NEW POLICY IN EFFECT: All submissions from all brand new reddit accounts (3 days old or less) are automatically held for moderation. Submissions by established reddit accounts (more than 3 days old) may be inadvertedly held for moderation by the spam filter. Either way, if your submission doesn't show up after a few minutes of posting it, message the mods and we'll get it approved as long as it conforms to our rules/guidelines .
This is a subreddit for matters concerning all religions and topics involving them. It is a place for open minded discussion on all sides of every topic. Feel free to post any interesting articles, pictures, blogs, videos, etc, or simply start an open discussion. The more discussions the better.
Please use common courtesy in the spirit of promoting peace between all people from all walks of life.
If your submission doesn't show up, message the mods as it may have gotten stuck in the spam filter.
English is the medium of exchange in /r/religion. Submissions in languages other than English will be removed.
JUNE AMAs - 2016
- Reform Judaism
Saturday June 4th
- Gnosticism
Saturday June 18th
Previous AMAs
If you would like to do an AMA for your own faith, you can schedule one with the mods or simply post one at your convenience.
We recommend requesting particular religions or religious groups rather than specific individuals, so that your request will get more attention.
The FAQ on religion is here.
/r/Religion has just a brief overview of many different religions and philosophies. It desperately need more information. Try to make it better by adding onto it. Also, if you see a mistake, please change it.
Want some flair?
Click the (edit) next to your username. Then, click on your preferential philosophy/religion. There ya go!
Only request a flair that isn't already on the list. 9/10 times, we probably already have the flair.
Join us on irc!
Channel: #reddit-religion
Related subreddits:
Got faith? Consider doing an AMA at /r/religion!