So I am on various online dating sites for science purposes only, and let me tell you, some of these 30 year old women are so confused it scares me. For one, the vast majority of them are overweight, and their profiles read like a bunch of young 20 year olds. They expect the same kind of attention and access to men as a 20-25 year old. They bring absolutely nothing to the table, their favorite past time is laughing at how they can't cook, and how they love to laugh. But despite their great expectations, they are also very desperate, and there is likely some inner resentment with regards to not getting and no longer being able to get what they want. It is honestly satisfying but also a bit sad watching these clueless broads being crushed under the weight of feminism and this gynocentric society, which in the end, screws them over more than it helps them when it comes to getting any real satisfaction from life. As a man, you can't possibly expect to find a loving woman at this point that's in her late 20s or 30s, they are all emotionally neurotic children grasping at whatever straws life has left to throw at them.