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[–]libelecsBlackWolf -28ポイント-27ポイント  (13子コメント)

A lot of them can't. You need experience to get laid, you need to get laid to get experience. Although, me not being American, maybe it's different there. Or this professor was only talking to 18-20yo men.

Also, some are also anatomically incapable of being good in bed, unless they limit themselves to one aspect of sex (oral or masturbation), which will make them that: limited, and boring.

[–]digitalyssMaster of Making things Nice Looking 44ポイント45ポイント  (2子コメント)

Is it that difficult for you to believe that some men just don't listen to their partner and instead think that whatever is good for them is good enough for the woman under them? Because that's a thing.

[–]AliceInBondageLand 29ポイント30ポイント  (5子コメント)

No, you don't need experience. You just need communication. Good partners will show you what they like if you're open to learning.

[–]kandoras 18ポイント19ポイント  (2子コメント)

You need experience to get laid, you need to get laid to get experience.

And yet the human race has managed to survive for hundreds of millions of years, even though men are stuck always looking for that first entry-level fuck.

[–]DearyDairy 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

You don't need experience, you need listening skills.

Ivve slept around, I've had about 30 partners, majority were horrible in bed, the worst was also the most experienced. My 2 best were virgins before I met them. What made them different was the fact they wanted to please me and they asked what I liked. They knew they were inexperienced so they asked for guidance and listened when I gave advice on how to touch me, or how to move.

They didn't just assume they knew what I wanted because they've read an article on what women in general want, they didn't just assume that sex god skills come with experience, they understood that it comes from learning a partner's body.

The majority of my worst partners all had a the same problem, they either didn't want to try the things I know help me orgasm because they preferred something else (which is fine, not everyone likes girl on top) but then they also didn't want me just to masturbate to get off, they insisted they could give me an orgasm from whatever position they also enjoyed, even if I vocalised "this position hurts me, I can't cum, and at this stage I no longer want to" didn't matter, they were determined to make me cum because that's what they placed their sexual worth on, me not cumming was tied to their sense of masculinity and that kind of insecurity makes someone bad in bed, not listening to what your partner enjoys makes you bad in bed.

Inexperience is no excuse for not caring about her unique pleasure. If you're inexperienced just say "I have no idea what I'm doing, can you guide me?" and I guarantee you'll do just fine.