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[–]defroach84 8ポイント9ポイント  (18子コメント)

Or some people just appreciate well made beer.

[–]77juicyfruit[S] -2ポイント-1ポイント  (15子コメント)

I don't think the writer argues against a well-made beer. He argues against the pretense some people put on when everyone is trying to enjoy a beer.

What I found lacking in the article was the kinda passion for just enjoying a damn beer. When I go to a bar and order a Steelhead, I am not opening myself up for the conversation, "Have you tried the Founders breakfast stout?" I'm there because I want a beer to relax and enjoy the hospitality of a bar-- and I want a beer I like.

I have friends who are beer snobs, seeking out the newest thing and the elusive brews that are highly rated online. It's frustrating. I branch out, try porters from breweries I haven't heard of, and my buddy will be sitting there with a ten-ounce goblet of some barrel-aged, macadamia-vanilla-oatmeal-caramel-cinnamon-habanero stout with molasses from the Czech Republic and insist that I drink half of his beer instead.

[–]chreestay 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

seeking out the newest thing and the elusive brews that are highly rated online

i don't think the things you describe amount to snobbery. i don't see why wanting to try highly regarded beers would make someone a snob. i seek out firestone walker's limited releases but i also appreciate that most beer drinkers don't give a flying fuck.

[–]osnapson 3ポイント4ポイント  (11子コメント)

Stop using the term "snob" for someone with a different outlook on a hobby than yourself. Some people enjoy craft beer because they can have something new or different or rare every single time. That made up beer sounds infinitely better than what you prefer.

There are, invariably, assholes in every subgroup, interest, subculture, hobby that exist. They are and always will be a small (sometimes vocal) minority. The wide majority of them still don't care what anyone but themselves drinks. Acting holier-than-thou is what really distinguishes the assholes.

[–]77juicyfruit[S] -1ポイント0ポイント  (10子コメント)

Nah, Steelhead is my brew. It's a well-made beer. And I'mma call 'em snobs or douchebags, because that's what you are when you become an elitist of any sort.

[–]osnapson 0ポイント1ポイント  (9子コメント)

It's fine if you want to hold the line. But how does refusing to let other people enjoy something their way make you any less of an asshole for the community? They whine about your style, you wine about theirs. The huge majority of craft drinkers want both groups to piss off, you're both taking the fun out of it.

[–]77juicyfruit[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (8子コメント)

I think you're taking this issue way too seriously and have set out on some personal quest to try to convince me the jackasses aren't jackasses. If I'm reading this right, you just told me to "piss off" about beer? Bro, you can't stop me from drinking beer. Can't stop me from calling people assholes for whatever reason I please. And since you've taken it upon yourself to be the defender of beer, you have only demonstrated to me that you've the same brand of self-righteousness that the snobs possess.

[–]wedonotsew 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I mean, you're kind of being a snob about your Steelhead there, no? You're holding it above trying anything different and holding it as "your brew," talking down about others preference in beer, and blatantly being just as self righteous in your need to call others douchebags and assholes for whatever reason you see fit. Seems pretty snobby to me, but you do you.

[–]osnapson 1ポイント2ポイント  (6子コメント)

Weird interpretation. I said your own brand of "I'll call whoever I want a douchebag because that's what I think they are" is just inane. Someone wants to enjoy a hobby differently from you and that, somehow, automatically labels them as a snob. Short-sighted, antagonistic, and an attitude equally useless to the rest of us craft drinkers. It's insanely hypocritical to label people however you want, then fight back when someone says "ok, but you're being just as shitty."

I have never, and will never, tell someone they can't join in the fun of craft (it sounds like you prefer consistence and sticking to what you like, which is great, the beauty is everyone gets to have fun with it how they see fit). My way is no better than yours. Do I think muling and having homeless people wait in line and secondary market reselling of bottles sucks? Yes, of course, it takes opportunity, fun, and beer away from many other people.

Similarly, because I prefer trying new things and experimenting, you label me a snob. I never force beer on anyone, tell them their choice sucks, or attempt to distort/warp preferences according to my own. But, to you, because I drink exciting (for me), new, rare things - and enjoy the hell out of it - that makes me somehow bad for the community and a lesser person? You can fuck off with that nonsense. Snap judgement and stereotyping are, in my opinion, comparable to muling and BeerBlackBook.

/u/wedontsew gets it. You do you, and if you have a problem with how people behave, tell them. But don't be an equivalent douchebag by labeling huge groups of people you don't know just because they don't fit your preferred "craft enthusiast" profile.

[–]77juicyfruit[S] -1ポイント0ポイント  (5子コメント)

Actually, I haven't called you anything. Didn't even write the article. Obviously what offends you about all this has nothing to do with me. You found someone to direct your frustrations. Anyway, have fun mulling it all over.

[–]osnapson -1ポイント0ポイント  (4子コメント)

Except you explicitly did, by making your frustration with people who seek out new and different beers known. That's how I enjoy craft beer, you directly attacked it, and called me a snob. You're also explicitly wrong, but hey, easier to dig in your heels and judge rather than appreciate individual variation of a shared interest.

I didn't read the article, it's irrelevant here. I entreated you to have some decency for fellow people rather than pass judgement, you said "no, they're snobs because that's my definition." Shitty attitude from someone with a permanently narrow worldview. That's the kind of shit craft beer, and humanity in general, is better off without. Enjoy never experiencing something new, and keep your useless, negative attitudes to yourself.

[–]77juicyfruit[S] -1ポイント0ポイント  (3子コメント)

Man, you have some serious problems. All I did was share an anecdote about my friend who can be pompous about beer. You took that as a direct attack on you? That's a real bummer, dude.

I'mma go out on a limb here and say that you're an angry person with a lot of pent up rage. That's sad, man. I'm sorry for you. My advice is to seek counsel somewhere other than the bottom of a beer glass.

[–]defroach84 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

That beer sounds delicious.