全 5 件のコメント

[–]Mgtowmike35 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

You are welcome to browse brother and you never have to ask that from us. You are a man and this your space.

That being said, get the blue pill crap out of here you little mangina!!! /s

Ok half sarcasm. To be MGTOW you must swallow the red pill and brother you don't even know what the red pill is yet.

[–]TheUniverseis2D 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

You know, I used to be as open minded as you are regarding relationships with women and the possibility of marriage. One thing you'll notice here is that experience with the women of today is what made all of us realize on our own accounts how flimsy female love for men is. You will learn in time that the undying love you feel for women--enough so that you would gladly lay down your life for them, protect them, and provide for them--is not a mutual feeling from her end. Her feelings towards you will change with her mood swings. Like a light switch.

Continue experimenting with women. Try to have fun. Try to be optimistic. You will grow wise with experience. Hopefully you won't be cornered into alimony payments you can't afford or false rape or domestic violence charges and sitting in prison. Hopefully, you will have time to put your experience to use and regain control of your own destinations in life.

P.S. You haven't really gone your own way if you have a copilot steering half the time.