


  1. 固定されたツイート

    NEW, by me: "The Left Chose Islam Over Gays. Now 100 People Are Dead Or Maimed In Orlando"

  2. WATCH: Milo Finds Out He's Been Banned From Twitter Live On Air - Breitbart via

  3. Heading to press conference

  4. Watch me LOSE MY SHIT LIVE ON AIR when tells me my Twitter account is suspended

  5. A Muslim with 1.2M followers tweeted out a call to action which led to the temporary suspension of .

  6. I was following & he was following me. Now I'm not following him & he's not following me. Technical problems or sharia issues, ?

  7. How are you enjoying the new, sharia-compliant Twitter?

  8. We're approaching Twitter for comment. Do we have to do it in Arabic, ?

  9. Milo Speedily Reinstated On Twitter After Gigantic Backlash

  10. I've lost tens of thousands of followers -- not sure if database issue or Twitter shenanigans. Make sure you're still following me!

  11. I'm back!

  12. This is outside 's hotel room

  13. Free speech in America: You can't even talk about a talk.

  14. 6/ I will be joined by who will also make a statement.



