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[–]seeing-eye-bitch 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Wait a minute. Candy bars ... You know. Candy bars. They usually come in a wrapper. Just like you... wrap a Christmas present. Christmas happens when it's cold. Cold, as in Alaska - that's... with polar bears. Polar bears... pola... polarity! I can switch the polarity to see what transmissions are coming from the location this one is being sent to!

... Wait a minute! Butt sex! Butt sex requires a lot of lubrication, right? Lubrication. Lubruh... Chupuh... Chupacabra is the goat killer of Mexican folklore. Folklore is stories from the past that are often fictionalized. Fictionalized to heighten drama. Drama students! Students at colleges usually have bicycles! Bi, bian, binary. It's binary code!

//Sorry, I couldn't tell if this post was serious or not but it reminded me of this.