There is a notable amount of angst from men who resent what MGTOW is who are within some of the confines of the Red Pill. Wish to highlight and discuss some core points. Primarily one of the core frameworks of MGTOW which strokes the ire of the purple pilled. The economy of this core framework and the inability of many men at present to abandon some of the blue pilled pillars of society.
One column of MGTOW is the removal of woman from our framework of thoughts, hearts and souls. Or for others an economical downgrade significant to void woman her all important reproductive, sexual pedestal. Such a down grade is important and does not come to happen in a linear manner but through a framework of the Red Pill. The incarnet truth of our own biological slavery through nature's enforcer machiniations, enforced not only in us individually but applied by the collective and the social enforcer's of the system. This is something many a MGTOW struggles with because for most woman's sexual ability is still extremely prized.
Sexual release is the warrior drug which many men still value greatly even red pilled, (example star trek jem'hdar). There's an entire subreddit dedicated to its consistent acquisition and it's preaches all of the Gynocentric behavioural economies for a man to have access to it in a Gynocentric system. The red pill man is still in many a ways a slave yet thinks himself not by the TRP model. This framework is a weak framework from which to understand Gynocentrism because again the focus is weighted on female sexuality, it's not weighted to personal or individual growth outside the confines of the Gynocentric system. Then after the outliers of the red pill you have the blue pilled or example those of Roosh's kind, the trad cons who like TRP want a return of the patriarchy under matriarchy, a core Gynocentric system.
The outliers of the red pilled value female sexuality, they trade by mining Gynocentric currency, then in the order of things MGTOW is somewhat anti economical to that sexual economy. Not in its entirety but enough to provoke the ire of trade cons and the outliers of the red pilled.
In the grand scheme of things there cannot be a true subversion of the orders of Gynocentrism without a systemic disruption of woman's sexual economy. Men pedestal it as an economy and framework of the highest orders and such are still extremely subservient to it, even with the Globalist blowback campaign of Feminism which seeks to limit the sexual trade economy of the blue pilled.
Like a pyramid of the Free Manson's MGTOW has its own ascension, your realization and freedom from that system which has long internal enslaved and harvested our powers of economic production, while always reciprocating next to no value for your blood sacrifice.