"Always" and "Never" are terms that are risky to use when analyzing patterns. Very often you find outliers that must be accounted for in order to have complete picture of a spectrum.
MGTOWS, I want you to seriously ask yourself; is your adoption of the AWALT principle a self-defense mechanism against getting hurt? And if not, what evidence convinced you?
I'm not trolling here, and a lot of people won't like getting challenged on this, but for the sake of stability, we need to always be willing to accept truth even if it threatens our most precious ideas. I'm also not saying that AWALT isn't accurate. I just want to hear your case for it. If we make claims without evidence, we are no better than the SJW mobs.
[–]soelc3 2ポイント3ポイント4ポイント (0子コメント)