全 3 件のコメント

[–]soelc3 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

I think a lot of criticism of AWALT stems from a basic misunderstanding (sometimes deliberate) of what it actually means. It doesn't mean that every single woman on the planet is exactly the same. Instead, AWALT is a statistical generalization based on the observed behavior of women in aggregate. Women as a group tend more towards hypergamy, AFBB, and other dynamics, than men do. You can find evidence of this from dating site statistics, marriage statistics, and a lot of other places. Since the distribution of these traits is normal, you'll find women who display a very low degree of hypergamy (although even this is probably more than men), and some who display a very high degree of hypergamy, with most women somewhere in the middle. The standard MGTOW argument has always been that it's foolish to dismiss a valid generalization based on anecdotal examples. It's theoretically possible to find unicorns if you look at the very leftward end of the distribution, but (a) the vast majority of women are not unicorns, so you're searching for a needle in a haystack, and (b) it's difficult to distinguish a unicorn from a woman who's merely acting to get something from you: many, many men have gotten burned by what they thought was a unicorn.

[–]WellDone321[S] -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

And see what's tough is that as men, we want companionship from that unicorn woman who will stick by us and be a caring friend/lover. It's scary to think that we will get to the twilight of our life and be alone, looking back at some chick we met when we were younger and thinking we missed out. But at the same time I think that even if I found a woman who broke the mold, we would get bored with one another just simply from the daily repetition of seeing each other. Seems like Buddah might have figured this truth out eons ago, but idk.

[–]thrownaway_MGTOW 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Concern troll claims to be "concerned".
