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[–]antikama 63ポイント64ポイント  (38子コメント)

Agree, I'm pretty liberal and its annoying when people, especially other liberals call you a bigot for criticising islam.

[–]Ren3gade10 5ポイント6ポイント  (5子コメント)

Try being a conservative and criticizing Islam. I nearly get hung in the streets just for opening my mouth as a conservative in the USA.

[–]iChooseDoubleYou 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

It's the Regressive Left.

"Liberalism" is taking a HARD turn towards the left. Kinda like the tea party movement took a HARD right a few years ago.

What's wrong with being moderate?!?!

[–]Gringo_Please [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

What's wrong with being moderate?!?!

Inconsistent worldview?


[–]Dicethrower -5ポイント-4ポイント  (8子コメント)


The only bigotry about this is that you think these 2 men somehow represent Islam when they hit a woman for serving drinks and that they're perfectly in their right according to Islam for doing so.

There's nothing wrong with criticizing Islam, I do it all the time, but this has nothing to do with Islam. If a french kid hits a girl tomorrow, while calling her a slut (for whatever reason), you wouldn't criticize the French culture either for considering girls sluts and that within that cultural framework the kid was somehow justified in doing that, instead of just considering the kid to be an asshole. There's no culture/group/religions that justifies this, only the small made up ones when it fits them and none of which are active or welcomed by anyone in developed countries.

edit: Shit, forgot this was a default sub. It's like Oprah came in here and gave everyone a dose of simple-minded 'convenient to project my bias' ignorance.

[–]drunksquirrel 3ポイント4ポイント  (7子コメント)

It's OK to criticize Islam when they're doing stupid shit like this, just like it's OK to criticize any other religion when they do their stupid shit in the name of god(s).

Religious radicalization is encouraged (not overtly for the most part) by the mere existence of religious moderates who give them a basis for doing their crazy shit.

[–]Dicethrower -2ポイント-1ポイント  (6子コメント)

Still not getting the point. Let's try it this way.

It's OK to criticize Black people when they're doing stupid shit like this, just like it's OK to criticize any other race when they do their stupid shit.

Somehow in your mind these are not the same.

Religious radicalization is encouraged by the mere existence of religious moderates who give them a basis for doing their crazy shit.

Slippery slope when it suits you, got it.

War crimes are encouraged by the mere existence of an army, who give them a basis for doing their crazy shit.

[–]dylulu 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

Race does not dictate behavior the way a belief system does. Unless you are a racist who believes that race dictates behavior.

[–]pickelsurprise -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ahem, I believe the term is "race realist," sir.

[–]drunksquirrel 3ポイント4ポイント  (3子コメント)

You're right, religion does encourage the same atrocities that an army commits. These guys used religion as their basis for assaulting that woman, they didn't use their skin color as an excuse.

[–]Dicethrower -4ポイント-3ポイント  (2子コメント)

This is just disturbing how badly you want to pin this on the entire religion. You're disgusting really. Just come out and say you hate Islam and use everything you can to get rid of it.

These guys used religion as their basis for assaulting that woman, they didn't use their skin color as an excuse.

SO THE FUCK WHAT?! When a white supremacist kills a black person, that supremacist is using his or their skin color as an excuse to perform a vicious act. Do we blame the fact that people have a skin color and he was right in his mind to do it or do we blame that individual on his individual act? What's not to get?! It's easier to debate creationists on their stupidity than you people on this. It's like you're determined to be anti-PC because that's somehow the new way to be 'the outside group'.

You're basically saying, because Ramadan says you can't drink or eat during the day, people can interpret that as that they're allowed to be violent against anyone who aids others who're not participating in that culture. Yes, that's completely the fault of Ramadan (/s), not the fact that those people are just violent with 0 justification.

Don't bother to reply, you're a discriminator or a downright idiot.

[–]drunksquirrel 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't hate Islam exclusively, I hate religion in its entirety. So, sorry for not fulfilling your disgusting bigot fantasy.

Funny, though, that in your hate crime example you totally blew past my point. Those people are using a prejudice to justify their violence whereas the men in question in this article are using their religious moral high-ground to justify theirs.

Yes, people do shitty things whether they are religious or not, but for some reason when religion is involved, punitive, secular repercussions are diminished.

[–]Facebook4Ever -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Don't bother to reply, you're a discriminator or a downright idiot.

Goddamn, this is rich. You lack self awareness.