全 7 件のコメント

[–]wellheytherefreckles 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

Because they're projecting their own insecurities onto you, and are jealous that you are pursuing what YOU want in life instead of giving into the social norm.

[–]jford6i8 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

To enslave men...horny men take out overpriced loans to buy ugly houses for fat chicks...banks love this...thus the promotion of sex everywhere.

[–]thoriumpoweredwatch 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Hey man listen I graduated from high school a few years ago and the same case as you. Played games, studied, top of the class etc. The so called cool kids that always made fun of me for being a virgin and not getting girls?

Most avoid me because they have gone nowhere or the more decent people openly approached me and gave a genuine apology. They are jealous of you man and immature kids project that through bullying. You're going far in life and they know it. You'll look back and laugh in a few more years. I am assuming you're in STEM like I am.

Cheers brother and enjoy the freedom of not conforming to society's bullshit.

[–]Xtr81 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

without sex you would be here, get it?

[–]bushwhackerrr 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

There is a couple different ways to look at it. One is that the reason the romantic relationship has been pushed so hard into society is so that you have people injecting more money into the economy. Sort of a top down "conspiracy" to get people to consume. Married people with kids spend more money than single people. So basically all these people pushing you to do what they think is "natural" have simply been brainwashed. Another way to look at it is, yes this is a natural part of being a human. And maybe it is. Maybe they're right. But for some people in some situations the reality of relationships is not as good as being alone. The cost/benefit analysis that you hear so often in the mgtow realm.

People, in general, don't seem to like it when someone doesn't place as much importance in something (in this case sex) as they themselves do. It forces them to think outside of their box. It's easier to say "He's a weirdo" than to use critical thinking and empathy to try and understand a perspective that is different from what society has deemed normal.

[–]spencers6-94 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I never understood this either. I'm still a virgin at 22 and everyone I know has already had sex multiple times. Some who are my age already have kids. Even when I was 15, there were some kids who had already had sex at 13-14. That's just fucked up IMO. It seems like everyone is in such a rush to have sex before they turn 18, otherwise "they aren't adults."

Don't worry man, this society really is messed up because if we don't conform, we're considered outliers. We're not though. We have brains. They are the outliers.