Reintroducing the Arist Apps
Hello Everyone!
We’ve been focusing so much time on the hardware side of our project that our software team’s been feeling a bit left out. So we’ll be dedicating this update to show what our amazing software team’s been doing.
We released our Arist app for consumers in the Apple App Store in March and another Arist Barista App is also in the works. The Arist Consumer App is crafted to bring convenience for coffee lovers who just want to enjoy the perfect cup without any hassle. It’s basically a plug and play app designed with a simple interface, allowing users to download ready-made recipes, tweaking foam level, cup size and milk temperature with a push of a button. You don’t have to be a coffee expert to enjoy a perfect cup of joy.
The Barista app on the other hand is dedicated to professional coffee enthusiasts who wish to step up their coffee game, tweaking every detail with precision. Designed as a lab app, users can fine tune water temperature, grind size, extraction time, tamping force etc, perfecting their daily brew with every nitty-gritty detail. Recipes are open for interpretation with the Barista app as well; with a push of a button, you can publish your recipe and show off your coffee knowledge with the coffee lover community.
Arist Consumer App Update
Since the debut of the Arist Consumer App in March, we’ve released two subsequent versions.
Version 1.3 is our latest release, focusing on UI optimization to have all UI fine-tuned on different devices (e.g. iPhone5).
Version 1.3 also includes these additional features:
- Profile > My Taste - a behavior analytics section with charts
- Feedback/Review on Recipes
- Report Abuse in recipe comments
- Search function in Store
- Recipe and Bean Sharing (to Facebook)
Update your Arist Consumer App today to check out all the above features! We’ll continue to improve the app as we get more feedback.
Arist Barista App
We want you to experience the art of brewing coffee like never before. Who says brewing a perfect cup of coffee can’t be rocket science! Users can experiment with brewing coffee by adjusting different variables in the Coffee Laboratory. Bring out the best taste of the beans by fine-tuning grind size, extraction time, ground weight, water temperature, water volume, milk temperature and milk foam. You will find 3 main features in the Barista App, including:
- Coffee Laboratory
The quick view window on top of the screen shows the status of your Arist machine. In the coffee laboratory, you can create lab reports with 7 adjustable brew settings, adding side notes to your experiments, and save all outcomes under lab report.
- Recipe Submission
You can submit your recipe after creating a desired lab report. After your profile is verified, you can fill in the details and submit the recipe for approval. The submission page also shows you the status of your application. Currently, the Arist Barista app can only process generic beans purchasable in supermarkets or other big retail outlets that comes with a bar code. We are looking to expand the bean store further down the road, allowing users to purchase all kinds of beans with the app.
- Store & Account
After your recipe is approved, your creation will be officially published in the Arist recipe store. The Arist community will be able to purchase and download your recipe. You can manage your store, edit or unpublish your existing recipes, and check out the sales analytics report. Find out what kind of coffee your followers like and plan ahead to match their ever-evolving tastes!
The Barista App is scheduled to be released in July.
The next update may include news about an android, a window, and shape and size of a unicorn. Stay tuned!
Kantapat Srichantamit on June 6
Same last time. not has any thing maybe wait until backer bored and lost. this scam project. and will has announcement can not luanch because no money for hire staff
Andreu Torregrosa Martinez on June 5
Delivery dates, please! This is ridiculous...
Brandon on June 1
Great update. It's great to see you're working on fine tuning everything:)
Mike Turner on May 31
When will I receive my Arist??
Maxim Smirnov on May 30
WTF....When Arist itself will be shipped?
Victor on May 28
@Ronald +1
Li on May 27
I don't want another upgrade / update of this product....I want the filing final product as promised when we have pledged your proposal. It is almost a whole year behind the original proposed month of the fulfilment. Yet, endless updates and redesign of the app and actual machine. If you can't deliver to your customers
Kantapat Srichantamit on May 26
@Ronald +1 this can't said big news or surprise. it should said fake and scam.
they update same this next years and said sorry we don't has money because use for salary finished or use for party end.
Vincent Guilbeault-Sauve on May 26
@Ronald +1
2Ben - Knight of the living weresheep on May 26
@Ronald> Pro Tip: it's NEVER the big news we were expecting.
Martin Bouchard on May 26
@Ronald, +1
Ronald on May 26
Thanks for the Software update but as someone already mentioned, I don't think this was not the big news we were expecting. What about the final and full specifications of the Arist Pro and the final delivery schedule. July is coming close and unfortunately, in your case “no news” has proven to be very bad news
Regarding the software. I see no bean type selection in the ‘customization’ parameters, no syrup, cacao or sugar quantity … but here is a ‘syrup’ icon in the Arist status bar? What does this means for the ‘pro’ machine and for the final consumer version? Only one coffee bean type? No Syrup container or only one (what about customizing the quantity?). What about cacao, sugar, … etc?
Please clarify!
What about your commitment to be more communicative and responsive? 4 weeks between updates, no relevant questions being answered in this update and not one single feedback in the comment section?
Robert Lawlis on May 26
The software report is encouraging and the mockups look good; but I hope the oblique reference to android and unicorns does not imply the android apps turn out to be as rare as unicorns. A little clarification on this would be appreciated.
Andreas Crede on May 26
Thanks for the update. The app looks just like I imagined it. But I am still a bit confused as you aren't telling us anything about an android app. Are you working on an android version of the arist app?
Raymond on May 26
In the last update you closed with "A big surprise is coming up so stay tuned for the next update!". This is not exactly the big surprise I was hoping for, but thanks for the update anyway.
Was hoping to find more info about the actual machine (pictures, dimensions, progress...) Guess we have to wait another month for that...
H.Y.Kwee on May 26
I can not enter the app any more with my arist account! What to do now?
Adam on May 26
Is an Android version on its way as well? Otherwise a Lot of us will have a hard time controlling our machines....
Aric Kurzman on May 26
This is confusing; is the Arist Consumer app compatible with the Arist Pro machine???