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[–]Vigilant_Ghost 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

"Liberalism" and "democracy" are examples of mind control. Liberalism in fact is more totalitarian than either communism or fascism. Communism or fascism suppose that certain conditions are needed that give rise to the particular system. For instance, in the case of communism, the thesis is that of the means of production, with the aim being to place them in the hands of the workers and liberate the working class. Fascism supposes above all the need for an organic state based on culture and ancestry.

Liberalism at its core is nihilist, decadent and inherently corrupt. Yet jumps to conclusions to say that it is the superior system, and those opposing it must be destroyed and made into the stuff of history. What could be more totalitarian than that?

[–]siberiandragon 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Exactly. Liberal values are unsustainable and extremely self-destructive. Liberalism is truly a mental illness, and it is clear that we are seeing its last days one way or another. Either the West falls to the ultraconservative Islamists, the West is saved by right wing nationalism, or preferably, a Pan-Asia nationalist movement rises up and becomes the new world superpower.