Carrot2 内の _kingside_ によるリンク Sticky: This subreddit

[–]_kingside_[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

/r/Carrot is now banned as well.

Why can I not hold, all this lulz

Carrot2 内の _kingside_ によるリンク Sticky: This subreddit

[–]_kingside_[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Permanently? Thought when they announced suspensions they said they were temporary.

Though I'm asking because if it's permanent I'm a lot happier about it lol. Got a link?

DeletedThread 内の _kingside_ によるリンク scummy 'chat app' mods attempt to censor, mute and harass users pointing out serious repeat security concerns

[–]_kingside_[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

This has to be it, the cherry on the fucking cake:

Calbearia has been banned by the admins.

How? Why? Who knows, tune in next time!

(My guess is, he was doing at least one of the things he accused me of.)

Apparently it's not just him, but literally all but one of the /r/carrot mods. I'm sure all the *different* people behind those accounts were individually guilty of something or another at the same time. :)

Gr8 success. I'm going to go find a lounge chair and some popcorn to enjoy the inevitable recap thread with.

self 内の allthefoxes によるリンク Beware of Carrot - A "reddit chatroom" service called Carrot may not be secure or safe to use. More info inside.

[–]_kingside_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Sorry for tarnishing your trust. We're trying our best to make things better.

Where does this fit in with restoring users' trust?

I definitely don't feel like I can "trust" your 'commitment to not censoring discussion' on your subreddit after you removed my comments and banned me this morning.

DeletedThread 内の _kingside_ によるリンク scummy 'chat app' mods attempt to censor, mute and harass users pointing out serious repeat security concerns

[–]_kingside_[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

For the record - here are the comments I made between the time the thread was unlocked and when I was banned.

Calbearia's repeat accusations that I am using alts is a lie. Though one I'm not surprised by, considering he's tried to use lying to discredit me before.

As neither of those explain the ban, I look forward to seeing what 'justification' for how this is in line with their 'corrected' behavior they come up with next :)

HighQualityGifs 内の matt01ss によるリンク Carrot Chatroom

[–]_kingside_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Lookin' for a comeupp ♪

DeletedThread 内の _kingside_ によるリンク scummy 'chat app' mods attempt to censor, mute and harass users pointing out serious repeat security concerns

[–]_kingside_[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's right in line with their 'commitment' yesterday to not censor discussion their character.

I made this just in case. I really hate seeing people have to bring up discussion on this in other actually-good subreddits because the Carrot people get ban/commentremove-happy when faced with criticism.

HighQualityGifs 内の matt01ss によるリンク Carrot Chatroom

[–]_kingside_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Gotcha, thanks for pointing me to this.

And for the record to anyone who hasn't seen my other comments yet - /u/calbearia is flat-out lying there. I don't use other accounts to engage him or any other carrot people (or anything carrot-related).

HighQualityGifs 内の matt01ss によるリンク Carrot Chatroom

[–]_kingside_ 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Just as soon as he's done hunting down 'alts' people don't have (and figuring out how unwarranted user bans fit into yesterday's promise of not censoring discussion), I'm sure

HighQualityGifs 内の matt01ss によるリンク Carrot Chatroom

[–]_kingside_ 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

And the first thing you did was ban me from your shitty subreddit without warning or reason, remove my comments, and lie to other people about me being some alt-using boogeyman.

You really have no leg to stand on, guy. I frankly wish you'd stop being a blight on /r/HighQualityGifs and other subreddits I like, but as you've shown time and time again you'd rather censor all discussion in /r/Carrot and let this garbage spill into other subreddits, there's nothing I can do.

snoonet 内の [deleted] によるリンク Is snoonet still for sale?

[–]_kingside_ 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Which is excellent. Don't sell, and especially don't sell to Incompetech HQ- er, Carrot.

Their latest tactic to discredit detractors is to accuse them of using alt accounts, don'cha know :)

OutOfTheLoop 内の gonebutvisiting によるリンク What is going on with r/HQG?

[–]_kingside_ 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Dear god you can say that again.

I just noticed this - "/u/calbearia2". Are you really going to bring accusations of alt accounts into this when it appears you've now created a second account for reasons I'm sure are in line with how you do things? :)

i would just cut contact with calbearia

Hahahaha. He keeps accusing me of being a part of a competitor, a troll, or lately an alts, when in reality I'd sooner delete any other accounts than use them to engage with him. (Any other accounts I have are very happily a calbearia-free zone c:)

OutOfTheLoop 内の gonebutvisiting によるリンク What is going on with r/HQG?

[–]_kingside_ 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Oh good, I can comment here.

Just wanted to say to anyone who comes by this thread, /u/calbearia is flat out lying. This is the only account I've interacted with these clowns on (anyone who's seen my frustration with them can understand when I say the last thing I want is to have to deal with them on other accounts too).

They've banned me over in /r/carrot of course but at this point I'm beyond caring about giving a shit about exposing what these guys do. They have proven to me that nothing is beyond them, it shouldn't be long for others to see that too.

DeletedThread 内の _kingside_ によるリンク scummy 'chat app' mods attempt to censor, mute and harass users pointing out serious repeat security concerns

[–]_kingside_[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Update 6/16; I have been banned from /r/Carrot. No additional message or details were offered. I assume (though I honestly don't care) that the unsolicited mute from above is still in effect; I take it the fact that they muted me when I never sent them a modmail and only now have banned me is proof that calbearia doesn't know how reddit works.

Here is a message I left on /r/Carrot, tagging /u/meepster23 after the mute via edit, though I can only assume the actual message and any other messages I left there have been removed already. [It looks this is just calbearia ['getting up to speed' on this]().

Entertainingly enough, it seems they're still thinking I'm a part of some bigger thing, they're accusing me of using alts now. I don't know how else to say it - I'm just a guy who is pretty sick of watching these morons try and screw people over. ツ

HighQualityGifs 内の matt01ss によるリンク Carrot Chatroom

[–]_kingside_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah. At minimum now we'll have whatever action they do or don't take to point to. "You didn't pay meep", "didn't change your code", "haven't revealed the backlog of code" etc.

Hell, even if they do pay you I can't see them changing a thing about their model. They admitted they're a startup with seed funding and all, it's far more likely that whatever they're scraping for is a core part of their model than it is something they were "accidentally" doing for shits and giggles.

HighQualityGifs 内の matt01ss によるリンク Carrot Chatroom

[–]_kingside_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Haha, at first I thought you were sending it to me.

Thanks for the link. I can't say I have confidence that you're actually gonna see a payout (and even if you do you just know they're going to try and spin it as a positive for them and just try and hide their actions better) but I hope you do.

I've gotten some kind words of support from others and some links to other (far more promising-looking) services and gizmos to play around with, and their leaders seem like decent people overall (so compared to these guys they look like saints lol) so I'm pretty content now anyways.

HighQualityGifs 内の matt01ss によるリンク Carrot Chatroom

[–]_kingside_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)


I could have sworn there was this general chatsite/chat app that was being worked on by a former admin or something. Might just be confusing nens with largenocream or something (not that 'cream was working on it', maybe just thought nens was a former admin).

Ah well, if there ever was another chat thing and it goes anywhere I'm sure I'll find it eventually ^_^

HighQualityGifs 内の matt01ss によるリンク Carrot Chatroom

[–]_kingside_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah, I just heard from them, will look into it. Cheers!

Military 内の rbevans によるリンク PSA: Avoid CarrotChat at all costs for the time being.

[–]_kingside_ 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

You've... cut right to the heart of the matter, frankly. They've been doing that sort of shit all day, and don't get why users don't trust them.

At least I'm not the user whose phone they were blowing up earlier. That poor bastard XP

Military 内の rbevans によるリンク PSA: Avoid CarrotChat at all costs for the time being.

[–]_kingside_ 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah. To be fair I'm one of the people trying to argue the other side, so I can't really talk, but yeah I didn't wanna post a textwall here haha.

There're a lot of mods who're already all over this anyway, I think I'm done with reddit for the day a few days.

chess 内の Nosher によるリンク Carrot Chat is now widgetless but can be found in the sidebar.

[–]_kingside_ 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

I know the subreddit is about chess. Where do you think I got my name.

This is an announcement thread about carrot chat, but quite frankly I'm not in the mood. I'm not going to PM you. Ignore away.