoCosmos 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think that the original name in the bible (yehaweh) is better than "god" because god does not hint at anything meaningful, while yehaweh is a meaningful word: make-be. (create). So it simpl evades the question of existence as it is the starting process "before" existence. And this was found and thought out 2500 years before now.