rupaulsdragrace 内の emilbm によるリンク All Ru-Girls listed by current age

[–]SkimmedChi 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

BeBe..? Guurrrl... you betta sashay yo ass down closer to that Red Bar. You was 40 when you won bitch.

This ain't The Curious Case of Benjamin's Bottom


rupaulsdragrace 内の emilbm によるリンク All Ru-Girls listed by current age

[–]SkimmedChi 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

Seeing 12 RuGirls are my age or younger... including Adore and Trixie... and feeling like i haven't done a damn thing with my life!

Bianca's voice in my head "What DO you do successfully?" 😢 Why must she read me so, when life clearly already has???

rupaulsdragrace 内の cum_guzzling_whore によるリンク Bianca at GAY Heaven Porn Ídol

[–]SkimmedChi 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

So... Statistically 1 in 10 persons is Black..... and Fit...? ... Seems legit. Bianca knows what's up.

P.S. I see you Katya at 60! (Between the girl in the blue frilled panties and the tall white movie villain) #werk

rupaulsdragrace 内の SkimmedChi によるリンク Future LSFYL - Can They Lip Sync To Songs by RuGirl???

[–]SkimmedChi[S] 28ポイント29ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ok but would you like to see Werqin' Girl by Shangela tho?

rupaulsdragrace 内の HeyQweenOfficial によるリンク 😂😂😂

[–]SkimmedChi 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

No heels... snatched her wig off - Don't Count 😒

I see you Milan....

rupaulsdragrace 内の Celra によるリンク Michelle Visage singing 'Poor Unfortunate Queens' at BOTS last night, proving she's one fierce bitch!

[–]SkimmedChi 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

I LOVE THIS NUMBER! Can someone link more of the cities openings??

Sidenote: BOTS is very White. We have diverse Queens... would be nice to see a diverse BOTS. ** Yes is saw Manila**

rupaulsdragrace 内の LaTransBear によるリンク Finally saw it in higher def - y'all what the fuck were they doing to Michelle in Season 3?

[–]SkimmedChi 51ポイント52ポイント  (0子コメント)

So basically they only started covering hormones after Season 3..?

Ps. She looks like someone who would eat sardines straight from the tin... on the bus.

rupaulsdragrace 内の SkimmedChi によるリンク Hey Ru. Can your best RPDR Lipsyncers battle for charity?

[–]SkimmedChi[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

They would slay the children and the children's children. No idea why this hasn't happened yet. Seemed a nobrainer to me.

rupaulsdragrace 内の [deleted] によるリンク Making Posts On This Sub (Please Consider)

[–]SkimmedChi -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

If there are 37000 of us... who cares what has been asked or said before? Let the old posts die if they're dying and let the children express themselves when, where and how they like. It may seem silly to someone reddit-experienced but they may actually just be posting something that genuinely came to mind.

I know it's human nature to want to regulate and police things but it's just unfortunate to see here.