全 6 件のコメント

[–]Smitty6 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's seen as misogynistic because 80% of men out there are kissing women's asses left and right. Media is fully catering to women. Laws are set up to benefit women. When they see a guy who really doesn't give a fuck about what a women (or anybody for that matter) thinks about them they immediately think that he is a misogynist. I don't hate women. I just chose to not make them a priority at all in my life. They truly get enough attention. They don't need me. Just like I don't need their approval they can get it from somebody else who puts their pussy on a pedestal. I will go my own way and find my happiness within. Women, blue pilled dudes, white knights can all go do whatever they want. Just don't expect me to play along.

[–]Eyes_Of_The_Dragon 3ポイント4ポイント  (2子コメント)

Modern feminism is an emotional cult. "I am a victim, and if you're a white male, it is entirely your fault." Women think men owe them something, either goods or services such as protection.

When men say "I don't need women, I'm going my own way" we are violating the expectations in her head that we are there to provide and protect for her. This is why they get so angry with us.

Modern feminism only thrives when it is part of government. It cannot thrive in a free market, so when men opt out of it, they lose power.

[–]Mathematicianer[S] 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

I agree. Feminism requires a mandated authority to succeed. This is plainly evident in the moral turpitude of colleges that have submitted to rape culture hysteria. All conservative or moderate opinions are expressly forbidden from presenting alternative ideas, and the precedent of "guilty until proven innocent" takes priority in cases where a man is accused, but not the other way around. Hell, even SANE liberals who haven't submitted to neo-Marxist doctrine (like Sargon) have grown skeptical of the college zeitgeist.

Feminism provides the same moral out that traditional Abrahamic religions provided. Evil is the fault of some external "thing" like Satan or the patriarchy. It dissolves any identity that associates success and failure with individual attributes. A feminist will judge someone based on their race, religion, sexuality, or sex before judging individual attributes like humor, grit, sanity, friendship, commitment, etc.

[–]Trekbiker 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)


Love your well thought out posts. Wish I could write so well.

[–]mgtow_eagle 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Often not catering or agreeing with a women is often seen as misogynistic. Feminism is a religion based on victimhood. Females will try as hard as they can to portray themselves as victims in order to motivate others to come to their defense and get what they want even in situations where they are clearly in the wrong. Its power comes from manipulation through injecting guilt and appealing to emotions. Any group pointing out the bullshit will immediately tried to be silenced via shaming and aligning them mostly negative ideas. Don't agree with feminism? You must be a virgin/misogynist/asshole/ignorant. Funny thing is even the most extreme groups can implement this tactic, for example:

  1. You don't support the Nazis? You why do you hate Germans?

  2. You don't agree with Stalin's Communism? You must be a misanthrope then because Communism is about helping humanity.

  3. You're not a Zionist? Why do you hate the Jews?

  4. You don't take the Bible as historical fact? You must be a Satanist then.