Hahaha hahaha
Dude this is the nation that did nothing after 20 kids were wrongly killed at Sandy Hook.
This man was on the FBI terror watch list and still bought a gun. Yet any talks of trying to prevent another Dylann Roof or this man from obtaining a firearm of any sorts through checking to see if they are on no fly list, or terror watch list are instantly shot down.
It is downright infuriating we have strong segment of the population that is more than ok with banning an entire religion, and value the second amendment as this infallible piece of doctrine that will never change; despite society and guns changing.
And I hate how reddit will jump through hoops to say never talk about the killer on regards to the Oregon community college shooting, Charleston, and many others I've sadly forgotten as they blur together. And paint these as mentally ill and down play all other motivations in their life: atheism, and being white supremacist. And instantly paint a man whom ruined the lives of a 100 is painted as nothing less than a Muslim. Ignoring the fact much like the previous gun massacre shooters, he used a gun, and assume all Muslims are machines hell bent on producing evil-they thought the LA PRIDE shooter would be a Muslim. And freak out if you don't mention his faith.
Priding themselves for being 'accepting and enlightened' for not being a Muslim - not the killer, just the faith- and also claiming to be accepting of the lgbt community;yet will mock Rubio for his alleged foam parties, Hillary for being a lesbian, or simply claim transgender folks are mentally ill.
I give up. If anyone else gives up as well, I have some invites to imzy, just pm me for them.