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[–]TheSubversive 2 points3 points4 points  (9 children)
So whose fault is all this? Mine? Because I'm a white male?
Listen to the lyrics of all black rappers and then tell me that it's white peoples fault.
Go to any criminal courtroom where these minor drug cases are heard and tell me it's my fault that these kids show up there in the same thing they wear to shoot hoops.
Go to any inner city school and watch how they act in the classroom and then try to talk about how it's white peoples fault.
You're not only crazy but you're stupid as we'll if you think anyone else is to blame for an entire cultures actions.
[–]macleod185 0 points1 point2 points  (8 children)
The point is not to "blame white people", but instead to show white people that it's more complicated than "blaming black people". You are playing to an extreme and the result is dishonesty.
[–]CantStopWhitey 1 point2 points3 points  (7 children)
The average IQ of black people in the US is 85. Were you aware of this fact?
[–]macleod185 1 point2 points3 points  (6 children)
Are you aware of the fact that you are incapable of nuanced contextual thought?
[–]CantStopWhitey -1 points0 points1 point  (5 children)
Irrelevant and dodges the question. What are you afraid of?
I asked ifi you knew that or not? Either way, you have nothing to say about that fact that it's 85? I thought not.
[–]macleod185 1 point2 points3 points  (4 children)
Pointing out that you are missing the point is neither irrelevant nor a dodge. Its pointless debating with someone who needs to bait an argument before discussing more relevant aspects of a larger issue.
So - what IS your point? Or you just into spitting out non flattering statistics about minority groups with no nuanced thought involved?
[–]CantStopWhitey -1 points0 points1 point  (3 children)
Your entire argument, from the very beginning, is incorrect due to you ignoring, willfully or unintentionally, the mental abilities of the groups of which you speak. You are simply creating all sorts of false excuses, through rigorous mental gymnastics, when the true problem is clear as day.
Not my fault that you cannot connect the dots.
[–]macleod185 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
I'm disagreeing with you, not misunderstanding you.
I think it's fairly easy to argue that a group of people that have been oppressed both economically and socially for hundreds or thousands of years may have a lower than median IQ when compared to the group of people that has lorded over them.
What I'm saying is, what the hell is your point...? because THAT seems to speak to MY argument.
[–]CantStopWhitey 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
The point is not to "blame white people", but instead to show white people that it's more complicated than "blaming black people". You are playing to an extreme and the result is dishonesty.
I think it's fairly easy to argue that a group of people that have been oppressed both economically and socially for hundreds or thousands of years may have a lower than median IQ
Which is it? You're all over the place.
Also, even if what you say is correct in the second part, which it isn't, that doesn't explain the low average iq whatsoever as IQ is nearly .9 heritable.
Edit: finally, how do you think US black people went up from the African avg of 70 to 85? European admixture of genes. They directly profited feom your so called "lording over".
[–]macleod185 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
It's more complicated than simply blaming black people because of the historical context that the second sentence clearly explains - in trying to expose a disconnect in my argument you have instead highlighted my exact point. I find that to be fascinating... and due to that, I believe I am satisfied that you are simply dogmatic about this.
If you are going to be a racist, just admit to being one so we can get beyond this bullshit. Cherry picking statistics to match your beliefs and then putting your fingers in your ears when presented with new information is not debating.
I'm so sick of people like you trying to justify your supremacist mentality with empty, half cocked, backwards, and anti liberal [which really means anti-education] reasoning.
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