rupaulsdragrace 内の lionelberries によるリンク Who has the best makeup skills?

[–]harleyquinn18 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

How has no one said PhiPhi? Her 365 days of drag looks are amazing!

rupaulsdragrace 内の mike8787 によるリンク What's Santino swatting at during the judges' chat in Season 2 Episode 9?

[–]harleyquinn18 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

There's tons of flies on the main stage. Seriously, you know that part where they should the stage lights turning on before Ru walks the runway? There's tons of flies there, I only found out after watching it in HD lol

rupaulsdragrace 内の Phidaxmaxiollaney によるリンク Hey Qween! HIGHLIGHT: Bible Girl on Her Infamous Transformation Episode

[–]harleyquinn18 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's kinda like how younger queens will copy the make up of say Raven or Pearl. They see something they like so they try to emulate it.

Miss Fame started the fire with her "on-brand" jokes even though she does have a successful "brand" (her fashion and make-up). Another good example would be Willam. He constantly refers to himself as a "model, actress, mattress" and making himself out to be a novelty. His look is pretty consistent too. You know when someone says Willam you can expect blonde hair, body-con dresses, Louboutins, singing and comedy.

Bible does have a "brand" of looking like a Kylie Jenner wanna be and starting fights on the internet then acting like a victim.

rupaulsdragrace 内の harleyquinn18 によるリンク An off season tea compilation thread?

[–]harleyquinn18[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

oh of course not I thought someone might have already planned to do it

it just popped into my head even though i dont have time to do it for a while!

rupaulsdragrace 内の harleyquinn18 によるリンク An off season tea compilation thread?

[–]harleyquinn18[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

oh well if they're working on it then i wont bother, unless i get very bored over the summe, thanks

AskReddit 内の RockbirdJesus によるリンク Who has the worst fanbase?

[–]harleyquinn18 38ポイント39ポイント  (0子コメント)

They even have a name for them saesang fans. They do ridiculous shit you can find if you google it. The ones I remember the most are sneaking into one of the band member's room and kissing him while he was asleep, putting glue in a drink so he had to be rushed to the hospital, letters written in blood, someone put a microphone in their bathroom and they have caused a lot of car accidents. Korea is notorious for bad driving and road accidents but they will literally ram into cars. Another group of them also had a car the same as the company's one. A band member was about to get into the fan's car before the manager stopped them.

AskReddit 内の Zero2176 によるリンク Which celeb do you have respect for?

[–]harleyquinn18 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Seriously, go watch her 2007 VMA's performance and then watch her most recent Billboard Music Awards from this year. She's such an inspiration for people with mental illness' or just people who are struggling/going through a hard time.

rupaulsdragrace 内の PrincessNicotine によるリンク Hey so Derrick Barry though.....(tl;dr he loves his fans he's really sweet)

[–]harleyquinn18 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Derrick should get more credit for being so professional and he gives it every performance. You can tell he lives for it and he absolutely loves what he's doing. And goddamnit that's drag!

AskReddit 内の Chwana によるリンク Which fictional relationships probably didn't last very long beyond the end of the story?

[–]harleyquinn18 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Selina is sometimes portrayed as a kleptomaniac. Most times her character is about "The Chase" which is why she goes after the obvious cat themed relics. It's similar to how Batman is often portrayed as being "self-destructive" by being Batman. He knows he's eventually going to get killed doing it but he never stops. Similarly, Selina knows she'll eventually get caught but she doesn't stop.

rupaulsdragrace 内の parisnapoli によるリンク Can somebody please explain to me why everyone states that AS1 was done solely for Chad?

[–]harleyquinn18 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)

No not that she moves similarly to Pearl, it's just that her performances are all very similar and she kinda does the same few moves.

rupaulsdragrace 内の parisnapoli によるリンク Can somebody please explain to me why everyone states that AS1 was done solely for Chad?

[–]harleyquinn18 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

He's definitely not a bad lip syncer but he kinda reminds me of Pearl in a way that you know exactly what you're going to get no matter what the song is.

rupaulsdragrace 内の parisnapoli によるリンク Can somebody please explain to me why everyone states that AS1 was done solely for Chad?

[–]harleyquinn18 26ポイント27ポイント  (0子コメント)

Chad lost that lip sync against Mimi. They edited in the bad comments about Mimi to make it look like Chad was doing the better job.

Their girl group challenge was shitty, Yarlexis should have won that one. Shad's outfits were terrible and the performance was meh.

Latrilla got the second highest score in that prank challenge but they were in the bottom 2? This just adds to the rigging rumour.

Then there's the shit with the top 3 and Ru demanding it be top 4. He walked off set and everything.

And no I'm not a Raven stan. I don't even like Raven and I wasn't rooting for her in all stars. I'm actually glad Chad won because he is a suitable person for the "Hall of Fame". Always polished, poised and professional. But they could have made it a little less obvious.

rupaulsdragrace 内の [deleted] によるリンク My local club just confirmed the first 7 queens on AS2. Not sure if this has been posted, but at least one's a surprise to me.

[–]harleyquinn18 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm not trying to be rude but this doesn't confirm anything? I could've edited this video together.

rupaulsdragrace 内の Des_Pret によるリンク Fashion Photo Ruview Drinking Game??

[–]harleyquinn18 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Finish your drink when Raven toots something and Raja boots it.

Naruto 内の naveenkram によるリンク Quiz which naruto character are you? find out.

[–]harleyquinn18 -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

I got Naruto as well... The answers I picked were nothing like Naruto

rupaulsdragrace 内の SkimmedChi によるリンク My Basement!!! Newest RuGirl Leaked Nudes - CHI CHI DEVAYNE!!!

[–]harleyquinn18 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I only clicked on that link... for science... yeah... science...

rupaulsdragrace 内の xlliott23 によるリンク Would Katya have won season 7 if she made it to the top 3?

[–]harleyquinn18 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think Katya was better off leaving top 5 rather than winning.