rupaulsdragrace 内の PixKix によるリンク Why do people say Raven was robbed? (And also, what queens were robbed?).

[–]LuckyWriter 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Santino said that, yes, but it's Ru's show and Ru seemed the most disappointed in Juju and Sahara completely missed the mark - even more than Tyra. I'm not denying Tyra would have been bottom 3 - but she would not have lipsynced, especially considering she at least knew the words.

rupaulsdragrace 内の [deleted] によるリンク Winners Season Simulation [RESULTS]

[–]LuckyWriter 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah tons of voter bias because people can't be objective and think about people's skills vs. their own feelings towards the person.

Tyra would not be bottom 2 for Rupaullywood, Wrestling, or Shade: The Rusical. She was shown to be a good actress and a good seamstress and have witty/funny moments.

Bebe would not be low so much, either.

Plus no way Sharon/Bob would do so well in a cast with Bianca, Tyra, Raja, and Chad.

Edit: also what the heck at Tyra not being higher in that skill level spreadsheet. She's proven to be a good dancer as she was able to mimic/do the choreography perfectly despite not physically practicing it and sleeping. She should be much higher as an actor considering she won an acting challenge while Violet, Raja, Chad, and Sharon - never did, though I will say with Sharon it's debatable. Her comedy should be higher as she made the judges laugh constantly, and her outfit creation should be much higher.

rupaulsdragrace 内の Heintea によるリンク Was Thorgy *really* ever a contender for Miss Congeniality?

[–]LuckyWriter 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

Miss Congeniality on this show is almost never "least shadiest" queen. It's usually always the queen who the fans love/thought were wronged in some way.

Season 1 Nina won it, if you ask me it should have been Ongina because Nina actually got into a few squabbles with Rebecca where as Ongina was friendly/lovely to everyone, IIRC.

Season 2, Pandora won it - which she should not have because she was not the least shady queen. In fact, during the whole Tyra/Tati thing she was called out for lying to the judges about Tyra (by Tyra and she didn't challenge it) and she did talk about people. It should have gone to Jessica Wild.

Season 3 - Yara Sofia got it but again, she had her shady moments (this especially comes out in All Stars) it should have been henny / Stacy Layne Matthews.

Season 4 got it right. Season 5, I could see it.

Season 6 it shouldn't have gone to Bendela for reasons stated in this thread, and should have gone to Joslyn Fox IMO.

Season 7 - this is a controversial one. Katya probably did deserve it, but I could also make a case for Jaidyn Diore Fierce, because she was super sweet.

And Season 8 got it right.

rupaulsdragrace 内の PixKix によるリンク Why do people say Raven was robbed? (And also, what queens were robbed?).

[–]LuckyWriter -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

"Tyra would have been in the bottom twice had she not had immunity"

Uh, it was quite obvious Tyra was feeling her oats both of those times and living her Beyonce fantasy. I don't honestly believe she would have done the same things if she knew she could go home. Furthermore, Rocker Week you're 100% wrong - Sahara and Juju were awful in that challenge and way worse than Tyra (who actually made the judges laugh in a good way) in every single possible way.

rupaulsdragrace 内の PixKix によるリンク Why do people say Raven was robbed? (And also, what queens were robbed?).

[–]LuckyWriter 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yara was robbed on quite a few challenges. I feel like she could have won News week over Manila. Her Cake outfit was...there's just not a word for how amazing it was, I don't know what the judges were thinking.

rupaulsdragrace 内の Miramm によるリンク Drag Race and Coincidences

[–]LuckyWriter 23ポイント24ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah...I never saw Courtney as being amazing that week. To be honest, I think Courtney should have been in the bottom two with Darienne over Dela because Courtney's honestly bored me. Dela kept true to her aesthetic and her final look was amazing.

rupaulsdragrace 内の xneilbx によるリンク Everything taste good on a Dida Ritz

[–]LuckyWriter 13ポイント14ポイント  (0子コメント)

I enjoyed Dida immensely but the issue was every challenge where she did okay/good, someone else did way way better. It's unfortunate.

gay 内の Aromic によるリンク 20 year-old virgin looking for advice.

[–]LuckyWriter -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'd get the surgery first and then worry about the sex, IMO.

rupaulsdragrace 内の PixKix によるリンク Queens that would flounder in other seasons?

[–]LuckyWriter -7ポイント-6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Bob would have floundered in probably any other season that wasn't tailored specifically for him, like Season 3 (with all those design challenges, for example) I think Pearl would have definitely gotten kicked out early in Season 6 because there was just so much personality she wouldn't have had time to wake up.

Ginger Minj, I feel, would have done less will in Season 6, also. I think Sharon would have done considerably worse in Seasons 3, 5, or 7.

rupaulsdragrace 内の Me16824 によるリンク FANTASY SEASON: FAN EDITION - WEEK 4 LSFYL

[–]LuckyWriter 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

To be honest, I think Stacy would turn this song out. Detox's lipsyncs at least on the show, never really entertained me and both times she "won" I thought the other person deserved it. So I'ma go with Ms. Backswamp.

And Ugh...Trixie should have won ;_;

fivenightsatfreddys 内の [deleted] によるリンク I thought I'd post about the future of Dayshift at Freddy's 2 (and the rest of my future projects) here too, since most people here don't follow the game. Mods, if you don't want this here, feel free to delete it...

[–]LuckyWriter 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think the important thing here is that you gained greater understanding and want to go in a more positive direction. I think you should keep doing what you do, because you've clearly got some traction in the community now and if you keep it up and keep gaining fans who knows where you'll be in a year or two.

fivenightsatfreddys 内の [deleted] によるリンク I thought I'd post about the future of Dayshift at Freddy's 2 (and the rest of my future projects) here too, since most people here don't follow the game. Mods, if you don't want this here, feel free to delete it...

[–]LuckyWriter 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

This right here is why you're accused of attention seeking.

Clearly people want you to stay and clearly people want you to make another game. It's like if I knew someone liked me but then I kept saying I feel like they don't like me just so I could hear them say it over and over again.


fivenightsatfreddys 内の [deleted] によるリンク I thought I'd post about the future of Dayshift at Freddy's 2 (and the rest of my future projects) here too, since most people here don't follow the game. Mods, if you don't want this here, feel free to delete it...

[–]LuckyWriter 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Right? I write books for a living and myself and pretty much all of my fellow authors would probably give up a body part to get 400+ reviews and 23k reads on one of our novels. And we sure as hell wouldn't say one of our novels which got that much attention "sucked" in any way, shape, or form.

I think this guy just wants validation - why, I don't know, because you'd think all the attention his game got was validation enough.

fivenightsatfreddys 内の [deleted] によるリンク I thought I'd post about the future of Dayshift at Freddy's 2 (and the rest of my future projects) here too, since most people here don't follow the game. Mods, if you don't want this here, feel free to delete it...

[–]LuckyWriter 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm going to be blunt-guy because that's the type of person I am, and please keep in mind I'm not trying to be offensive.

This entire post does come off as a pity speech, regardless of what you said. You're going to sit there and complain saying you're awful at something clearly a decent chunk of people enjoy and would be happy with you doing more? Where's the logic in that.

No one in the entertainment industry (writer, painter, etc) thinks they're amazing, and if they do, they got an ego the size of Egypt. That's life - there's always a little voice. Except, unlike you, some of them don't have people telling them their stuff is great and actively enjoying it.

446 ratings (mostly good), over 23k plays, etc. - are you kidding me dude? But you're so terrible right? Do you know how many people wish they had that traction?

I think you seriously need to reevaluate things because this comes off as very immature of you, in my opinion. And I feel sorry for the people who enjoyed what you made.

rupaulsdragrace 内の Me16824 によるリンク FANTASY SEASON: FAN EDITION - WEEK 4

[–]LuckyWriter 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Trixie would definitely rock this, as would Max and/or Dela. I could totally see them doing it. Raven, I feel blew her load the first time around and would probably be just high or safe.

rupaulsdragrace 内の Me16824 によるリンク FANTASY SEASON: FAN EDITION - WEEK 3 LSFYL

[–]LuckyWriter 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't think they are, either. They're just voting for their favorites.

TumblrInAction 内の The_EnigmaConundrum によるリンク Your therapist-kin friend doesn't count as a therapist.

[–]LuckyWriter 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Therapists are trained in the art of mental assault. Of course her therapist is going to say "that's fine" because "you're fucking crazy" wouldn't be helpful. Meanwhile she's going to slowly help break down the delusion.

RPDRDRAMA 内の dramabubble によるリンク [Vintage Drama] LuckyWriter is REALLY MAD about Tyler Oakley.

[–]LuckyWriter 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't know if it's reprehensible or not but these are the reasons I don't like him:

He's a huge hypocrite - He has used slurs which can be construed as transphobic yet has criticized other celebrities for using slurs which can be construed as homophobic - aka Azaelia Banks. And he says if you're called on something problematic you should listen yet when someone mentioned his fake/sassy accent he responded as such. He was all for boycotting Chik-Fil-A because of their anti-gay stance yet clearly has no issue with Urban Outfitters who's owner supports Rick Santorum who is anti-gay. And I won't even get into his support of the FCKH8 campaign which is such an anti-charity. And that's all I have off the top of my head but I'm sure there are more instances.

He's kind of a douche - this is probably just something that leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but he kind of ditched all of his old 5AG (five awesome gay) fans. They had a reunion a year or two ago and he didn't partake and almost all of his videos were taken off their channel - presumably on his orders.

He's aggressively sexual towards the guys from One Direction (just google it there are dozens) which is honestly disgusting and then goes on to criticize someone else for doing it for the sake of comedy though I guess this just falls back to point 1 - where he's a hypocrite.

Edit: there's a lot more but this is just in a nutshell why I don't like him.

RPDRDRAMA 内の dramabubble によるリンク [Vintage Drama] LuckyWriter is REALLY MAD about Tyler Oakley.

[–]LuckyWriter 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Huh? I don't think that first sentence made any sense.

Plus, just because someone does stuff for charity doesn't necessarily make them a good person. Donald Trump has donated over a million dollars for various charities. John Wayne Gacy performed at many charity events/children's hospitals. Mel Gibson has donated, IIRC, over 10 million dollars to charity but has been known to go on racial-fueled tirades about how much he dislikes Black, Jewish, and/or Hispanic people.

Is Tyler as bad as those guys? Not in the slightest. But don't pretend someone doing something good makes them a good person.

And no, I'm not. I'm far from the most masculine guy.

RPDRDRAMA 内の dramabubble によるリンク [Vintage Drama] Does gay mean "Generations Ahead of Yesterday"? Vivacious on Transformations starts a main sub cold war about putting down straights!

[–]LuckyWriter 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's irrelevant if they emulate drag queens on tv because drag queens are not placing themselves in a rolemodel position. Obviously it's a different story if a child sees a movie of a drug addict and starts doing drugs vs. a drug addict applying to be a mentor and the child sees them snorting coke and thinks it's fun.

Obviously that comparison was exaggerated for emphasis but the point still stands.

"Whole gay community" =/= specifically targeting gay youth.

Not really. I gave my reasons for not liking Tyler. They're valid to me. If you don't think so, that's on you, honestly. And the fact that you feel the need to wish violence on me shows exactly what kind of person you are and honestly makes you lose any credibility in my mind. So I hope you have a nice day. :)

RPDRDRAMA 内の dramabubble によるリンク [Vintage Drama] Does gay mean "Generations Ahead of Yesterday"? Vivacious on Transformations starts a main sub cold war about putting down straights!

[–]LuckyWriter 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

And I disagree with what you're saying.

What is a rolemodel? a person who's behavior can be emulated by younger people, I.E. someone who is around young people enough that their behavior can rub off.

What charity organization does Tyler Oakley work with? The Trevor Project. And what is the Trevor Project about? Gay youth.

So I'd argue you're wrong and he's trying to be a role-model. Especially given his Trevor Project bio states: Tyler uses his platform as a voice for today’s youth.

So your argument is invalid.

And no, drag queens are different. Rupaul's Drag Race is NOT aimed at children/gay youth. 90% of Drag Queens perform at bars. And how old do you need to be to get into a bar? I'll let you answer that one.

Point is, Drag Queens are not meant to be looked at as role models.

RPDRDRAMA 内の dramabubble によるリンク [Vintage Drama] Does gay mean "Generations Ahead of Yesterday"? Vivacious on Transformations starts a main sub cold war about putting down straights!

[–]LuckyWriter 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I didn't say he had to change for me. I'm saying he should change if he wants to be a good rolemodel and I'm saying why I dislike him. Difference. And I don't have kids but if I did, they wouldn't watch Tyler Oakley, lol.

I didn't say the world had to censor itself, in fact, I'm highly against censorship.

Not really. And no I don't, because Drag Queens are not meant to be rolemodels and don't place themselves in that category, unless they specifically choose to do so.

If those kids parents do let them go to bars/clubs to meet the queens, that's on their parents being crappy. But that doesn't change the fact that it's a bad place for a kid to be. So I'm not sure what your point is.

RPDRDRAMA 内の dramabubble によるリンク [Vintage Drama] Does gay mean "Generations Ahead of Yesterday"? Vivacious on Transformations starts a main sub cold war about putting down straights!

[–]LuckyWriter 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It doesn't matter if he's not a parent and they're not his kids. He put himself in a position to be looked at as a role-model. Point blank.

And if he does that, he can do it everywhere - including when he's tweeting and not presenting a bad image. That's a point of mine, I find him fake. As I said to someone else, he seemed (at least to me) subdued in his earlier videos when he was on youtube and seemed to just adapt this personality which is a turn off.

Speaking ill of him? If you don't like someone - you can say you don't like them and explain why. And I've provided facts in the other thread of why I don't like him / why I find my opinion of him to be fact - for me.