So, here we are - it's been almost a week since this sub was started, and the mod team has been hashing out some stuff, getting to know each other, getting a feel for what you guys seem to want, etc. This sub is doing really well so far, and we want to thank all of you guys and gals for making it possible - users are the lifeblood of any community, and we're thrilled to have you aboard.
In no particular order, here's a bunch of relevant stuff, much of which is a rehash of other mod-posts. We'll have a more elegant subreddit wiki once the dust settles a bit. Maybe. In the meantime, we'll probably just keep adding edits to this post until it gets archived - at least this way it will all be in one place.
Okay, here we go:
The Big Stuff
Regardless of what the sub name implies, we are not affiliated with any of the other X-in-Action subs, either directly or in spirit. We are also not affiliated with the mods of the main /r/LegalAdvice sub and its (many, many) satellites. This is an entirely independent subreddit, and the mod team is committed to the idea that the community belongs to everyone and the ultimate say in the direction it takes rests with the majority.
That being said, one of the central tenets of this sub is "play nice" - that means absolutely no doxxing, brigading, harassment, account-stalking, abusive behavior, bigotry, general name-calling, etc. Behavior of this sort is grounds for a ban from the subreddit. You are absolutely free to disagree with each other, but you can always do so in a civil manner. (If you are unclear on what any of the terms above mean do please feel free to ask, either here or in modmail.)
Only NP (non-participation) links will be allowed. For those of you who are not familiar with the concept, that means that you are solely a spectator - no upvoting, downvoting, commenting, etc. is permitted on the linked threads. Yes, I know it's easy to circumvent with CSS and by other laughably simple means. Don't do it anyway, because that can be perceived as brigading and (as already mentioned) that's grounds for a ban if people complain. So - basic courtesy. Save your comments for our threads - that's what they're here for.
Most of the links will be from /r/LegalAdvice, but if you find something interesting elsewhere - post it!! Whether linking to /r/LegalAdvice sub or elsewhere, you don't need to wait for the post to be 12 hours old - that was the old /r/BestOfLegalAdvice rule, and did I mention that we're not affiliated with them? If at some point in the future the mods of other subs approach us about instituting the rule, we'll have a big and visible community discussion to decide if you guys want to play ball.
No user-pings (/u/) in this subreddit. Nothing good ever comes of them in subreddits of this type, so for the time being they're being automatically removed by our lovely and talented AutoMod (who will also be enforcing the NP rules). We're not banning or even reprimanding for this - you just won't be able to do it. (As with all rules, this one is subject to review and discussion, but considering how on edge everyone is with the recent drama we want to minimize that sort of bickering as much as we can, especially at first.)
[Insert standard anti-spam message here.] If you want to advertise, go here. If your stuff gets removed for spam and you think you're not a spammer, you're probably wrong and should go here.
Follow Reddiquette.
The Less-Big Stuff
Bots. We have bots! Many thanks to the creator(s) of SnapShillBot for making our lives easier, and we are also in the process of getting Court Reporter onto this sub. Both of these bots help preserve the text in case the post gets deleted. If and when Court Reporter comes online, we can discuss whether we want to keep both of them, just for extra backup (my personal opinion is that redundancy = robustness, but I'm just one person).
We have text-based user flair which should be available to everyone like right now. Use it or not, just as you please. Let us know if you run into issues. We may or may not implement picture-flair at a later date if you guys show enough interest, but it's not a priority at the moment. Gold stars will not be a thing :)
We also have post-flair, which may or may not be available to non-mods (it's supposed to be, but we're still getting the CSS kinks ironed out). We're working on that, and also we're taking suggestions for what types of flair we have here. All of that is very much a work-in-progress.
The mod team is large relative to the current number of subscribers, but we can't be everywhere. So it's up to you guys to help us keep this community the sort of place you want it to be. If you see someone breaking the rules, make liberal use of the report button. It's anonymous, and if you can leave a brief note about why you reported it, you will save us much head-scratching. I won't say that there's no such thing as a stupid report (because hooooboy have I seen things), but it's hands-down the fastest way of getting our attention. We don't always agree with every report (because, again, hooooboy have I seen things), but we do review each and every one.
You can also always reach us via moderator mail - there's a link on the sidebar, and in fact I'd strongly encourage you to use modmail rather than replies or PMs to individual mods. That way the entire mod team can participate in the discussion.
Feel free to use the comment section here to bring up new ideas, discuss existing rules, &c, &c. You can also make a [meta] post if you want to discuss ideas with the community once this thread gets stale.
Once again, welcome aboard and thanks for flying with us!