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[–]gliph 71ポイント72ポイント  (8子コメント)

[–]AGE_OF_HUMILIATION 45ポイント46ポイント  (7子コメント)

Wait, what?? why does the whole world have to die because the US makes bad decisions?

[–]MisterOpioid 85ポイント86ポイント  (6子コメント)

Isn't that already the case?

[–]qqaaws 1ポイント2ポイント  (5子コメント)

No, the world should be extremely grateful to the USA, the USA military and the USA taxpayers. We have given the world so much.

[–]ImALittleCrackpot 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

Be nice to the USA. Or we'll bring democracy to your country.

[–]kekkyman 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

Hey Vietnam.

You're welcome!

[–]AGE_OF_HUMILIATION [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

/s? right?

[–]qqaaws [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Not at all. The USA has done more than any other nation to advance civilization and the spread of democratic ideals. We send doctors and teachers. We build schools and hospitals and farms and wells. We give billions each year to help developing nations. This is the reality. Be proud of the USA. Be grateful that the USA stands for liberty.

[–]jkmonty94 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Nah, we actually have done a lot of good things as well. You just don't learn about them for whatever reason.

No country, or ethnic group, has a spotless record, but ours would be much, much worse if we were actually as evil as people are told.