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[–]VelostodonARMY[M] [スコア非表示] stickied comment (1子コメント)

  • Do not brigade /r/news

  • All mods of /r/news have been personally banned by me. Not that this really means much to them, but if they are going to ban users for telling the truth, then we don't want them even possibly bringing their poison here.

  • The admins have asked us not to talk about censorship at /r/politics. Reminder that we don't talk about the horrible viral and rampant censorship on other subs; even those like /r/news that definitely haven't censored literally thousands of comments in the thread about this shooting.

  • Yes, we are being censored in the form of our vote system is broken. Almost definitely intentional. You can message the admins to demand correction, but don't go posting about it everywhere.

[–]dukbcaajMAGA 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Why make such silly claims? There's definitely been no censorship on those cancer sjw subreddits