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[–]Opinionated-LegateAryan=fans of Arya right? 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm currently reading through the 9/11 Commission Report for the second time. With a book that thick, I know I zoned out multiple times while reading, so I'm doing it again just to pick up on things I may have missed. It's fascinating that we have such a tome of evidence out there and yet there are still conspiracy theories. While I understand the idea that the report was commissioned by the government and these people don't trust the government to begin with, it's astounding that we have all these explanations and answers and people just don't want to believe them.

As I go forward in life I'm also looking at 2 book projects that outline large portions of history. Does anyone with more experience than I have advice for reading through a huge amount of material in a relatively short period of time?