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[–]SJW_propagandaIn BRD we are one -2 points-3 points-4 points  (0 children)
Attack right before US elections-->Trump gets elected-->fuck the minorities-->more people to recruit by ISIS
In the meanwhile everyone will have forgotten that this was also an attack against the LGBT community. Instead of pushing anti-homophobic and gun control legislation the US will end up doing nothing but harm.
Oh and if it wasn't certain at this point: the iron fist strategy to deal with terrorism is not working very well.
[–]thepoeticeddaI'm a VERY big deal on reddit -4 points-5 points-6 points  (1 child)
Can we now put meaningful restrictions on the AR15? Please?
[–]sunnymentoaddict -2 points-3 points-4 points  (0 children)
Hahaha hahaha
Dude this is the nation that did nothing after 20 kids were wrongly killed at Sandy Hook.
This man was on the FBI terror watch list and still bought a gun. Yet any talks of trying to prevent another Dylann Roof or this man from obtaining a firearm of any sorts through checking to see if they are on no fly list, or terror watch list are instantly shot down.
It is downright infuriating we have strong segment of the population that is more than ok with banning an entire religion, and value the second amendment as this infallible piece of doctrine that will never change; despite society and guns changing.
And I hate how reddit will jump through hoops to say never talk about the killer on regards to the Oregon community college shooting, Charleston, and many others I've sadly forgotten as they blur together. And paint these as mentally ill and down play all other motivations in their life: atheism, and being white supremacist. And instantly paint a man whom ruined the lives of a 100 is painted as nothing less than a Muslim. Ignoring the fact much like the previous gun massacre shooters, he used a gun, and assume all Muslims are machines hell bent on producing evil-they thought the LA PRIDE shooter would be a Muslim. And freak out if you don't mention his faith.
Priding themselves for being 'accepting and enlightened' for not being a Muslim - not the killer, just the faith- and also claiming to be accepting of the lgbt community;yet will mock Rubio for his alleged foam parties, Hillary for being a lesbian, or simply claim transgender folks are mentally ill.
I give up. If anyone else gives up as well, I have some invites to imzy, just pm me for them.
[–]BlueMoonDudeGuycool headed, wicked sense of humor, liar --1 points-0 points-1 point  (0 children)
fuck, I hate actually writing out my thoughts. Its always different from I originally wanted to say. anyways, my condolences to the victims of the shooting. innocent peoples lives were taken because of whatever fucking shitty reasons he had. at the same time, you have all these people calling for Muslims to be deported and killed and all that other shit. Islam may have had part in the shooting, but I'm sure there are plenty of Muslims that wouldn't do something like this and who condone the people who do these attacks. not only that, but people don't seem to understand that these attacks have killed other Muslims too, like the attack on the mosque in Saudi Arabia earlier this year. I hate that Muslims and just middle eastern people are going to be treated even shittier yet again for what Omar did. here in st Louis there are quite a few of ME and Muslim people and they just seem like regular folks. even one of my friends is a practicing muslim who goes shooting and he wouldn't like something like this.he's STILL my friend knowing that I'm an atheist. also I saw trumps post on FB about the bombing and the comments about taking america back and general shit like that. I try to believe that alt right bullshit but I can't. maybe as much as i don't like religion, I should be less lenient on Islam. I don't fucking know. I'm sorry for posting here but anywhere else would just be social suicide
and sorry about not formating
[–]Minn-ee-sottaaMarx, Lenin and revolution, real girls' talk. -1 point-2 points-3 points  (0 children)
Here's something less negative (or even really positive depending on who you are), the Penguins won the Stanley Cup last night. I was just hoping for a Game 7 but whatever
[–]pandas795"HAHA, SRS IS CRYING ABOUT THIS COMMENT"*cries about srs* -1 point-2 points-3 points  (1 child)
Every time I go on r/conspiracy, those basement dwelling tin foil wearing neckbeards say the most stupidest crap every time there is a tragedy. This people need to go out more and stop reading shitty blogs and sketchy videos on YouTube. Stuff happens, y'all need to leave your basement more to see it
[–]PM_ME_A_FACT -1 point-2 points-3 points  (0 children)
False flag! Training operation!
[–]SuperVillageoisYou can't handle the biotruth! -1 point-2 points-3 points  (1 child)
Just tried getting banned from The_Adolf. Still hasn't happened. What am I doing wrong?!?
Hopefully, reddit will be less shit today than it was yesterday.
(Haha, who am I kidding? It's shit all the way down)
[–]Lord_Farkward -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
You probably tried to state some kind of well thought out argument. Those will just fly right over their heads. Say something that isn't deifying their "god-emporer" and then you'll be banned faster than you can say the word "cuck"
[–]YonderOverSocial Justice Wizard -4 points-5 points-6 points  (0 children)
I think I'm done with reddit for a while. As much as I love SRS and every one of us here, I really hate knowing that people can be disgusting human beings and are applauded for it. I hate reading comments of others who use the dead bodies of people who belonged to a specific culture and not worry about that, but, rather, about how it's so unfair that they can't be represented as well, or how this can be spun to point fingers at others rather than OUR lax gun-laws.
[–]True_Eaglelibrarian -5 points-6 points-7 points  (0 children)
I wish redditors realized that their rampant hate and racism against all Muslim people is exactly what terrorist organizations like ISIS bank on. It's their prime recruiting tool. If we were all able to stand with the good people in this world regardless of their race or beliefs, more damage would be done to ISIS's cause than any ban, watch list, or mass deportation could ever do.
It's so sad to see such a big website take a stand for any pedophile or rapist, but outcast another race purely out of hysteria.
If you're Muslim in the United States today, I empathize for the horrible shit you're probably dealing with from ignorant people around you. If you're not Muslim, please be vigilant in making sure your neighbors are being treated with the respect they deserve and aren't suffering because of the horrible and terrifying actions of other people.
[–]ARobotJetpackUnicornThe White Man's A Burden -5 points-6 points-7 points  (1 child)
i wish i could stop feeling so lonely and sad.
[–]SpeakofSmallThingstrans communist sjw LUCIOLUCIOLUCIO -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
Me too, if you want to talk about it I'm here.
[–]PM_ME_A_FACT -11 points-12 points-13 points  (0 children)
Every time I think this site hit a low, something new happens. These children really showed their true colors yesterday
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