It may not be unpopular with white people but many of my friends believe in a thing called 'white privilege'.
It seems to me that this is something similar to the race card that is used to guilt white people into thinking they owe us something even though the mass part of slavery ended years ago and racism against white people probably just as common as racism against black people now. I refuse to blame my failures on my skin colour just as white people shouldn't have to accept the assumption they are successful due to their skin colour. Prejudice works both ways and we need to stop singling out white people as the only race that benefits from a form of racism; when you fail, get up and try again don't just bitch and blame the white man for it.
Obviously I know this only applies to some people (of all races) but hearing my friends talk about such bs made me want to rant.
TL:DR We need to stop blaming white people for shit.