WARNING: SHITPOST COUNTRY (~80% of this subreddits mods have left due to this sub going to complete shit good luck and try not to hit the gore links)
> Tag NSFW content.
> Be as civil as can be.
> The goal is to have the mods be as hands off as possible here. The community is number 1.
> Reddit's main site-wide content policy still applies here (no witchhunts, brigading, etc). The only non-permitted content at this moment is gore for gore's sake (this does not include violence which is permitted with NSFW tag) and porn for porn's sake (nudity is allowed with a NSFW tag).
Side note: If you repeatedly post titles for videos that are obvious clickbait, racebait, genderbait, etc bait, you will be issued troll flair so people can spot you. MODs decide the flair. If you have a complaint about your troll flair please visit this site www.eat3dicks.com
This subreddit is using the Simplit theme made by /r/titleproblems