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all 75 comments
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[–]FuckThatKarmaCulture -5 points-6 points-7 points  (0 children)
Can we admit the gun culture heinous impact on safety already?
[–][deleted]  (6 children)
    [–]dirjjjjj -5 points-6 points-7 points  (5 children)
    Hmm I pick treating people like humans instead of putting labels on millions on billions of people.
    [–]Personkin --2 points--1 points-0 points  (4 children)
    I wish the radical muslim in my home city last night thought the same thing.
    [–]dirjjjjj -1 point-2 points-3 points  (2 children)
    There you go. He's radical, you aren't. Treat your human brothers as humans. Stop labeling and spewing hate.
    [–]Personkin --1 points-0 points-1 point  (1 child)
    Where do you draw the line between peaceful homophobia (which is a tenet of Islam), and violent homophobia?
    And, banned. Surprise.
    [–]dirjjjjj -1 point-2 points-3 points  (0 children)
    I did not say that I support or agree with the islamic religion or agree with it's contents. I said treat other humans as humans and don't label billions of people.
    [–]12hatchAssigned misandrist at birth -2 points-3 points-4 points  (0 children)
    Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK! This is just so fucking horrible. :(
    I'm glad we have a chat thread now, Reddit is about to become even more trash than usual, with all the racist and fascist scum in worldnews, raytheism, and the dumpster fire political subs. Then there's the asshole "responsible gun owners" and the shitbag smug circlejerkers in the highbrow politicaldiscussion who cant stop pretending to be on CNN for one moment to realise that 50 people were murdered for their sexuality, fuck off with your what does this mean for clinton/trump bullshit!
    Fuck! I know a lot of people in Orlando... We're all a bit beyond the clubbing crowd age, but who knows. Ugh this is terrible
    Peace, srsters, peace and queer liberation <3
    [–]thinkadrian --5 points--4 points--3 points  (0 children)
    Hello! I'm new to this sub!
    Looking forward to hating people who are not white males with the rest of you!
    [–]hereforearthpornThe cure for free speech. Well, more like a topical ointment. -6 points-7 points-8 points  (1 child)
    I just woke up to the shooting in Orlando and...goddamn. This just hits hard. The LGBTQIA community has gotten where we feel we're on the upswing, and then this comes. I really don't even know what to say. It's just...pain at the moment. Worse in that my girlfriend and I were talking about making plans to go to an LGBT nightclub soon just last night and...yeah.
    I'm not a praying person, but all my thoughts, feelings, and hopes go out to the victims.
    EDIT: If anyone wants to help, the LGBT organizations in the area are raising money to help the victims. I put in what money I could already, and hope others can too. https://www.gofundme.com/29bubytq
    [–]thinkadrian -2 points-3 points-4 points  (0 children)
    a friendly user in another sub made an interesting observation, that when white people are victims, eyes are on the victims, but when LGBT or another race, eyes are on the offender.
    [–][deleted]  (1 child)
      [–]jessica316Give me attention. -2 points-3 points-4 points  (1 child)
      Sucks how everybody was so worried about terrorism ruining the Euro's and it is being ruined by football culture and hooliganism
      [–]mediumhydroncollider -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
      I for one find it hilarious. I'm English and the news here just tries to make every problem as foreign as possible, in the lead up to the euros they were all subtly saying "Oi France, don't let terrorists fuck up the Euro's".
      Meanwhile a lot of English hooligans have just come over and trashed the place. Don't get me wrong, the majority of fans (regardless of nationality) are chilled and also the Russian fans probably had a larger part to play based on the videos but it takes two to tango and English hooligans love that dance. I literally started laughing when I saw a video of an English group chanting at police and throwing chairs around at a local cafe terrace but the reporting here is that English fans are "victims of barbaric Russian hooligans".
      Meanwhile the biggest news coming from the Welsh supporters is that they got their picture taken with a local couple who just got married :)
      [–]ArthedFOR THE FEMPEROR -3 points-4 points-5 points  (0 children)
      I hate people
      [–]pandas795"HAHA, SRS IS CRYING ABOUT THIS COMMENT"*cries about srs* -7 points-8 points-9 points  (3 children)
      Shit, fatalies raised to 50, oh god
      [–][deleted]  (2 children)
        [–]SpeakofSmallThingstrans communist sjw LUCIOLUCIOLUCIO --4 points--3 points--2 points  (1 child)
        implying they have some kind of "radical" nature
        jesus christ, fuck off racist.
        [–]tenyardsoflinensentient t-34 --2 points--1 points-0 points  (0 children)
        it's just science. muslims have a large radical lobe in the brain (next to the ear)
        [–][deleted]  (7 children)
          [–]Minn-ee-sottaaMarx, Lenin and revolution, real girls' talk. -5 points-6 points-7 points  (6 children)
          Pro-LGBT or pro-fascism
          Pick one
          [–][deleted]  (5 children)
            [–]Minn-ee-sottaaMarx, Lenin and revolution, real girls' talk. -12 points-13 points-14 points  (4 children)
            You post in the_donald, a cult around a fascist.
            Don't make yourself out to be some progressive ally
            [–][deleted]  (3 children)
              [–]pandas795"HAHA, SRS IS CRYING ABOUT THIS COMMENT"*cries about srs* -6 points-7 points-8 points  (2 children)
              subreddit was satire run by trump supporters
              Lol, this sub was made before Trump decided to run
              [–]12hatchAssigned misandrist at birth -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
              Oh god is this some new mythos? We not goons anymore?
              [–]ARobotJetpackUnicornThe White Man's A Burden -2 points-3 points-4 points  (0 children)
              trumpsters BTFO
              [–]BlueMoonDudeGuycool headed, wicked sense of humor, liar -2 points-3 points-4 points  (0 children)
              I want to ride around aimlessly. but I don't have a bike anymore and I'm way to anxious for that
              [–][deleted]  (6 children)
                [–]LiberalParadiseThey targeted comedians. Comedians. -1 point-2 points-3 points  (1 child)
                I'm willing to bet the lovely_leah account was just an alt account that had actually managed to successfully imbed itself on AHS. There's no way a self-professed zionist would be dating a neo-nazi. It just paints the whole picture that neo-nazis try to paint of Israelis, i.e. "they're the real nazis!" And what better way to do that then to make a fictitious zionist defend her neo-nazi boyfriend. Plus bonus points for them because they get to turn around and say, "Oh look, the feminists are witch-hunting a woman--that doesn't seem very feminist to me, right guys?"
                [–]pandas795"HAHA, SRS IS CRYING ABOUT THIS COMMENT"*cries about srs* -2 points-3 points-4 points  (0 children)
                WAAATTT? What a twist
                [–]ARobotJetpackUnicornThe White Man's A Burden -2 points-3 points-4 points  (2 children)
                holy shit. you've got to be kidding me.
                [–]Minn-ee-sottaaMarx, Lenin and revolution, real girls' talk. -5 points-6 points-7 points  (1 child)
                It's the weirdest fucking thing. She's an ultra-nationalist Zionist dating a Holocaust denying Strasserite who blames Jews for communism. What the hell?
                AHS is such a shitshow honestly
                [–]tenyardsoflinensentient t-34 -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
                maybe it's some weird game and it's all the same person. remember european88?
                [–]pandas795"HAHA, SRS IS CRYING ABOUT THIS COMMENT"*cries about srs* -18 points-19 points-20 points  (28 children)
                Another mass shooting :(
                [–]LiberalParadiseThey targeted comedians. Comedians. -12 points-13 points-14 points  (16 children)
                50 people dead...this is just fucking disgusting. This is the worst mass shooting in US history. How many dead bodies do you gun nut fucks need before you say, "Okay, maybe we could use a little gun control..."? But nope, it's going to be a 100% focus on him being a Muslim, so we can forget that.
                [–]ShitSaidByReddit comment score below threshold--6 points--5 points--4 points  (1 child)
                How would gun control have prevented this?
                [–]LiberalParadiseThey targeted comedians. Comedians. -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
                We'll find out in the coming weeks, but I'm already willing to bet that the weapons he used were legally purchased (the two handguns the San Bernardino shooters used were legally purchased; the Charleston church shooter legally purchased his when he should've failed the background check).
                [–]pandas795"HAHA, SRS IS CRYING ABOUT THIS COMMENT"*cries about srs* -1 point-2 points-3 points  (13 children)
                Its San Berdino/Paris all over again
                [–]LiberalParadiseThey targeted comedians. Comedians. -3 points-4 points-5 points  (12 children)
                Worse--it's not even 12 hours in and they've already labeled it terrorism without a single fucking shred of evidence. The guy was an American citizen with no priors. The FBI hasn't changed one bit since the 60s.
                [–]andi-the-anarchistACAB=All Cucks Are Bastards -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
                How is this not anti lgbt terrorism?
                [–]tenyardsoflinensentient t-34 --1 points-0 points-1 point  (5 children)
                let's assume this guy is an ISIS wannabe. if that's the case the FBI was probably keeping tabs on him. probably ignored warnings of an attack or whatever (just like with the paris shootings lol. incompetence or a strategy of tension?)
                so yeah they may have evidence or at least know what the guy was about. of course it's all speculation.
                [–]LiberalParadiseThey targeted comedians. Comedians. --1 points-0 points-1 point  (4 children)
                They had nothing on the San Bernardino shooters. Not one bit. They equated a Facebook comment to be the same as being trained and part of a terrorist cell and then the President of the United States went on national television and called it terrorism but he won't call the guy who went into a black church and shot it up for the same reasons (hatred) a terrorist.
                Standard OP for the FBI is to now call any Muslim shooter a terrorist.
                [–]tenyardsoflinensentient t-34 -3 points-4 points-5 points  (3 children)
                wait the president never called roof a terrorist? fuckin lol. obama'd again.
                [–]LiberalParadiseThey targeted comedians. Comedians. -2 points-3 points-4 points  (2 children)
                Yup, it's specifically because ever since 9/11, the DoJ reclassified what 'terrorism' means so that it's basically exclusive only to radical Islam ideology.
                [–]oboeplumI'll censor your freeze peach but first I wanna procrastinate -2 points-3 points-4 points  (1 child)
                So do separatists not count as terrorists any more? Like, if there was an american version of Eta who shot up a public place would that be an 'act of terrorism'?
                [–]LiberalParadiseThey targeted comedians. Comedians. -1 point-2 points-3 points  (0 children)
                All those "freemen on the land" types are always treated with the utmost caution and are given days months by the FBI when it comes to stand-offs so nope, not an act of terrorism. But if the guys were black or brown then yeah, then it gets called terrorism and they storm the place immediately and they shoot to kill.
                [–][deleted]  (4 children)
                  [–]tenyardsoflinensentient t-34 -1 point-2 points-3 points  (2 children)
                  where the fuck do you people come from. do non-srs people seriously read these threads?
                  [–]TheArachnoCapitalistsensual juice whisperer -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
                  Yes, they're obsessed with us.
                  [–]LiberalParadiseThey targeted comedians. Comedians. -3 points-4 points-5 points  (0 children)
                  Fuck off back to /r/worldnews, you shit stain of humanity.
                  [–]tenyardsoflinensentient t-34 -0 points-1 point-2 points  (5 children)
                  like clockwork, eh? now to spend a week scrutinizing the shooter(s), talking about guns/weapons, mental illness, blah blah blah. and then drop it all until the next mass shooting.
                  [–]LiberalParadiseThey targeted comedians. Comedians. -0 points-1 point-2 points  (2 children)
                  I'm glad I filtered out the hate subs. My front page basically only has like six or seven links (same goes for the second and third page). I took a peek in /r/news and the stickied thread on it has been nuked left and right with people shouting that the /r/news mods should be removed by admins.
                  The hate subs are having a field day.
                  [–]tenyardsoflinensentient t-34 -0 points-1 point-2 points  (1 child)
                  i'm not really surprised. maybe it's time for me to take another month long break lol
                  [–]LiberalParadiseThey targeted comedians. Comedians. -1 point-2 points-3 points  (0 children)
                  It's reached critical mass in /r/news. They locked the thread, so now the "news" thread is on AssCredit (who are all into the whole "muh freeze peach" bit so I imagine that's why they've decided to ignore the rules that they claim that they always follow to a 't').
                  Oh, and I think we may have in the making another roddit rebellion, because admins apparently disabled the upvote button on /r/the_donald (if posters on that sub are to believed).
                  I think I'm gonna call it a break as well for a bit. 50 people are dead and all they want to talk about is how this justifies their hatred for all Muslims.
                  [–]pandas795"HAHA, SRS IS CRYING ABOUT THIS COMMENT"*cries about srs* -2 points-3 points-4 points  (1 child)
                  Actually, the shooter might be a Isis inspired, so probably islampobia
                  [–][deleted] -5 points-6 points-7 points  (3 children)
                  And at a gay club on Pride Parade weekend. I'm not gay but living in DC it's tough to have seen neighbors and friends all celebrating in the year after their marriage's legalization only for this crap to dampen it.
                  [–]omgnodoubtI can't stop arguing with idiots online and it's a problem --1 points-0 points-1 point  (0 children)
                  I was celebrating Pride last weekend, and actually thought to myself "any crazy homophobe could come in here with a gun at any moment" it's really scary to see that it actually happened.
                  [–]pandas795"HAHA, SRS IS CRYING ABOUT THIS COMMENT"*cries about srs* -7 points-8 points-9 points  (1 child)
                  FBI are saying it may be a act of terrorism
                  [–]ThatDBGuy -1 point-2 points-3 points  (0 children)
                  So the shooter wasn't white then
                  [–]Minn-ee-sottaaMarx, Lenin and revolution, real girls' talk. -7 points-8 points-9 points  (0 children)
                  Redditors demanding more guns in a venue for drinking in 3.. 2..
                  [–]ARobotJetpackUnicornThe White Man's A Burden -1 point-2 points-3 points  (2 children)
                  a new sabaton album is coming out wooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo
                  shut up ok i know they're overrated but still ;-;
                  also, badass album cover; would definitely buy a t-shirt with that on it
                  [–]SpeakofSmallThingstrans communist sjw LUCIOLUCIOLUCIO -0 points-1 point-2 points  (1 child)
                  idk why i love sabaton so much
                  night witches tho
                  [–]ARobotJetpackUnicornThe White Man's A Burden --1 points-0 points-1 point  (0 children)
                  i guess it's the whole war aesthetic that's unique to sabaton. not saying that other bands don't sing about historical wars of course; just that sabaton does it exclusively. or something idk lol
                  night witches
                  [–]dirjjjjj -5 points-6 points-7 points  (7 children)
                  [–]ARobotJetpackUnicornThe White Man's A Burden --2 points--1 points-0 points  (5 children)
                  frist of all
                  [–]VorpalEskimoSummum bonum in mundo exterminium "albus populo". --1 points-0 points-1 point  (4 children)
                  Aside from all the horrible stuff, what'd I miss?
                  [–]ARobotJetpackUnicornThe White Man's A Burden --2 points--1 points-0 points  (3 children)
                  nothin', really
                  [–]VorpalEskimoSummum bonum in mundo exterminium "albus populo". --3 points--2 points--1 points  (2 children)
                  So as of the latest episode, I'm craving maresala chai even more. Does it sound like a fitting horse pun?
                  [–]ARobotJetpackUnicornThe White Man's A Burden --3 points--2 points--1 points  (1 child)
                  [–]VorpalEskimoSummum bonum in mundo exterminium "albus populo". --1 points-0 points-1 point  (0 children)
                  Indian Chai is my favorite kind of tea.
                  [–]BlueMoonDudeGuycool headed, wicked sense of humor, liar -3 points-4 points-5 points  (0 children)
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