RCSources 内の mjvej4f によるリンク [USA] Etizolam Vial Solution!?!?

[–]tpm_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Which one is DRC? Sorry I'm not hip to all the acronyms

SuicideBereavement 内の tpm_ によるリンク Anyone else lost two parents to suicide? Or two people to suicide in general?

[–]tpm_[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Somehow I missed this message. I'm so sorry! Thank you for the kind words. I've started talking to a few people via this thread (see my edit) and may even meet one in person soon, who have been through the same thing. If your friend wants to talk to someone who's struggling with the same/similar issue, tell her I don't mind if she reaches out to me.

Many of her friends just stopped talking to her because it's just too hard.

Oh, and I know this one too well. :/ It's hard for everyone involved.

SuicideBereavement 内の tpm_ によるリンク Anyone else lost two parents to suicide? Or two people to suicide in general?

[–]tpm_[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Hey, I'll send you an email. I'm sorry you have to go through this but the silver lining is that I've found 3-4 people through this thread that have been through the same thing. We're all kinda helping each other out. Hope you're doing ok (as OK as you can shortly after something like that). We can talk more on email if you're up to it.

rupaulsdragrace 内の dickpiglet によるリンク Kim Chi with non-rugirl fave Evah Destruction!

[–]tpm_ 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I like that too! Like (for)ever destruction

Also, I'm digging your name :) I'm making my way through FF9 right now for the 100th time

rupaulsdragrace 内の parisnapoli によるリンク Can somebody please explain to me why everyone states that AS1 was done solely for Chad?

[–]tpm_ 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

if that's true it explains a lot. i totally think rujubee had that challenge in the bag, even though Shad did great too

rupaulsdragrace 内の parisnapoli によるリンク Can somebody please explain to me why everyone states that AS1 was done solely for Chad?

[–]tpm_ 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

well yeah tyra is the biggest one where people claim she didn't deserve it. but i hear it about Raja, Bebe, Violet, Bob and others and IMO the winner has been pretty clear every season

rupaulsdragrace 内の parisnapoli によるリンク Can somebody please explain to me why everyone states that AS1 was done solely for Chad?

[–]tpm_ 39ポイント40ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm not saying this because I think Chad didn't deserve the win or that Raven did, but I think if it weren't for teams, Raven wouldn't have lip synced almost every episode and Chad wouldn't have won almost every episode. The whole format was just a huge mess.

What was the fight over the Superheroine challenge? Did Ru stomp off set again?

rupaulsdragrace 内の parisnapoli によるリンク Can somebody please explain to me why everyone states that AS1 was done solely for Chad?

[–]tpm_ 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

I always assumed people were joking when they said that. "Chad Michaels redemption tour" and all that. Do people really believe it was rigged for Chad?

It always kind of annoys me when people claim the show was rigged because their fav didn't win. There's producer fuckery but all of the winners have pretty much slayed and deserved their spot

rupaulsdragrace 内の dickpiglet によるリンク Kim Chi with non-rugirl fave Evah Destruction!

[–]tpm_ 17ポイント18ポイント  (0子コメント)

........You know, I just got the pun on Evah's name.

And I used to make fun of people for not getting Sharon's name right away.

Brb going to hide rn

rupaulsdragrace 内の sawyer_johnson によるリンク thanks guys :)

[–]tpm_ 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

it's not pathetic at all. i've been dealing with some crazy stuff the past few years and this show and the sub have been such a nice thing to have while going through that. like you said, it's so light-hearted and drag in general is about loving life and not taking things too seriously. glad you're doing a lot better.

Drugs 内の countmethefuckout によるリンク I literally came from mushrooms

[–]tpm_ 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

just spontaneously like that? does it ever happen to men? i've just got to wonder why that would happen. i know people have sex on psychedelics but this is...a bit different

Drugs 内の TheKIndDankenstein によるリンク South Carolina Man, 58, Applied For Loan So He Could Purchase Meth

[–]tpm_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

oh yeah 5 mg probably won't cut having both your legs broken. ha

rupaulsdragrace 内の bluepanda42 によるリンク Most underrated lipsyncers?

[–]tpm_ 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

woah, i never even thought of that before

experimentalmusic 内の languidhuman によるリンク Add music to my "are you tripping playlist" please. Want to get acquainted with tha avant guard.

[–]tpm_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Never heard of Deaf Center, but will definitely be checking it out!

If you like dronish, minimalist music, there are four composers that are considered the greatest minimalists: Terry Riley (In C), Philip Glass (Glassworks), La Monte Young (collected works), Steve Reich (9/11). La Monte Young is my favorite because he's the most extremely minimal/dronish.

There has been a lot of crossover of drone music with heavy metal. I don't even like heavy metal really, but I love this combination of music. Sunn O))) is the biggest one probably. But there are tons more.

Erik Satie is a classical composer who prefigured Brian Eno and other people who started inventing drones and ambient music.

Indian Ragas are VERY dronish and probably where these composers got the idea from.

Brian Eno is always good (Ambient 1-4, Discreet Music, Apollo). Jon Haswell is similar.

Which pieces by Xenakis did you like? Bohor sounds very similar to a lot of noise music to me and I like listening to them together. He's a hard one...his pieces even still today sound VERY unique! There is a collection called Anthology of Noise and Electronic Music #1 that has Xenakis on it and showcases other great composers experimenting in somewhat similar ways. One of my favorite compilations ever. Check out that collection and its composers.

rupaulsdragrace 内の Cobalt_88 によるリンク Some Derrick Drama to Quench the Offseason Thirst

[–]tpm_ 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

like her or not, britney is like the definition of a pop star. lamest read ever

Drugs 内の TheKIndDankenstein によるリンク South Carolina Man, 58, Applied For Loan So He Could Purchase Meth

[–]tpm_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)


Edit: maybe you're thinking of percs? Those usually have 5 mg of oxy and go for about $5. Roxies are the best, are 30 mg and $30. Still ridiculous.

rupaulsdragrace 内の singingpottet によるリンク Is this even possible?

[–]tpm_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I get your point and I think everything you said is technically correct (which is the best kind of correct). I guess you would say that I am genderfluid (so not man or woman) but attracted to biological men only (they can be cis or transmen for me, it's whatever). So that doesn't make me gay or straight, because that depends on my gender, just attracted to men.

I think my "laziness" with the pronouns and so forth is just convenience and personal preference. For a lot of people it means a lot, but for me it doesn't ever really interfere with my interactions with people like being attracted to men does.

rupaulsdragrace 内の singingpottet によるリンク Is this even possible?

[–]tpm_ -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm a gay guy who is genderfluid also. I can't speak for AlexRPDR but for me I just find it simpler to say I'm a "guy" and I honestly don't give a shit what pronouns people use for me. I actually don't really care that much for the pronoun issue in general. You can call me a "straight girl (sometimes)" if you want, but I'm very obviously a man in person, so it's just easier for everyone to call me "he" and I feel pedantic forcing everyone to use something else when I'm not even fully trans

Obviously this is just for me, if it's important to other people then that's fine

rupaulsdragrace 内の Celra によるリンク What Queen were you not a fan of at first but then they started to grow on you & you became a fan?

[–]tpm_ 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

She seems to care a lot more than Ru about how the queens are actually doing.