Submitted by Shepard Ambellas via,
A victim of Sunday’s early morning terror attack at the Pulse nightclub gave a bombshell interview to an ABC reporter after being released from a local hospital.
During the interview the eyewitness, who played dead for several hours during the attack as a strategy to stay alive, said that he had overheard a phone conversation that the shooter was engaged in.
The eyewitness said that the shooter made mention that he was the “fourth shooter” and that there were “three others,” “snipers,” along with a ‘female suicide bomber’ that was playing dead.
Witness: Orlando shooter asked club goers their race, said U.S. needs to "stop bombing ISIS"
— ABC News (@ABC) June 13, 2016
Additionally the witness said that the terrorist on the phone also mentioned “to stop bombing ISIS.”
He is not alone in his thoughts...
@Juliess31 @ABC This was tweeted earlier. Makes you wonder what they are hiding?
— Catalina Woody (@catwoody20) June 13, 2016
This is absolutely bombshell info that is being suppressed by the mainstream press! This information should be the focus on every mainline channel!
No.....Obama just said no!
He's a community organizer.....who ya gonna believe?
Lone wolf? Sounds like a lone pack of wolves.
Just delete the emails and no one will find out.
has nothing - nothing - to do with such a peaceful religion like Islam.
B.H. Obama
Just like the eye witness accounts of the San Bernadino shooting... Multiple shooters, military style fatigues, news suppressed from the public...
Arm yourselves. They are here.
Sorry, but the eyewitness tesimony coming from a fat fagget that looks like a Mississippi pimp doesn't seem very authentic. That fucker's choice of hat alone is suspect.
coming from a fat fagget that looks like a Mississippi pimp
How much did that just cost me in taxes?
my dear daddy was a Pascagoula Mississippi Pimp
the comparison is offensive
i must seek safe space
Logic suggests that there's no way one person could execute so many people without being overwhelmed or draining his ammo supply. More lies from TPTB... no surprises there.
Snopes rushed to discredit these "fear-mongering" "irresponsible" claims 2 days ago so they must be true!
But...but....Paul Craig Roberts just told us yesterday in an article right here on ZH that this was all a HOAX. There were no bodys according to Paul and most of those ZHers commenting.
So, this 5 shooters theory must be a hoax, too. Right, Paul?
Got a picture of a single dead body in this day of ubiquitous video and photgraphy? How about one from San Berdino? How about one from Sandy Hook?
Sorry fuck head, but if you aren't challenging their version of truth, then you are part of the problem.
Care to answer some of the following?
Over 100 people supposedly shot, and two ambulances on the scene
Civilians helping "injured victims" with leg wounds on camera who walk away fine after out of sight of the camera with EMS personnael standing there doing nothing
Interviewed people not dressesd to go to a gay bar showing virtually no emotional response
"Blood everywhere" yet not a signle photo
Dude with a Glock can get a 50% kill ratio which is better than most military missions with no military training using a pistol in a dark bar
How can one guy shoot over a hundred people when his weapons have magazines that can only hold a few dozen bullets. People stood around and let him reload?
How come all media stories on the scence start with "We are being told..."? Did anyone investigate themselves?
How come this guy's dad is a CIA asset?
I could go on for paragraphs.
So, nobody was killed? That's good news. Please call the parents of those on the death list and let them know their child is still alive, dumb shit.
You're just a Tool at best. Because the media "Says So", it has to be true? Find the list and I'll call them. I've yet to see ANYONE produce a list of victims for Sandy Hook, and I live in CT. Remember, the media would NEVER lie to you. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
You should read "Nobody Died at Sandyhook." PDF. Free. It has a lot of information and questions that make you go "hmm."
I heard the condensed version when the author was interviewed on the Richie Allen Show. Worth looking up.
Please do. Really.
Wish we had an ER nurse tweet that, "we got 8 gunshot patients; 2 women and 6 men all with multiple gunshot wounds in body and extremities".
From multiple hospitals in the Orlando area. Please. That doesn't seem to violate patient confidentiality.
US media carry water for Obama. Do you think Obama, who has been trying for 7+ years to peddle the fiction that Islam is about peace and that Muslims seek to assimilate here, wants gruesome pics of Americans butchered in the name of Allah by Islamist terrorists in newspapers and on TV? Of course he does not.
THAT, in my estimation, is the reason for the mysterious media vaccuum that follows the unavoidable initial reporting. It is not that 49 weren't killed, it is that the media is reluctant to stick those photos in your face, cuz a photo is worth a thousand words, and those are words Obama desparately doesn't want you, me, us, to hear. And the media knows that. CNN, Facebook, Google, the FCC... Yes, they are conspiring on behalf of and alongside Obama and a leftist agenda. It IS a conspiracy.
There is no bigger fiction peddler than Barack H. Obama and no more ardent, devoted accomplices than the complicit, goon-ish US media.
i can reload a mag in an ak in about 3-5sec....with adrenaline pumping lets say 10sec. yes someone with guts could run 20ft and grab the rifle but come on people....these were rump rangers not army rangers. i know women that are tougher....
i know gay dudes that can bench 300, there are plenty enough gay Rangers, Seals out there that you would not want to say this to.
"As reported" many of the victims had multiple bullet wounds. So how many shots were fired in what space of time and how hot would the firearm get before it started "cooking" off ammo or the gun actually malfunctioned? The one online comment cited here about someone with 12 bullet wounds means the shooter(s) continued to pump bullets into the already fallen victim or the gun was 'cooking" off rounds. Many questions to be answered here with not many answers for us peons.
Maybe a hoax ... maybe not a hoax. But how do you explain this?
Apparently, one news outlet put out the story of the shooting 6 hours before it ever happened. Odd....
Tin foil hats decide what the TRUTH is. Best of all is when they say there are no bodies as relatives wail. Who you going to believe, a tin foil hat or your lying eyes.
Actually, no. PCR said very clearly that he would believe there were bodies when someone reported seeing, or otherwise validating claims of, bodies. A very sensible approach, given that the only thing we can be sure of about mass media coverage is that it is a pack of lies. He did not say it was a hoax. He said it may be a hoax, it may not be, and he has no real way of knowing.
What is your evidence for the existence of dead people? I think you said yesterday that it was impossible to believe a coverup of such magnitude. Tell that to the 9/11 relatives. Or Oswald.
I'm waiting for Brian Williams to tell me what the truth is about all of this ...
Word is he's pinned own under heavy sniper fire with HIllary in Bosnia......happened right after the helicopter crashed.
That's all we know so far....check back later.
He's too busy being proud of his daughter gettting her ahole butt munched on national TV
Are you suggesting that in order for this to work, the drunken, gay crowd would have scattered in a dramatic, hysterical every-persor- for their-non-gender-identified-self fashion and nobody in the place would have thought to try to overpower the shooter?? Could that have really happened? If so, this was a really, really soft target.
No? Then we must have had additional shooters. Interesting theory. Any video of who rolled up in the minivan the shooter drove?
Multiple shooters wouldn't surprise me. My first thought when I heard the news was that the number dead and wounded was extremely high for a single shooter.
I saw Commando...the lone shooter sounds entirely plausible.
More like Hot Shots Part Deux
You are correct, JSB. ...... Chris Kyle himself could not make that many kill shots on a building full of gays pumped up on 'bounce off of each other on the dance floor' pills. ...
Moving targets don't even begin to describe a big gaggle of undulating panicked Moes in flight.
~ DC v2.0
You like women? Not getting many, are you?
So much penis hate here. Must be all the bare chested tough guys. With your big guns and hate.
Kinda like the shooter...hmmm.
Not getting YOU, Roxi. And quite content with that.
Francis- is that you?
The Yapper-in-Chief has blamed everyone for the bloody slaughter. He's blamed gun owners, Americans, trump, gays ... everyone but himself or the incompetent fbi and Low Retta for this massacre.
The fact that barry ordered Low Retta to chastise the fbi for being too insensivite towards Muslims an dto stand down and leave them be ... had nothing to do with it according to Soweto.
Has he blamed George Bush yet?
A Muslim walks into a gay bar. The bartender says, "What'll you have?". The Muslim says, "Shots for everybody!"....
Let's just lob in a bunch of contradictory stories and stand back.
Video tape?
They forgot to put the tape in that night.
The evidence is on a hard drive somewhere.
Speaking of MSM news suppression...
I watched the Trump stump speeches from North Carolina, San Jose and Redding, California in their entirety.
Same themes of course. but the corporately owned MSM has failed to report ithat after he gets in the Trump House in DC, that Hillary won’t be pretty in pink like in 1994, she will be just as ugly as ever in orange.
Trump must win if for no other reasons than to inject a 4,000 PSI enema into the DOJ, SCOTUS and State Department.
I look forward to seeing him with Vlad at The Valdai discussion conference in 2017
The evidence would be an examination of the spent bullets.
Well, who is this "witness?" If you wanted to spread mis-information or dis-information, this would be one way to do it. I'm not saying he is, but we need to keep that in mind at all times. If you can steer X- amount of people down the path of a bullshit storyline (not saying this one is or not,) you focus their attention away from what really happened. (In this case, it would be the lone-shooter vs the 5-shooter arguement.)
Until there's more evidence, don't declare something to be the final truth.
Don't put it beyond MIC to include truth mixed with obvious falsehood in order to conceal truth. Multiple shooters is plausible, female suicide bomber mightn't be, so they put the two together so that multiple shooters seems ALSO implausible. This is psychological gaming. Put a delicious cheeseburger next to what might be a shit sandwich by the smell of it, and you will turn a person from the buffet table entirely.
I went to Google maps and Pulse nightclub only has 6 parking spaces!!!!! So where did the 350 people who were supposedly inside park? Even 50 people would have had to park on the streets but you don't see that in the video filmed that night.
There's not many parking spaces in the adjacent buildings and it's adjacent to a fenced in substation. And the nightclub looks to be about the size of an average Florida houser, about 2500 square feet.,+Orlando,+FL+32806/@...!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x88e77b0c41526959:0xba2a662f20e2c7c0!8m2!3d28.5196046!4d-81.3767987
Complete BS
I noticed that as well, hell just looking at the place - how do you fit 350 people in that tiny two room venue?
Looks like it gets a pretty good crowd
You can poke through photos here
Yep, that first image looks pretty crowded. Looks like about 35 people in that room which looks about half the size of the building. I can't even imagine what the body odor is like when you put ten times that many people in it.