SubredditDrama 内の LastDitchTryForAName によるリンク Redditor buys 6 chickens at Aldis for less than $2. Posts to r/frugal. Vegan drama ensues.

[–]Penisdenapoleon [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

When it comes to the arguments about veg(etari)anism, the question of how valuable (if at all) an animal's life is is almost always the primary source of disagreement.

SubredditDrama 内の LastDitchTryForAName によるリンク Redditor buys 6 chickens at Aldis for less than $2. Posts to r/frugal. Vegan drama ensues.

[–]Penisdenapoleon [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I think that on some level, it's just not socially acceptable to be so extreme with examples. Eg, if I were giving you an example of someone dying, it would be considered unacceptable and dickish for me to say "let's assume your mother was stabbed". It's not strictly logical; it's just a result of words having connotations.

SubredditDrama 内の LastDitchTryForAName によるリンク Redditor buys 6 chickens at Aldis for less than $2. Posts to r/frugal. Vegan drama ensues.

[–]Penisdenapoleon [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Idk man, whenever I talk about being vegetarian I find it's best to remind people that they're mass murderers. /s

badlinguistics 内の RabidTangerine によるリンク French was "purposely made difficult to ostracize foreigners and children."

[–]Penisdenapoleon 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'd say you're right. Chinese has no grammar and is objectively the hardest language, so more grammar rules = more fluent.

badlinguistics 内の RabidTangerine によるリンク French was "purposely made difficult to ostracize foreigners and children."

[–]Penisdenapoleon 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Pray tell good sir, if I were to utilize this mood, to what extent would you deign to accept me as a peer and equal?

badlinguistics 内の RabidTangerine によるリンク French was "purposely made difficult to ostracize foreigners and children."

[–]Penisdenapoleon 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

There's a way of asking questions that's more common when being especially formal; in fact, in some cases using it just comes across as stuffy:

"Have you no shame?" is more formal than "Do you not have any shame?", which is more formal than "Don't you have any shame?"

"Hath not a Jew eyes?" is more formal than "Does a Jew not have eyes?", which is more formal that "Doesn't a Jew have eyes?"

The second one is actually a Shakespeare quote ("hath" became the Modern English word "has", as in "he has"), which makes it more common, but otherwise sentences like above can sound overly pompous.

Also, see dangling prepositions ("What are you afraid of?") and, to a lesser extent, split infinitives ("to boldly go where no man has gone before").

badEasternPhilosophy 内の JadedEconomist によるリンク [Honest Question] Is it really such a big deal that Westerners interested in Eastern philosophy don't necessarily formulate it with 100% fidelity to the source material?

[–]Penisdenapoleon 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I can't speak for Alan Watts, but the person you're responding to is getting at the difference between reading a text and reading into a text. If I look at wuwei and decide it means "do what is in accordance with the Dao, and it will come naturally", then okay. If I look at wuwei and decide it means "do whatever you want without thinking", there are problems.

bestoflegaladvice 内の texasgunowner12 によるリンク So apparently I am dead. [Original Title]

[–]Penisdenapoleon 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Agreed. There are some cases where red tape simply doesn't have any real use, but most of the time lawmakers and bureaucrats don't make up rules for the sake of rules.

SubredditDrama 内の timant123 によるリンク Muslims help build church in Pakistan. Drama is built in r/Islam .

[–]Penisdenapoleon 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

I fully agree, I've just never heard this particular interpretation.

SubredditDrama 内の timant123 によるリンク Muslims help build church in Pakistan. Drama is built in r/Islam .

[–]Penisdenapoleon 14ポイント15ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ehh... It toes the line on polytheism. Afaik, they believe God has transitioned through different stages, the first being the father, then the son, and finally the holy spirit.

Oh, well then.

NoStupidQuestions 内の fiddlekid によるリンク Does Bernie Sanders still have a chance to win?

[–]Penisdenapoleon 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

When Americans (including myself) go to vote in November, the presidential ballot screen will most likely look something like this (with 'VP' replaced with whom the candidates choose to have as their running mates):

☐ Hillary Clinton / VP (Democratic)

☐ Donald Trump / VP (Republican)

☐ Gary Johnson / William Weld (Libertarian)

☐ Jill Stein / VP (Green)

☐ Darrell Castle / Scott Bradley (Constitution)

☐ Write-in: _______

We can only vote for one ticket; there is no "second choice".

SubredditDrama 内の Erikster によるリンク Hey. I'm taking my name off the moderator list.

[–]Penisdenapoleon 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

Should've removed all mods so I could RR this sub and be Popcorn Hitler.

SubredditDrama 内の Erikster によるリンク Hey. I'm taking my name off the moderator list.

[–]Penisdenapoleon 17ポイント18ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is bullshit. You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.

SubredditDrama 内の Mortalshock13 によるリンク "Is it better to be arrogant or pretentious?" A couple users in /r/movies spew popcorn.

[–]Penisdenapoleon 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm a fan of this band called The Lonely Island. Ever heard of them? No? Didn't think so. Adam Sandberg and Justin Timberlake are pretty obscure, after all.

SubredditDrama 内の cahaseler によるリンク Sovereign Citizen-style drama when a user tries to use the power of the CIRCLE R TRADEMARK to redditrequest the subreddit he thinks should be about his Minecraft clone and keep people from RAPING his game

[–]Penisdenapoleon 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I can't quite remember the context, but there was an /r/LA thread (iirc) about someone who claimed that by reading a message they typed you officially agreed to pay an extraordinary amount of money to them. Acceptable only in gold and/or silver, of course.

SubredditDrama 内の cahaseler によるリンク Sovereign Citizen-style drama when a user tries to use the power of the CIRCLE R TRADEMARK to redditrequest the subreddit he thinks should be about his Minecraft clone and keep people from RAPING his game

[–]Penisdenapoleon 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Excuse me, are you Mr. YouTube? I'll have you know that I have a CIRCLE C COPYRIGHT on the movie CLOSEMAKE© and by having someone mention CLOSEMAKE© on a video without my permission and oversight you are literally RAPING MY COPYRIGHT.