Okay this is gonna be a non-coherent rant, I'm just venting.
When I graduated high school, I was top of all my classes except English. I was highest in maths, physics, chemistry, etc. I got multiple awards from the school and received the awards for the highest exam scores in my city.
Yet I was considered a loser by everyone in my school. People used to mock me cause I'd never had a girlfriend or never had sex. I didn't see what the big deal was, I chose what I wanted to focus on during high school, I focused on that, I achieved it.
The kids who failed every exam but were banging the hottest girls in school were considered the popular ones. The ones who routinely got detentions and suspensions. They were the ones everyone envied. I was the one who "gee, your life sucks, I wouldn't want to be you."
Okay fine.
Out of school, in university. I spent weekends studying. In my spare time I'd do hobbies I like, reading, video games, computers, jogging, going for bush walks. Yes, I spent a lot on video games, because I enjoyed them.
Everyone else: "lol, video games are for kids, I can't believe you spend so much money on that." "I can't believe you stayed in all weekends playing games instead of going out like other people." Even my family would say that. Okay? God forbid I spend my free time doing things I enjoy.
What do the other people my age do? Go out drinking on the weekends, spend upwards of 50 dollars on overpriced shitty drinks mixed with coca cola and sugary flavours, end up getting blackout drunk they remember nothing, and depending on their luck, they may or may not have sex.
Okay, if that's what they enjoy, good for them.
Why am I a loser for not pursuing sex? I don't know why its considered cool to blow away so much money pursuing sex and getting blackout drunk, but not considered okay to blow away money if you happen to enjoy forms of art such as video games.
Girls at school used to call me "asexual" because I didn't spend 24/7 bragging about how horny I am and how Jennette is hot or how I want to fuck Camilla or how Chloe has big breasts. Just because I don't openly divulge my sexual interests to every single person, does not make me asexual, and if I am asexual, it doesn't mean I am worthy of mockery for that.
Another thing: kids at school used to tease me cause one kid once asked if I masturbate (I was about 16). I answered truthfully and honestly, no, because that was the truth and I didn't. I don't know how but the entire school found out. Some accused me of being a liar, some accused me of being weird and abnormal. Even the girls who themselves proclaimed they didn't masturbate would say I was weird for not doing so, just because I'm male.
I don't get this thing about society. If you're not a horny testosterone-filled neanderthal trying to chase pussy at every corner, you're mocked by people and considered a loser, no matter what you're achievements are.
If you're a 40 year old virgin with a doctorate and published several research papers, you're still primarily a "40 year old virgin." As if the only thing that matters in life is if your dick has been inside a cunt and no other achievements or pursuits matter.
You see it on sitcoms all the time. On the tv show FRIENDS, Ross is like "Didn't you read Lord of the Rings in high school?" and they respond "No, I was having sex in high school." Like, haha what a loser, he devoted time to reading one of the greatest and most influential literary works in the English language instead of getting his dick wet.
They make movies called "40 year old virgin" like being a virgin at 40 is worse than being a criminal. They have movies like "40 days and 40 nights" where they act like males are horny animals who can't realistically abstain from sex for that long.
I will never understand this.
[–]wellheytherefreckles 9ポイント10ポイント11ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]jford6i8 5ポイント6ポイント7ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]thoriumpoweredwatch 2ポイント3ポイント4ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]Xtr81 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]spencers6-94 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]bushwhackerrr 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]IAmNotAlwaysRight 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)