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submitted by CantStopWhitey
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[–]RamblinRambo3 -25 points-24 points-23 points  (21 children)
People like you don't get what he's doing. Trump has been calling out Israel and the jews more than once but he's smart enough to always do it in a way that doesn't leave room for the kikes to call him an anti-semite. He's doing it the smart way.
[–]Rugnardl 13 points14 points15 points  (18 children)
Quit that stupid shit
[–]RamblinRambo3 comment score below threshold-9 points-8 points-7 points  (17 children)
Oh JIDF has made their presence known.
[–]hiphopapotamus1 2 points3 points4 points  (16 children)
Dont know what jidf is but as someone who likes a good discssion of facts, i believe there is no room for that racist bullshit. If you were inteligent you'd understand your audience. The KKK could have gotten somewhere if they weren't so inflammatory about it. Its the image of hatefullness that makes your opinions unfavorable even if you are right. You lose credibility when you paint yourself as dumb. Racism is a tool for the uninteligent to paint their world in 16 bit graphics. Its easier to process for the racist. Sorry to say friend but some of us see the world in 32 and even 64 bit color schemes. As such your 16 bit arguement seems dull. Does that analogy make sense for ya?
[–]swagnarok69 4 points5 points6 points  (8 children)
That's a fairly shit analogy. You can be racist AND not ignorant, believe it or not.
And regardless of your position on racism or the Jews, you really should know what the JIDF is.
[–]hiphopapotamus1 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
Do you know what the RFUD is?
[–]swagnarok69 -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
If I Google it, how many relevant results will I get. I'll just tell you, a few. But Google thinks I meant RFID. Google JIDF. The results are starkly in contrast.
[–]hiphopapotamus1 0 points1 point2 points  (5 children)
Racism is ignorant. ergo a racist is practicing ignorance. Practitioners of ignorance are ignorant.
[–]swagnarok69 2 points3 points4 points  (4 children)
Blind prejudice against individuals of a certain race is ignorant. Racism as it currently is defined is not. You can believe that certain racial groups disproportionately exhibit negative characteristics without believing that all members of that group exhibit them as well. That still is considered being a racist if the groups you are talking about are considered "marginalized".
[–]hiphopapotamus1 0 points1 point2 points  (3 children)
As soon as you make it some people and not all... you arent working with the entire race... which makes it not racist.. lets pay attention to the language we've all agreed upon here. What you described sounds like rational thought.
[–]swagnarok69 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
What you described sounds like rational thought.
And yet I'm commonly branded a racist. The overall point being, the word kike (and nigger, spic, chink, pollock, ect.) have no place in most rational discussion forums. But when I say "The Jews have a disturbingly disproportionate level of influence in the western world" , I shouldn't be branded a paranoid racist. I'll agree that calling them kikes wasn't appropriate, but it doesn't invalidate the sentiment.
[–]hiphopapotamus1 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
Because the jews dont. A group of jews do... you're sounding racist while not being one... you have to choose your words. You're telling people that you are racist then saying you aren't.
[–]ghoti_styx 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
The KKK could have gotten somewhere if they weren't so inflammatory about it.
Lol. there was a time when about a fourth of the white people in the country including the president was a member. They done got somewhere already boy.
[–]hiphopapotamus1 -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
They didn't have this chub n' tuck boi.
[–]RamblinRambo3 -3 points-2 points-1 points  (4 children)
Dont know what jidf is
First problem. You're living in ignorance which makes the rest of your comment completely irrelevant.
[–]hiphopapotamus1 5 points6 points7 points  (3 children)
You proved my point. The same reason you didnt read my comment is that same reason no one respects your opinions.
[–]RamblinRambo3 comment score below threshold-7 points-6 points-5 points  (2 children)
You didn't prove shit. You came with opinions and the first thing you say is that you don't know what JIDF even is. After that you go on with your nonsense.
[–]JustasRACISTasYOU 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
As an unbiased observer I would like to say that you seem to be coming off far more sensibly than that silly guy who doesn't even know what JIDF means.
I personally have no idea what it means either because I'm not a racist scumbag but I wouldn't proclaim my ignorance like some badge of honor, I would simply look it up on google. Of course, in this situation I'm not going to bother looking it up because I can tell by context that it's some shit about some secret jew thing or jew lovers or some jewbrigade but that's not really the point.
[–]RamblinRambo3 -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
about some secret jew thing
No it's an actual thing out in the open: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Internet_Defense_Force
Paid for and upheld by the Israeli government to shill and promote jewish interest online. The same as the Putin bots. But more aggressive.
We also have these zionist Wikipedia editors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMBramnCg_s
A real thing and I'm surprised how people in /r/conspiracy of all fucking places are so blind to the jew and Israel.
[–]cawclot 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
Well, aren't you a treat.
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