@MikeAnissimov I feel your pain. I know exactly how it is to be exposed on twitter for saying one thing but doing another. Wait, no I don't.
@rooshv Neither crew is a monolith. I wouldnt use Assimov to paint a broad pic of NRx nor Social Kenny to paint pic of Manosphere. -
@rooshv Request: Go back to Ukraine + do reporting on the Ukraine mess. Non-MSM coverage would be unique. Once in a lifetime chance -
@SOBL1 And make myself a target of the oligarchs? No thanks, it's not my fight. - その他の返信を表示
@PsykoGhost I'd be pro-regime + expose how US manufactured the protests are, but seems Roosh buys the MSM line. Huge opportunity
@rooshv It's a philosophical discussion amongst those, religious and not, who are anti-liberal and anti-Enlightenment. Room for Game -
@rooshv It is Berkeley, pseudo-intellectual techno-babble by out of shape nerds who think incomprehensibility is a hallmark of intelligence. -
@rooshv they probably have meet ups where they dress like medieval courtiers and blow each other. -
@rooshv I thought people were NRx because they were thinking about the world they leave their posterity rather than "muh dik?" -
@rooshv Don't shit where you eat.