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Want to express your feelings about a certain candidate? Let these Tiny Presidential Hands speak louder than any words you could scream

Want to express your feelings about a certain candidate? Let these Tiny Presidential Hands speak louder than any words you could scream Read More
pledged of $135,000 goal
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This project will only be funded if at least $135,000 is pledged by .

William Hunt
Project by

William Hunt

First created  |  0 backed

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About this project

Like a lot of people in the world, I've watched Donald Trump, with ever growing horror, wage a campaign of hate, violence and fear. I've heard the insults directed at people's nationality, their religion, even their gender identity. Nothing and no one is safe from being a target. Since we can't seem to win with logic, compassion and understanding; we might be able to win by jeering him out of the picture. That being said, like a lot of people, I've seen how Mr. Trump has reacted to being accused of having tiny hands, even going so far as to bring up that very topic during a Presidential debate - and alluding that other things about him are not small as well. Personally I find this extremely funny.  

I am asking for $135,000 because it will cost that much to rush the production of the Tiny Presidential Hands. I have already secured manufacturers for the main components, but the mold making costs and the rush production timelines for the other pieces means that every step of the way is at a premium. I have already invested my personal funds to create the prototypes and secure the copyright and patent. This leaves me needing the funds necessary to tool, manufacture, assemble, package and ship at least 10,000 units. This goal will also allow me to do a modest media campaign and other "keep the lights on" necessities.   

Your support will allow me to reach that goal and the 10,000 unit number drops the per unit cost enough to make this campaign, at the funding level I am requesting, a success.

I have planned this product out to ultimately reach 100,000 units. If by some lighting strike of luck it becomes even more successful I do have plans ready to secure increased production needs. All the parts are being made in the US and I am 100 percent committed to keep it that way and proudly sew a Made in the USA tag to each one.

I've had a few friends ask me what my motivation for doing this tiny hands project is; my knee jerk answer is always: "Because it is funny." This is the easy answer to give, and it satisfies nearly everyone.. However, my motivation for this creation lies much deeper.

 Ask anyone that knows me personally and they will tell you that I am a pretty relaxed fellow. For this exact reason, politics and religion are topics I tend to avoid talking about, but the rise of Donald Trump is a different story - this man frightens me on more than just political grounds.

The Tiny Presidential Hands (name changed from Tiny Trump Hands on the advice from my lawyer) had its genesis about 25 years ago when a journalist referred to Trump as "a short fingered vulgarian." This statement drove Trump insane, so much so, that to this day Donald Trump still sends that journalist photographs of his hand circled in gold sharpie. To me, that is not only hysterical, but it also reveals something very scary and wrong with Donald Trump's physique. It's apparent that he is very insecure about his personal image. 

He has no problem insulting others on their looks, gender, physical disability, religion, ethnicity, or sexual identification; but when the attack is directed at him, he responds like a pouty child. Of course, Trump has normal, human sized hands, but in reality, everything about Donald Trump is small. His compassion is small; his heart is small; his world view is small; his beliefs are small; his soul, vision, humanity, grace, and yes, dick, is small. If you were to create a physical image based solely on his personality, he would resemble Lord Farquaad from Shrek.

The images of Trump with tiny hands have been seen on both late night talk shows and the internet; they are a staple of late night comedians. I wanted to bring these images to life. 

Remember the Guy Fawkes mask in the movie "V for Vendetta?" In that film, the mask represented a symbol of defiance toward an oppressive government and V supplied masks to the citizens of London so that they could wear them as a sign of protest. I created these tiny hands to be my protest - my protest against Donald Trump's treatment of various groups: women, Latinos, the LGBT+ community, veterans, immigrants, Muslims, the poor, the Pope, the PM of Great Britain, and so forth. I could go on about the bigotry of Donald Trump - the list of groups that he targets is endless. Is this the person we want as President of the United States? A petulant, churlish, boorish, childish, bigoted racist that uses fear, hate, and lies to dupe the less conscious of us into believing he has any interest in our pain and suffering?

I very much want this Kickstarter campaign to succeed, not for monetary gain - the budget is almost to the penny for what is needed - I want it to succeed so that when Donald Trump is on the campaign trail these upcoming months and he looks out over the crowd assembled before him, he sees thousands of these tiny hands waving and jeering at him; I want it to succeed so that this bigot of a man sees exactly what we think of him and his small life.

So please, I am asking for your support. My page on Kickstarter has a few incentives. The smallest one is a simple $1 pledge, which will not only show support toward the protest against Trump, but will also get your name on the website so that everyone knows that you helped make this happen. 

The next pledge is a $20 pledge, which gets you even more! A pledge of $20 will offer the same incentives as the $1 pledge AND will get you a pair of the tiny hands - it actually saves you $5 off of the retail price - it is a great deal. I urge you to pledge that single dollar to at least show an anti-Trump mindset. 

Getting a few thousand $20 pledges will fund this project and I, along with many Americans who fear Donald Trump, would be overjoyed, but getting 135,000 single votes of support sends an even stronger message. When Trump looks at my Kickstarter - and we know he will - he won't be able to help it. I would rather him see 100,000+ single dollar pledges then a few thousand $20 pledges (not that I won't take 'em.)

 Help me show Donald Trump there are many people who do not support his brand of bigotry and hate.  

Risks and challenges

The major obstacle to overcome in this project is not reaching the funding goal. Once that goal is met it will allow me to create the molds and secure a contract manufacture as well as produce 10,000 sets of tiny hands. If I only receive donations of $20 that would be 6,750 donors leaving me 3,250 sets of Tiny Presidential Hands I can place on my Amazon store front. Future runs can be fulfilled on an as need bases, and thanks to your support, the infrastructure will exist to answer future orders.

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  1. Select this reward

    Pledge $1 or more About $1.00 USD

    First you get my never ending thanks for your support, secondly its a cheap way to let the world know you'd spend a dollar to drive Donald Trump insane.

    Also, once funded, I will be creating a website for everyone who donated so you can keep up with the progress of the Tiny Presidential Hands! Everyone who has donated will be listed on this site as a valued supporter!

    Estimated delivery:
    1 backer
  2. Select this reward

    Pledge $20 or more About $20 USD

    For this amount you get your own set of Tiny Presidential Hands for your very own!!

    Estimated delivery:
    Ships to: Ships anywhere in the world
    4 backers
  3. Select this reward

    Pledge $50 or more About $50 USD

    I've had more then a few people as me if I am selling the prototypes. I've made 5 prototypes, improving the process each time. So what I am offering is this new reward! If you pledge $50 I will personally make you a pair of the tiny hands! I am limiting it to 150 because they are a bit time consuming to make and I will have to empty out several Salvation Army stores to get the suits and doll arms, but you are worth it! Each set in this reward will be numbered 1 to 150 so this is a true collectors item!!

    Estimated delivery:
    Ships to: Ships anywhere in the world
    Limited (147 left of 150) 3 backers
  4. Select this reward

    Pledge $5,000 or more About $5,000 USD

    If you feel strongly about Tiny Presidential Hands and want to be a permanent fixture on each one sold this is for you. For this Pledge I will, on the back of the item packaging, under the heading "These Tiny Presidential Hands were made possible by the generous donations from:" print your name. Due to space I have only 40 slots available. Your name will appear on each and every pair of Tiny Presidential Hands ever produced!

    And don't forget! You get 4 pairs of Tiny Presidential Hands!!! WOW!!

    Estimated delivery:
    Ships to: Ships anywhere in the world
    Limited (40 left of 40) 0 backers