Welcome to /r/LivestreamFail: the place for livestream fails and fuck-ups. This is the subreddit for your Livecaps, GIFs, VoDs and YouTube videos of people fucking up while streaming.
No moderators of this subreddit work for Twitch.
This subreddit has a few simple rules put in place to ensure everything here is up to a good standard. Breaking these rules will lead to punishment at the moderators' discretion.
1. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. This includes linking to personal information (or doxing), unless it's relevant to the fail (e.g. a tweet about the fail from the streamer).
2. NSFW posts must be marked and flaired as such.
3. All links to other places on reddit must use NP. That is, the URL must be np.reddit.com, not reddit.com.
4. Submissions over 8 hours old and with <0 points will be removed (unless we feel as if it still has discussion value).
5. Streamers sharing too much information or creating drama are not fails. (As voted on by the users) And will be deleted.
6. Livecap is now our suggested livestream capturing service; oddshot sometimes censor content.
Please report posts which you feel break any of these simple rules!
These guidelines are for if you'd like to get everything perfect. You don't have to abide by these, but doing so can make your post far better.
If your post is a long video (i.e. five or more minutes long), be sure to put a timestamp of the beginning of the fail in the comments. If it's a YouTube link, you can append it onto the end of the URL to automatically start playing at a specific timestamp, e.g. &t=3m24s
If you're submitting a link directly to a Twitch VoD, a YouTube link that isn't yours, etc., it's a good idea to rip it and upload a mirror somewhere else, just in case the original gets deleted somehow.
Posts about streamers like Kaceytron, Brittany Venti and Caleb Hart should be reconsidered before posting: is it really a fail?
Submit a win