全 22 件のコメント

[–]Redhoteagle 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Not for nothing, neither user is doing much to help your image or sub, which is pretty terrible considering that you seem to genuinely want to discuss matters with civility

[–]PantsuWitches 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't know what's going on here to cause such a ruckus (I assume your inbox was full of complaints?), but I don't think she was being a troll in the conversation with me. She just had a very specific agenda she wanted to argue about, and was using me as a stand-in strawman for whatever viewpoint she was arguing against without bothering to even tell me what that viewpoint was, much less check if I agreed with it. It was pointless and obnoxious and not a constructive way to argue a point at all, but it wasn't dishonest or accusatory or banworthy.

I don't think you should ban people for being bad at explaining their points and bad at understanding what other people are saying. I do think it would be nice to refocus this subreddit as a support group rather than a debate forum but let's be honest, that's impossible, people cannot stop themselves from disagreeing with each-other and these are all really important issues to a lot of people here. I think it would be nice if at least 20% of the subreddit were support rather than debate though, I think that's an obtainable goal.

[–]frossenkjerte 1ポイント2ポイント  (4子コメント)

I don't feel like waxing eloquent right now.

Simply put: yes, urdaughterisacutie's use of whataboutism is unsettling, but nothing too egregious, in the context of this subreddit.

More concerning, is their frequent espousal of conspiracy and cynicism. Differing political views are represented here, but we're not trying to divide society more; we're trying to show society that we're not more schismatic than the 'normies'. We'd accomplish this better by lessening the finger-pointing around here.

We all do things in poor taste at times. Having to ban a regular is a frightening inditement, but it looks like a deserved one.

Urdaughtersacutie, telling people that someone referencing having to ban you multiple times (for breaking a clearly stated rule) is proof of a bullying campaign is not proof, and makes you look stupid and your words look worthless.

Urgeless, I know you made this sub out of want to help with depression: you shouldn't make yourself main mod of anything, if you want to avoid the endless stream of depressing insults and douchery.

Maybe I was having a blonde moment, but I don't recall you actively making fun of ArdaghMaidra. Even so, the fact that she took it as such means that in order for you to be courteous, you should have apologised for the (hopefully) unintended offense, and acknowledged that she is a rape victim. Rape is an act of harm; regardless of intent, the onus is on the potential abuser, to not abuse. Agree or disagree on what constitutes abuse, it is clearly unacceptable.

Collaborating with an entire community of our most vicious opponents is a very grievous and distressing allegation. Do you have any uncompromising proof of this, urdaughtersacutie?

Lastly, publically acknowledging the positive points of a hated enemy's arguments is not the same as taking their side. In this case, I am not allying myself with people that hate me: I am allying myself with people whose specific point I agree with. The point being mocking of a person that already has the societal stamp of victim.

Fuck, I waxed eloquent.

[–]pfta2a 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

you shouldn't make yourself main mod of anything, if you want to avoid the endless stream of depressing insults and douchery.

Honestly, I agree with this. The trick to being a mod is being able to not get personally insulted, but to be unbiased and fairly judge whether or not something is a violation of the rules.

But now you straight up lie about what I'm saying, and at no point presume I may be mistaken or you may have misunderstood me. Your ONE job is to show how you're not trolling, and you troll. You're banned. Permanately.

This is not an example of being unbiased or fair judgement, nor honestly is this entire thread. You seem to have already come to a judgement and are trying to justify it to the community. As a mod, it is your job to make judgements... But the fact that you are trying to justify it indicates that you realize that it is unfair.

I don't think you should leave this forum, you seem like a good and well intentioned guy. But I do think you should hand over main mod powers to someone (throwawaychilder probably) who seems more prepared to deal with the position.

[–]urdaughtersacutie 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

Even so, the fact that she took it as such

If you click the link, you'd find that urgeless is asking me to apologize because I was raped as a child, which he saw fit to drag on the front porch and do a username ping for publichealthwatch. Ardaighmadra was not even in the conversation, until he called them.

But... you made your decision.

Edit : while I still find it EXTREMELY inapprorpriate, urgeless didn't include a demand to apologize when he spotlighted my childhood sexual history on the front porch. That was kjerte.

Edit 2 :

Much less drag it into an argument like this; it's off-topic and would be extremely rude!

I agree.

[–]frossenkjerte 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Excuse me, when did I say anything about your childhood? Mind you, I didn't even know about it. Much less drag it into an argument like this; it's off-topic and would be extremely rude!

[–]urgeless[S,M] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

If you click the link, you'd find that urgeless is asking me to apologize because I was raped as a child, which he saw fit to drag on the front porch and do a username ping for publichealthwatch. Ardaighmadra was not even in the conversation, until he called them.

Okay, fuck this. I try to give you a fair trial, I give you a defense where you attack me and say some stupid shit, sure, whatever. I don't care.

But now you straight up lie about what I'm saying, and at no point presume I may be mistaken or you may have misunderstood me. Your ONE job is to show how you're not trolling, and you troll. You're banned. Permanately.

[–]TotesMessengerBearer of bad news 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

[–]datingMAP 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I feel sortof bad that his comments on my thread would have been bands for a thread, particularly because for thr first portion you mentioned I mostly agree with him. There's a lot of things I consider horribly awful for a child that people partake in and yes, I do consider it child abuse. My ex getting custody of my daughter despite his charges is a constant threat and considering im.presently in thr midst of a custody battle that shouldn't even need to be had due to the well documented abuse against myself that resulted in minor injuries to my then-infant....I as well am left to believe he's at least partially right. I'm sorry thay portion turned into into a bit of a circle jerk between us but it was mostly because we agreed and i can acknowledge we may have taken it a bit far which could look wrong to lurkers, but that portion stands. As far as the other stuff I have no rightful idea. Truthfully I have a ton to do today (BBQ with future in laws, AND hosting a house warming party) so I don't have time to review everything. All I can say is I browse a fair amount and aside from the fact that his username initially made me uncomfortable (cuz, context ), I haven't personally had any problems with him.

[–]thylanelover69 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Okay, this isn't going to be an in-depth comment on anything written here. All I will say is: Banning a person on a forum such as this is pointless. Why? Because it's impossible to do.

  1. Ban the member

  2. Member creates new account, continues doing whatever they were banned for.

  3. Ban that username

  4. Member creates new account, continues doing whatever they were banned for.

Get my drift?

Even if you can ban a person by their IP address, with Tor and VPN's, it's still pointless. If a person wants to troll (and I'm making NO accusations here) they will.

[–]pfta2a 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

I've never had a problem with urdaughtersacutie, seems like he/she makes fairly good arguments. The first example, about willpower is relevant.

It keeps you from acting on it.

And urdaughtersacutie replied to show that no, it feeling wrong does not keep you from acting on it.

One option was indeed to ban linking to studies: Nobody can seem to come to agreement on what constitutes a study that supports their arguments. After thinking a while a good system may be that studies must be directly testing the claim made in the post, and if not, the post gets removed.

Why? What's wrong with studies that look at other studies and draw conclusions? That's part of science and there are already limited options for research discussing pedophilia. Of course, I assume you are only going to require sources for those who have a pro-contact stance and that anti-contact stances require no supporting studies.

I'd say urdaughtersacutie is sometimes unclear (at least at first) about what point exactly he is making, but I don't think it is trolling.

I'd reply more, but I don't feel like typing too much right now. I oppose the ban of urdaughtersacutie.

[–]urdaughtersacutie 2ポイント3ポイント  (9子コメント)

Edit : I shortened this. The older, more lighthearted version is here.

The accusations consist of two things...

  • the allegation that I linked existing studies, and...

  • urgeless dragging my childhood rape to the front porch and pinging a member of a hate group known for harassing others.

Regarding the former - how is linking a study a crime? He says I "misrepresented" them. I'm confident they'll stand, but either way, where is referencing a study a crime?

Regarding the studies themselves, well - I'll just use the words of my accuser! He says...

At no point does the study measure the population of pedophiles

In the same breath, he himself says...

over a quarter attracted to children

So, which is it? His own words contradict him - which tends to show what is really going on here. It takes doublespeak... and he's asking to ban anyone who doesn't play along.

Regarding the latter, the only tenative supporter reversed, possibly accidentally, when they said...

drag it into an argument like this; it's off-topic and would be extremely rude!

That's... my opinion as well. Dragging someone's childhood sexual history, spotlighting it, and pinging members of a hate group known for harassing people is about as inappropriate as it gets.

Of course, objecting to teasing about being raped... gets you a permaban.

That fact connects the common, overarching theme of what's going on here : don't talk about what's going on. Study shows the demographic numbers? Don't talk about it. Beating yourself up doesn't make any social good in the universe? Don't talk about it. Mod reaches out to a hate group to tease someone about being raped as a child?

It's okay that it happens. It's not okay to talk about what's going on.

That's... not a healthy way to live. Science is alright. Pointing something out is alright.

...pretending that things get better if we don't open our mouths and play make-believe? That's not healthy.

And that's the best reason to oppose the ban... because it's not a good, or healthy way to live.

We should not live like this.

[–]Nintendoubt 0ポイント1ポイント  (8子コメント)

What exactly have you done? Please, be short about it.

I'm curious.

[–]urdaughtersacutie 0ポイント1ポイント  (7子コメント)

Mostly, I was accused of being wrong about science...

I proudly stand with galileo here. :)

[–]Nintendoubt 0ポイント1ポイント  (6子コメント)

Wrong about science? Just tell me what you did so I can clearly understand, I am sadly not up to date but ... like, did you offend? If not. Then it's not of greater concern to me atleast!

[–]urdaughtersacutie 0ポイント1ポイント  (5子コメント)

... like, did you offend?

If you're asking if I ran off and diddled some kid... lol, no.

I linked a few studies.

[–]Nintendoubt 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

And that is why there's so much discussion going on? Well, it is what it is I guess. Not picking a side.

[–]urdaughtersacutie 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

Edit 2 : just using these for storage, now...

Doublespeak in the main thread...

number one

it's good that it feels wrong to have these feelings

accepting who you are, something that wasn't discussed.

number two

At no point does the study measure the population of pedophiles

over a quarter attracted to children

number three

how society generally views us

how many... in a population of everyone.

number four

ardaighmadra (with full username ping)

Mentioning this person by name is only meant to create trouble

(note that this one is a violation of reddit's sitewide rules)

number five

have threads clearly marked with debate tags

In "Arguments for and against"

There might be more, and the personal insults were not included.

Making directly self-contradictory statements can be a sign of trolling, but it can also be used in bullying. It's certainly very, very odd, at the least, and worth noting a few examples.

[–]Nintendoubt 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

It makes sense in a way but I just dislike discussions and all.

[–]urdaughtersacutie 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Edit : storing this here.

Ahh, my defense!

First and foremost, I apologize for the things I am about to say... but, a defense is required, and in that spirit, I must say things that might be easier left unsaid.

So... I counterpropose that all that has occured here is a campaign of bullying by urgeless. In the interests of good faith and honesty, I would point out that he has been cordial and procedurally fair after this last ban.

My evidence in defense is simple - a quote from this post, and this post itself.

the first point

and a previous ban for this behavior

See? There we have it - it's a campaign.

I shall deign to repost from my inbox - what is not public should remain such - but he, himself, admits that he has repeatedly banned a single person, with no requests or warnings uncomplied with.

If this doesn't suggest "campaign," what does?

The rest, why... its all in this thread!

the second point

and it's good that it feels wrong to have these feelings as it keeps people from acting on it

I continue to refer to science.



The second one has a very interesting quote...

"In fact, research has gone so far as to say that suppression of intrusive thoughts can actually lead to them being hyper-accessible."

...and yet I'm the troll for knowing this? Does NOTHING about that seem odd?

Going still further...

Note that there was no talk of willpower before urdaughterisacutie introduced it.

...and yet, just a second ago, urgeless typed...

it keeps people from acting on it

So, which is it? Is it within one's will, or isn't it?

Moving on

the third point

At no point does the study measure the population of pedophiles

And yet, you yourself type...

over a quarter attracted to children

So, which is it??

Furthermore, the study, which you misrepresent, is even more specific. Let us quote the abstract you link directly...

"arousal to pedophilic stimuli that equalled or exceeded arousal to adult stimuli. "


Well, ladies and gentlemen of the forum - what would you call finding children more arousing than adults? Well?

Well, that's a bit different than what you were trying to pass off, wasn't it?

the fourth point

It's worth noting that facts and studies I presented in this thread were sometimes ignored.

Study, one.

More to the point, is failing to reply to a study a crime, now?

and they attacked Wikipedia

I conversationally mentioned that wikipedia has an enforced POV. I didn't expect it was a bloodsport - should I be banned for this?

From what I saw, you posted your source, I posted mine, in a friendly exchange of data. Is this bannable?

pointing to studies that don't test these claims.

Your statement is barely true - they don't test, they measure.

That's the difference between "testing a hypotheosis" and "gathering data." Demographics are generally in the "gathering" category.

Besides, we already have your word on one of these studies. Shall we quote it again?

with over a quarter attracted to children

Well, there you go...

the fifth point

Made up statistics

Not so made up, huh?

the sixth point

This study does not test their hypothesis

Yet another exploration-of-data study.

However, it does address my statement. You see, it is a fact that every single combination of maltreatment that included 'sexual abuse' had improved outcomes over its counterpoint without it.

You can check for yourself, though you'll need to either pay or have institutional access (sorry). For every combination which does not include sexual abuse, there is a combination which does include sexual abuse. The combination which does include it is discovered to be less emotionally damaging... always.

Two things can be discovered from the abstract without the fuller paper...

  • 95% of sexually-active children and youth come from a history of polyabuse, making my exhortation to give a fuck a good idea, and...

  • The combination of physical neglect, physical abuse, and verbal abuse is less harmful than physical neglect, physical abuse, and verbal abuse, and sexual activity. That example is right in the abstract.

There's also a study on later, (partially) peer-aged sexual relations that come to the same findings - that it is a positive, but also indicative of a chaotic home environment.

I notice that was "cleverly" excluded.

the seventh point

urdaughterisacutie jokes about brewing popcorn

Yup. Flat-out.

What surprises me is that it didn't generate discussion. If it had, I would have mentioned the whole of the wide range of possible responses that could happen if he had given it to his mother... which are wide, and perhaps not all of the possibilities ones s/he would desire.

I think that's fair...

point eight

In this comment in a rant by

Unlike urgeless, I've never put someone's private traumatic history on blast as a spectacle.

Later in the thread they straight up say

With citation.

point nine

Mentioning this person by name is only meant to create trouble

See? He admits to his campaign of bullying!

Anyone clicking the link will see that I skipped the username ping.. What could be the point of that, especially when putting someone's private vulnerable history on blast?


So, we have evidence - in this person's own words - that they have engaged in a campaign of bullying... banning without cause more than once, putting someone's private life public and doing a username ping on a hate group, and documents his own campaign of stalking an harassment.

Meanwhile, if every allegation is true, I am allegedly guilty of... being wrong about the state of science?? I ask you, is that grounds for banishment? Or is this a one-person campaign of persecution??

As an afternote... I'm actually kind of thankful to urgeless for compiling this, except the bit where he slut-shames a rape victim and immediately username-pings a hate group, which is a bit fucked up. I'm pretty confident the science will stand - from repression to frequency to the notion that a social worker should question polyabuse...

urgeless has been very kind and cordial throughout the process (aside from the whole slut-shame-and-help-a-hate-group-bully part. that was in bad taste, though I may have an inbox which establishes a few of my suspicions).

At the end of the day, though, he has accused me of being wrong about science... and documented his violation of the sub's anti-bullying policy in a long, long campaign.

And that is my defense.

[–]urgeless[S,M] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I've unbanned urdaughterisacutie so they can participate in this thread. If you're banned and mentioned in that post, I am happy to temporarily unban you.